Simple way to identify clothes you’re not wearing

How many times have you discovered something in your wardrobe that you forgot you had?

Chances are, if you’ve got lots of clothes, it won’t be easy for you to identify garments you’re not wearing.

So, before you buy more clothes, I recommend this task. It’s something that I undertake every year with my own clothes, but if you’ve never done it yourself, you may find you need to repeat the task a few times during the year.

A full wardrobe audit takes time and fills many with dread, which is why this task is a little smarter and much less daunting. (But, if you do need help with a full wardrobe audit, let me help!)

The task

Undertaking the task this year, I found around 12 items I’ve not worn in the previous 12 months and 9 of these, I’ve removed to sell on or gift to charity. It took me less than 10 minutes!

It was easy for me to identify these quickly simply because I simply turn the hanger round the opposite way when I’ve worn an item! (Plus, I understand what colours, styles, fabric and shapes suit me!).

At the start of January, I turn all my hangers in the wardrobe so they face the same direction. Then, as I wear something and hang it back up, I switch the hanger to face the opposite direction. Over time, this helps me identify clothes I’m enjoying wearing, and those I’m just not reaching for.

Visually, you’ll begin to see patterns emerge in your own wardrobe and the split of clothes you do and don’t wear. I’ve recorded a quick video to illustrate the task which you can also watch on YouTube:

Try it for 30 days and see how you get on, or for for 3 months which will help you prepare for the next season (yes, I’ll be offering my seasonal updates guides again).

What to do with clothes you’re not wearing

As you identify garments you’re not wearing, question yourself for any reasons why this has been. Here’s a few that arise frequently:

  1. Not the weather
  2. The colour washes you out
  3. It doesn’t fit you (too big/too small)
  4. The fabric is scratchy
  5. No longer flattering
  6. Nothing to wear it with
  7. Other similar items you wear more
  8. Fallen out of love with it
  9. Looks dated
  10. Doesn’t work for you
  11. Not been an occasion to wear it
  12. Don’t feel like ‘you’
  13. Changed job/retired
  14. Don’t like how you feel when you wear it
  15. Sentimentally, you can’t let it go

Some of these are good reasons to keep hold of them a bit longer, but do try and wear them! For others, it might be time for you to remove them and let someone else enjoy wearing them instead.

Here’s my advice.

Not the weather

Keep hold of it so you can wear it when you feel it’s more appropriate weather-wise. Unless, you can layer it and wear it with other items you have.

The colour washes you out

Can you wear it away from your face so that it’s little more forgiving? If it’s a top, try wearing another top underneath to break up the colour or try a scarf. Change the colour by dying it or move it on. Or, seek clarity on the colours that do suit you by booking a colour analysis consultation. 

It doesn’t fit you (too big/too small)

These clothes take up room in your wardrobe and you won’t wear them if they don’t fit you! Retaining clothes that don’t fit you can make it harder and take you longer to get ready. For items which affect your mindset and how you feel, I recommend removing them. Even if that means storing them away for now and reviewing in three months or six months time.

The fabric is scratchy

If you hate the feel of something when you wear it, or you have static each time you wear it, you will not be happy when you wear it! Chances are, you’re likely to not wear it again. Move it on.

No longer flattering

Everyone wants to feel good in what they wear, so if something doesn’t flatter you and you don’t feel good when you wear it, why keep it?

Nothing to wear it with

Until you find something that you feel you can wear it with, it will remain unworn and unloved. Challenge yourself to wear it with something you already have, or make it a priority for your shopping list.

Other similar items you wear more

Duplicate pieces can replace older, worn out versions, but if you’re finding that you still prefer the older version and saving this, it means it’s taking up space. Chances are, you don’t need 5 jackets in the same colour, so try and move at least one on.

Fallen out of love with it

Put simply, you won’t wear it so it’s time to say goodbye.

Looks dated

Some items are more timeless than others. Trends come and go, so be honest with yourself if you can see yourself wearing it again, even in a different way? If you can’t then move it on.

Doesn’t work for you

Can you alter it so that you feel it does work for you? What are the reasons that you feel it doesn’t because if you can’t overcome them, you won’t wear it! Change it (tailor/sewer) so it does work for you, or bite the bullet and get rid. If you’re finding it difficult to identify things which do work for you, consider booking a consultation with me to learn them.

Not been an occasion to wear it

What occasion are you looking for? If it’s afternoon tea with The King, you’re better trying to wear it for a different occasion! Don’t put barriers in your mind and try not to save things for best.

Don’t feel like ‘you’

Trying something new to switch up your look is something I encourage you to do. But, if you’ve tried it and feel like ET in the little girl’s clothes (played by Drew Barrymore), then I’d be tempted to move it on as you won’t wear it again.

Changed job/retired

Be honest about how likely you are to wear those clothes again. If it’s suit, you might find you can still wear the jacket and bottoms separately. Give yourself some time to adjust – I often find clients struggle with their image as a piece of their identity has gone. Keep hold until you’re certain or if you’re not sure yet.

Don’t like how you feel when you wear it

Honestly? Let it go. Sure you can tweak it and how you wear it and style it. But, if you don’t like yourself in something, you won’t wear it!

Sentimentally, you can’t let it go

There will always be some things you can’t part with. My advice is to clean the garment and then store it safely away.


Finally, you deserve a wardrobe that works for you which is filled with clothes you love to wear! Undertaking this task regularly will help you to keep on top of it and means you’ll be able to quickly identify clothes you love and the ones you’re holding on to ‘just in case’!

Let me know how you get on! And, if you need any help, do get in touch to discuss the package which is right for you.


If you don’t know, get in touch so I can help you find the right package for you so you can feel good in what you wear.

Should you wait to lose weight before buying new clothes?

I hear this a lot and my heart goes out because it’s a vicious circle. You don’t want to buy clothes that fit you now, because you don’t intend to be remain the same weight. Yet, feeling like you don’t deserve to buy something nice because you’re not your ideal weight, means you compromise on your clothing.

Granting yourself permission to buy new clothes when you’re thinner, sends a message to yourself that you’re not worth it if you’re carrying a little extra weight. This leads to wearing clothes that you don’t feel good in, and your self-belief is knocked down further. You end up trapped in a circle of despair.

Shape not size

I see very few people who are 100% happy with their body. Most people are too concerned with their own body to be looking at yours! Everyone’s body changes anyway!

With no universal sizing, it means you could be one size in one shop and another elsewhere. Unless you make your own clothes, garments you buy aren’t specifically being made for you, so you might have to make them work for your body (rather than the other way around). Size is just a number after all – it’s dressing your shape that matters.

If you’ve found a garment and it’s perfect for you in all other aspects (colour, fit, fabric), but the number on the label isn’t, will you really deny yourself the item?

Clothes can be altered or styled differently. They can be sold, swapped or given to charity. Waiting until you hit your goal weight is commendable, but it’s absolutely fine to feel good and look good whilst you’re working towards it. You don’t have to lose weight to look good or feel good. But, wearing clothes which are comfortable and which suit you will make a vast difference.

If you’re reading this thinking you won’t be able to pull something off, let me assure you it has nothing to do with your size. It’s all about your confidence and self belief. Many people end up reaching for oversized garments hoping to hide their body. Unfortunately, it often just makes you look bigger than you are. There’s better ways of doing it.

Too many clothes

Having a wardrobe full of clothes in multiple sizes, which don’t fit can lead you to keep beating yourself up. These clothes can end up taunting you every day, making you feel frustrated. They’re an unhelpful reminder of your former self rather than who you are NOW or, could be in the future.

Remove the clothes that you don’t wear because they don’t fit you and store them away. Most people need far less clothes than what they have in my experience! Curating a small wardrobe of clothes that fit you and which you can happily wear will make you feel good too.

Do you know what actually suits you? Not everyone is clear about the colour/style/shape/fit/fabric. Knowing what suits you will improve your confidence and help you to feel good in what you wear, right now as well as in the future. So, don’t put off booking a consultation because you’re waiting to lose weight.

Wearing colour is not limited to size! Using colour is a clever way to enhance your features and provide an instant boost to your confidence.

Remember, clothes don’t just cover your body, they tell a story.  What story are you telling the world?

If you’re not sure where to start or what package is right for you, get in touch with me first so we can have a chat.

What do I do with clothes I don’t wear (and can’t let go)

Each month on the blogs I try and address some common questions I get asked.

A challenge which many people experience is having clothes they don’t wear, which they can’t bring themselves to get rid of.

Whilst there isn’t just one solution, here’s some ideas which may help.

A new life

Firstly, if you’ve got a lot of clothes you don’t wear, it’s worth seeing if you can identify any reasons for not wearing them.

Perhaps you’ve out-grown them, or they are no longer appropriate for your lifestyle. Maybe you don’t feel like ‘you’ when you wear them. Whatever your specific reasons, it’s worth asking yourself if this is likely to change and if you will re-wear them again.

Can you give a new lease of life to any of the items? With clothes I’m not wearing because of the colour, I’ve dyed them! Refreshing the colour in an old pair of jeans or completely changing the colour of other garments has helped me to wear things again.

Are any of them the wrong length or fit? It may take more effort or skill, but these can be altered so you do wear them again – even if it means taking it to a seamstress. Re-purpose clothes into other things, like a cushion cover, a bag or make a top or skirt from a dress instead.

If you’re not likely to re-wear them or change them to make them work for you, why is it that you keep them? Let the guilt go, thank it for it’s time and let someone else get joy from them.

Having a constant reminder each time you open the wardrobe doors does you no good. It’s a shame to let them gather dust at the back of your wardrobe when others would love them. Donating them will keep the item in circulation, avoid landfill and lighten your emotional load too.

Swap and swish

When I was younger, my friends at school would regularly have a clothing swishing party. Everyone would bring items along they don’t wear anymore and swap for something new! These events still happen today encouraging you to bring along your unworn items in exchange for a ticket to swap for another garment. They’re a great way of obtaining ‘new’ items, refreshing your wardrobe and culling things you don’t wear. You could even organise your own event too!


I like my money where I can see it; hanging in my closet! Carrie Bradshaw

A famous saying in the original series of Sex and The City. This is the reason that many people can’t let things go. The truth is that you’re unlikely to get the same money back that you spent in the first place (unless it’s vintage of course, then who knows!). But, this isn’t always the best reason to keep hold of things. Especially if you’re not wearing them.

Selling clothes you don’t wear (and unlikely to wear again) will help to lighten the load you feel emotionally and put some money in your pocket. Think of it as a reward for keeping them safe! There’s a huge pre-loved clothing market which I can’t see disappearing any time soon. Sure, it means competition, but everyone loves a bargain and your lovely clothes can be enjoyed by someone else whilst you earn a little cash.

Use the money you earn to treat yourself to something new (which you will wear), pay off some debts or treat yourself to a night out or a takeaway!

Ebay, Vinted and Facebook marketplace are the common places to sell and there are pre-loved groups on Facebook for certain brands too.


Whilst it won’t solve a bulging wardrobe, if you’ve got good quality, high end clothing and accessories you can’t bring yourself to part with, consider renting them out. Hurr, ByRotation and MyWardrobeHQ will facilitate the rental of your items to people for days or weeks at a time. It’s another way to give life to your unworn garments, make some money on the side and doesn’t mean getting rid of things.

The three F’s

Opening your wardrobe and feeling fed up that you can’t wear them will not help you to feel good getting dressed. There’s nothing worse than having a wardrobe filled with clothes that don’t fit you.

My advice? Get those clothes out of there!

If you can’t bring yourself to undertake any of the previous suggestions, store them away for now. Removing them from view will improve your mindset and how you feel each day. You can always revisit the items at a later date when you won’t feel quite so emotionally influenced by them.

Your wardrobe should be filled with clothes that fit you right now. They will be appropriate for you, right now. This way, you’ll have clothes you can wear now, even if it does make your wardrobe look sparse.

Clothes which fit you, flatter your figure and which make you feel good (the three f’s) should be in your wardrobe right now! Everything else is taking up space in your wardrobe (and your head).

Having help from someone who can be more objective and who isn’t emotionally attached to your clothes can also be helpful. This could be a friend, relative or a professional so don’t be afraid to seek assistance if you need it.

Use my guides here if you feel up for tackling your wardrobe on your own or get in touch:

Do you feel dread when you open your wardrobe doors?

Do you ever feel disheartened or frustrated when you open your wardrobe doors?

It’s something I hear a lot and it can be changed.

When you have a wardrobe full of clothes you don’t wear, you can also feel embarrassed or ashamed. If these clothes haven’t been worn, you can feel like you’ve wasted a lot of money too.

Here’s some common things I hear:

They don’t fit you (sometimes they never did…)

You can’t remember why you even bought them!

They don’t go with anything you’ve got in your wardrobe

They just don’t look right or feel right when you put them on and you don’t know why

Rest assured, these are all things that you can get better at!

The simple way to create a wardrobe of your dreams is to learn what clothes do suit you so you know what to shop for.

Don’t beat yourself up though – it happens to so many people. But you do need to stop, take a break and perhaps get some help.

That’s where I come in. As a colour consultant and personal stylist, I can help you learn what clothes flatter you so that you can look and feel fabulous!

Watch my video here

Get in touch now to book your session

Sessions are available virtually and in person at the studio in Wakefield.