How to choose pattern

Patterns can be really tricky to get right. Often, when I see clients they either love wearing patterns, or they stick to block colours instead.

When it comes to shopping patterns, it can be difficult to choose the one that’s going to suit you. Do you go heavily patterned? Stripes or floral? Bold and bright? Or more subtle and toned down?

Ultimately, there’s no law that exists which tells you that you must (or must not) wear something! But, if you are looking for a few pointers on how to choose the right pattern for you, read on for some tips.


First up is the colour as this is the most visual element. Broadly speaking, assess what the most dominant colour is that you see. If you already know what colours suit you (because you’ve had a colour analysis consultation), this should be easy as you can use your colour swatches. If you don’t know what colours suit you, check your reflection and see if the colour appears to be wearing you and making you look washed out, or if it’s brightening your features. (Here’s some tell-tale signs that the colour isn’t right for you here).

My advice to clients is to check the background colour or the main colour of the pattern that stands out the most. If this flatters your own colouring, then it’s good for you. If it doesn’t look quite right, consider whether it’s too warm or too cool for you, or too pale or too dark. Or, if it’s a bold colour, the strength could overwhelm you and you may need to opt for a softer rather than brighter shade of colour.

With a multicoloured print, it can feel trickier to get right. Again, go back to my broad rule above – what’s the most dominant colour and does this work for you? Life’s too short to ponder over the petal or leaf colour in a floral pattern being the wrong colour for you, especially if you can barely see it!


The shape of the pattern should flatter your body shape and line. Those with a curvy body will be better suited to curvy lines and patterns rather than straight lines like stripes. For those with more angles and straighter lines and shapes, stripes will flatter you much more than a floral print.

Patterns can be a clever trick to draw people’s attention either to your best bit, or away from an area you don’ want attention. By way of an example, if you’re a triangle (pear) or inverted triangle body shape, you can use pattern to give the appearance of more balance to your body shape.


During my style and shape consultations, I talk to my clients about their scale. This isn’t to be confused with what dress size you are, because it’s your overall height and bone structure.

Petites will tend to suit a smaller size of print, because their scale (your height and bone structure), is smaller. Wearing a large scale pattern will simply overwhelm your delicate frame and features. Those with a large bone structure will find that a small or ditsy print will get lost on your frame.

Should you be neither small or large, go for an average size of print that’s neither too big or too dainty.


The type of print will tend to appeal to certain personality types. Take a look inside your own wardrobe and check out the array or patterns or block colours and the ratio. If you find you have a lot of patterns, but you don’t wear them, it may be that you’ve not quite nailed your style personality.

Your Style Personality is the real you, at your most comfortable. It will be the reason you naturally reach for a certain print, or not at all! Plus, why you feel like you struggle with certain designs. The more ‘romance’ you have in your style personality, the more you will reach for pretty, feminine and floral styles and designs. Someone who prefers to make an entrance, will prefer a bolder or abstract print which they can stand out in and be noticed!

What suits you?

These broad tips should give you a steer without going into the specifics of what actually suits you. So, when it comes to choosing clothes, understanding what actually suits you, flatters you and makes you look and feel good when you wear it. When your clothes flatter your colouring, your shape, and personality, they’ll be right for you!

Get in touch to book a colour analysis or a style and shape consultation. Alternatively, combine both sessions and receive a discount!

What happens during a style and shape consultation and what can you expect?

Whilst most people start with a colour analysis consultation, a style and shape consultation is often the missing piece of the jigsaw when it comes to clothes fitting and suiting you.

If you read last week’s blog or watched the video on Youtube this month, you might be wondering what to expect when you book a style & shape consultation at the studio. Here’s the low-down.


You’ll have received details about where to come and what to expect in your email booking confirmation. No need to worry about what to wear, it’s covered here.

When you arrive for your appointment, I’ll greet you and invite you into the studio. As you get settled on the sofa and fill in a record card, I’ll put the kettle on.

Drink in hand, we’ll have a brief chat about your wardrobe, your clothes and any challenges or expectations you’ve got.

Introduction to style personalities

How many times have you tried to copy the look of a celeb only to feel…well, let’s say flat? Quite simply, it’s because you’re not the same! But, that doesn’t mean you can’t take some inspiration, and still be you.

What you wear tells a story. Your clothes are a way of expressing who you are, your likes and dislikes. Even if you don’t feel that you have a style, everyone does. There’s a little quiz I get you to do with 10 questions. There’s no right or wrong answers as this is about you and how you dress and feel.

Understanding your style personality is the real you. It’s about the clothes you reach for and how they make you feel. Everyone has style, it’s just learning what it is and how to use it to represent who you are so that you can feel like you in what you wear. We’ll also discuss how you might want to push your style boundaries, because nobody has to sit in a box!

I’ll show you some examples to bring things to life. When you nail your personality type it can help you to create a wardrobe that works for you. It’ll help you avoid further shopping disasters and frustrations too and stop buying things which don’t make you feel good.

Your body line, shape and proportions

Now you know more about what works for your personality (fabric, styles, fit etc), we’ll take a look at your body shape. Size doesn’t matter, but shape certainly does.

There are no tape measures used and you can happily stay fully clothed too!

A lot of women tell me that they don’t know their body shape, or that clothes don’t fit them properly. Sometimes, it’s not your body shape which you have challenges with, but your proportions. (I’ve talked about this previously in this video).

For example, if you struggle with the fit of jeans, trousers or skirts, it may not be the size of the garment which isn’t right for you, or even your shape. Instead, the rise of the garment may not be right for your proportions.

Take a jumpsuit. It’s the perfect example for when you know your shape, it can still mean the garment doesn’t fit you correctly. This isn’t about your body being wrong, but that the garment proportions might not be the right fit for you. Body length, leg length and rise length; they all matter! The wrong rise and it could be too long giving the appearance of a saggy bum, or indeed it could be too short so it digs uncomfortably in.

Understand your body shape and proportions so you can refine your clothing choices and make sure they work for you, and not the other way round. Clever techniques exist, it’s just learning more about it, which is what we discuss in detail.

During this section, I’ll also talk about fabric – specifically the cut and weight. These factors have an impact on whether something fits and flatters you. Rise, seams, darts, necklines and sleeves are all elements to take into account when dressing to flatter YOUR shape. Your fabric choice can be a friend or a foe! I’ll show you some examples of weight, texture, cut and feel too.

To give you an idea of what’s discussed, you can watch this video too. During this, I’ll be showing you examples and talking you through how best to wear clothes which fit and flatter you. Learning clever tips and tricks to create different outfits which fit and flatter you.

Clothing review

If you’ve brought along some of your own clothes, we’ll revisit the ones which you felt didn’t work for you. Now you’ve learnt all about what suits you and flatters you, you’ll be able to see why you’ve not been able to make them work for you. This is an opportunity to get ideas on how you may be able to re-work it, or wear it differently, if you decide that you can or you want to of course!

Summary and end of session

Having reached the end of your consultation, you’ll take away the colour me beautiful book which we’ll have used during your session. This works as a reminder and contains some helpful advice to revisit at home.

After you leave

Most clients head straight home to their wardrobe to review what they’ve got and the rest hit the shops! A style and shape consultation can last up to 2.5 hours so you’re unlikely to remember everything we’ll have discussed! So, I always follow up afterwards to help keep you on track. To inspire you further, I’ll also send you over my own brand/retailer list too using the email address you provided on the record card when you arrived. You can opt-out any time.

Should you have any further queries, or you’d like to book your appointment, get in touch:

When you understand why certain styles, the fit and fabric work for you and why things don’t, then it helps you to create outfits and a wardrobe that works for you. It rarely happens overnight, but trust me, it will.

I hope this answers any questions you have about what to expect during a style and shape consultation, but do let me know if you have any other questions.

Will I need to get rid of all my clothes after a colour or style consultation?

One concern with having a colour or a style consultation is that you’ll need to empty your wardrobe, get rid of all your clothes and start again!

This is wasteful, exhausting and expensive and not something I recommend at TLC HQ!

Gain the right knowledge

It’s not for me to tell you what to wear. Or tell you to get rid of things. I’m not your mother and you’ve chosen to come to me for help and advice. But, I do try my best to explain why things do and don’t suit you so that you’re armed with the right information when you leave your session.

You’ll get follow up emails from me too as you’re unlikely to remember everything we go through. I do pride myself on doing this, as I want to make sure you’re supported on your journey and you feel you get value.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

How to wear colour

When you have a colour consultation, you’ll understand about colour, how to wear and combine your colours and how to wear what you already have. But, there’s bound to be items you’re itching to get rid of and if that’s the case then you’ve got my permission!

Experiment with your colours and making things work for you if they’re not quite right. Alter them to make them perfect for you too. You can dye them so easily at home these days (more on that here) and, if you’re a dab hand with a sewing machine then change them. Even without this talent, you can still swap buttons or cinch them in like I’ve covered here.

Style, shape and fit

Even with a more colour coordinated wardrobe, you may still find some things don’t work. This is where a style and image consultation will really help. Perhaps you’re not wearing things because they don’t ‘go’ or they don’t feel right when you wear them. If you’ve nailed the colour (and why wouldn’t you after your colour consultation!) it’s often the style, shape or fit that’s not working.

During a style and image consultation, we’ll focus on identifying your style personality, how to express it in what you wear and what you choose, before moving onto your shape and proportions. Even if you’re confident about what body shape you have, your proportions (such as where your waist is) or your scale can skew this meaning things don’t fit quite right. Learn what works for YOU. A pear with long legs and a short body who’s classic will need to style, shop and dress differently than an hourglass shape with a long body and short legs who’s a romantic style personality. Then there’s fabric, cuts and patterns to take into account during the session too!

style & image consultation

Enjoy the journey

A consultation on colour or style may feel a little indulgent, but it WILL save you money in the long run because you’ll learn what suits you.

Just because you’ve had a session, doesn’t mean your journey is over – it’s simply the beginning. You’ve got lots to learn and apply and whilst it may take time, do enjoy it!

My help and support doesn’t end with your session. My follow up notes continue to come, plus my newsletter with blogs like this, videos and tips to try! Ongoing support is available with help on what to buy each season and how to style it to make it work for you. Every April and October I update the material and you can join my online workshops. Plus, I’m happy to come out to help you shop for any specific items you need or go through your wardrobe with you if you’re struggling.

Remember, it’s about understanding what suits you. That shouldn’t mean getting rid of everything and starting again but understanding how you can make them work better for you.


Get in touch now!

The real problem with having the cult Zara dress

A few weeks ago, I read an article calling out a new Zara dress which would suit everyone!

I’ll admit, I was sceptical, but I was also intrigued.

You see, I’ve been analysing people’s colouring, style and shape for years now and I’ve yet to find a garment that works and suits every single person.

So, off I went to Zara to investigate.

Introducing the ‘cult zara zig zag dress’

I took to social media to showcase this piece and everyone was in agreement that it really didn’t do anything for me!

So, in my professional opinion, I don’t believe it does suit everyone but importantly, here’s why.


It’s a dark green and cream colour combination. The green is rather dark and rich which is too deep for many people (especially me). The pattern is too bold and too contrasting for my features. It would suit someone with a richer, bolder colouring (a deep or deep and warm undertone)


As a natural/classic, it really doesn’t tick enough boxes for me but would likely appeal to someone who has a more dramatic style personality.


Not flattering at all for a neat hourglass figure like me. It’s far too voluminous in the fabric and the tiers just extend it further. It overpowers a narrow or petite frame and would be far better for someone much taller (I’m 5 ft 5) with a larger frame which would suit the scale and size of the pattern (which is also too big for my frame). The dress has no waist definition which doesn’t flatter my figure at all.


If you’ve got a bust like me, be aware that it does gape a little. The seam across should run underneath the bust but it doesn’t -it would be more flattering if it did!

The top half is narrower but it billows out too much making me look much wider than I am and substantially heavier than I am too. It also sat quite tight around the neck when the buttons were fastened.

Zara is notorious for inconsistencies in their fit. I’ve explored this a little here in this blog: The Zara sizing code you need to know


Something rarely suits everyone because we are all different – colouring, shape, style and your proportions. How can one garment truly work for everyone?

Purchasing items just because they’re in fashion, because an article tells you to do so, or because everyone does so won’t always pay off.

Do you really want to turn up to an event and see someone else wearing the same thing as you?

Knowing and understanding what suits you makes these shopping mistakes a thing of the past.

Investing in a colour and style consultation will arm you with the knowledge to make the right choices. I go through what suits you and why so that you understand what makes you look, as well as feel good.

It’s been a great exercise to be able to demonstrate the importance of knowing and understanding how important this information can be and how it can inform the right decisions on what to wear (as well as what not!) Because, after all, everyone really is different.

Head on over to social media to watch the video and see the posts and comments:



You’ll also find another dress which I found which I thought would suit more people! I discuss dresses in a new blog which you can read here.

Want to learn how I can help?

Details on Colour analysis, style and image and the transformation packages available.