How to shop like a pro!

Do you love the thrill of finding a bargain? Whether that’s pre-loved or in the sales, it’s worth remembering that something is only ever a bargain if you actually wear it!

The key thing is to shop with intention.

Whilst shopping in the sales can be a great time to buy, if you end up buying more things you don’t need and don’t wear, the guilt will settle in quickly. Do remember that everything in the sale is because no one wanted to buy it at full price! Harsh, but true.

There’s often so many items available, especially online, that it can feel overwhelming so these tips are aimed at helping to save you time and money. You’ll also find me sharing tips in a 7 minute video on my YouTube channel – watch it here.

First, check your wardrobe

Before any shopping spree, the first thing I recommend you do is to check your own wardrobe. You may find things in there which you’ve forgotten about and haven’t worn since you bought them. You may also have things in colours that aren’t your best, so it’s worth remembering that they can be rescued. This is something I cover during your colour analysis consultation.

Essentially, you need to know what you have, where your gaps are and what you need. Have a plan and be clear on exactly what items you’re shopping for so you can actually save yourself time and money.

Here’s some questions to ask yourself before buying anything new:

  1. Is it the right colour for me?
  2. Does the style work for me?
  3. What occasions am I likely to wear it to?
  4. Does it flatter my body shape and fit my proportions?
  5. Is it comfortable to wear?
  6. What else can I wear it with?

As I always say, trends come and go and fashion isn’t quite so ‘new’. So, if there was something from the previous season which caught your eye, but you didn’t want to pay for price for it, then now is the time you may be lucky to pick it up in the sales. It’s also worth checking the pre-loved sites too.

What’s a ‘good buy’?

This will vary person to person, but something which you end up wearing time and time again. Broadly speaking, transitional items will take you through the different seasons meaning you get more £s per wear. Often they can be more classic, less ‘high trend’ and more timeless in the style or colour, so that it will also last through many seasons.

Accessories are the easiest and most cost-effective way to update any outfit, whether it’s a necklace or a pair of boots.

Neutral colours (grey, navy, black, brown, white) can be good to buy in the sales as they can make good investment pieces, such as a blazer or trousers. A neutral colour will always ‘go’ with any colour. Just remember the advice given in your colour analysis consultation.

Once you’ve had a colour analysis, shopping for colours which suit you becomes far easier. You really can wear your colours all year round and you’ll find that having a new colour this or next season can often fill a gap in your wardrobe for future seasons to come. I never struggle to find things for all colouring types, all year round.

The colours and trends which come through each season are therefore great opportunities to restyle things you already have, as well as update an existing outfit. I share the trending colours and styles twice a year, just take a look at the latest guides available here.

Shopping online and pre-loved

This can feel more challenging but the principles are just the same as a store!

You need to work a bit harder to find what you’re looking for, but it’s much easier than death by scrolling. The key is to use as many filters as you can to search. Select the size, category and colour and this will reduce the number of items. If you’re shopping pre-loved and you want to make sure it’s in tip top condition, simply search for those with the tags still on (BNWT – brand new with tags).

Help is at hand

If you would prefer someone to do the hard work for you, that’s where my seasonal updates and shopping trips come in. 

Twice a year I run my seasonal updates where you can join a workshop, watch my video, and get my shopping guides.

So, if you fancy a mini-me in your pocket, do check out my ‘shop the look’ guides as there’s one for each dominant colouring type. My recorded video masterclass takes you through the colours and trends in a 45 minute presentation and the latest colour trend guide fits inside your swatches which you can take out with you when you do go shopping.

These spring/summer updates are available until 30 September, then the autumn/winter updates will launch on 1 October. The live group workshop takes place virtually at 12pm on Saturday 5 October and tickets are available here.


Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates’ and join the wait list for an exclusive offer here and visit the current guides here.

How to shop with success

It was great to do my What to wear workshop a couple of weeks ago and share the new colour and style trends for autumn and winter. These workshops occur every six months and the spring and summer update will take place on 1st April.

You see, trends come and go and fashion isn’t quite so ‘new’. Yes, the styles may be ever so slightly different but only you know if you’ll get your money’s worth out of buying it and I want to help you to make the right decisions.

The workshops are an opportunity to hear me share my tips on how to make the current trends work for you, what colours you’re more likely to find and how to review what you’ve already got to style them up differently.

I also use it as an opportunity to showcase items from my own wardrobe which tick the current trends, even if I’ve had them for years! This time round I pulled out 9 items which is why it’s important to know what you’ve got in your wardrobe.

When it comes to shopping, everyone is different but if you’ve got things in your wardrobe with the label still attached, or you buy things and have nothing to ‘go’ with them, here’s my tips to shop with success.


Some people love the thrill of finding a bargain, but just remember it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it! So, you need to know what you have, where your gaps are and what you need.

One rule I follow is the power of three. If I can think of three other items I already have that I can wear it with, or there are three events coming up which I can wear it to, then it’s a good buy.

Another tip when looking at what you already have, is the items you’re not wearing. Ask yourself if there’s a reason for not wearing it. For example, is it too scratchy? Does it ride up or sag when you sit down? These things mean you’re unlikely to wear it so it’s whether you can get it altered or you have to decide to cut your losses. But, if it’s that you need x y or z to wear it with, take note of what that item is because this is a gap that you could fill.


The first thing really is as I mentioned above: be clear on what you’re shopping for. It’s OK to come back from a shopping trip having not bought anything! This might be disappointing, but it means you’ve found nothing that’s right for you (and that’s really ok).

Here’s the questions I ask myself:

Is it the right colour for me?

Does the style work for me?

What occasions am I likely to wear it to?

Does it flatter my body shape and fit my proportions?

Is it comfortable to wear?

What else can I wear it with?

If I’m not able to check all these things off, it means I’m compromising on an item which may not suit me. Not always, but this can mean that it’s more than likely to be an item that doesn’t get worn.


If you’re an online shopper, it can feel more difficult but following the same checks will still work. You will need to work a bit harder though such as using as many filters to search as possible (think in stock, size, category and colour) to reduce the number of items. If you’re looking for a new winter coat in green in your size, you’ll waste time flicking through pages of t-shirts, dresses and trousers…


It’s also worth pointing out that clothes don’t need to be brand new as they can be new to you. Charity shops, tinted and Ebay are all great options for you to buy as well as sell your old things too if they’re in good condition. Don’t forget the rental marketplace too (even John Lewis have got in on that one).


This isn’t meant to take the fun out of shopping but help you make better buying decisions. Otherwise, you’ll make the same mistakes and still feel like you’ve got nothing to wear!

Ultimately, it’s all about understanding what suits you and your lifestyle as well as your budget. Even when you know your colours, choosing the right fabrics and styles is just as important or you still won’t feel ‘right’.


You don’t know what you don’t know! That’s where my sessions can help you make the right choices as you’ll learn what suits you and stop wasting money on things you never wear.

colour analysis is by far my most popular consultation (when you’ll learn the shades of colour which suit you and how to wear them).

During my style and image consultation, you’ll learn how to identify your style, shape and proportions and the cut of fabrics which suit you best.

If you missed the workshop, you can still get your hands on the colour & style guide as well as the pre-recorded masterclass to help guide you with the latest colour and style trends.

Should you need help shopping for new items, virtual and in-person shopping sessions are also available. Get in touch:

How to shop

Last month’s blog looked at spring cleaning your wardrobe and I gave five tips on doing this. Now you’ve done you’re wardrobe, do you know what to shop for?

There’s something quite satisfying I think about detoxing though how you feel afterwards will be dependent upon what you’ve left yourself!

Assuming you do this task, it’s also best to do a quick review afterwards to identify what clothing gaps you have so you can go armed with a list when you hit the shops.


Value for money

Please remember that it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it. The more times you wear something, the more value for money it is. I refer to this as £s per wear.

If you’re following me on social media, you may have noticed a recent video from M&S which I commented on. It was a lady in one of their blue summer dresses. The dress could be worn in three ways and it cost less than £50. Using my £s per wear rationale means that if you wear it in their suggested three ways, then it’s just over £16 per wear. Compare this to the dress you bought in the sale for say £25 which you’ve only worn once (or not at all!) and you can see the difference that smart shopping makes.

Given it’s a new season and you may want to fill a few gaps – what do you shop for now?


This trend can be found in tops and dresses. Be wary of the depth of colour as if you’re lighter, avoid the dark denim look or it could wash you out. Equally, if you’ve got darker colouring, this will work for you but avoid the pale denim. Be carful of the weight of the fabric against your body lines too.


This trend continues in lots of styles and colours so there should be something out there to suit everyone.


For all you lights out there : shop now!!

This season brings pastel colours which are perfect for you. Pinks, blues, greens and lavender. Be sure to pick the right shade to suit you. On the subject of lavender – lots of this is out there! Take this colour trend right through to purple. Don’t forget ultra violet is the colour for 2018.



From trousers (the River Island ones I shared on social media did not seem popular with my viewers!) to jump suits and jackets. Be sure to choose both the colours and styles which suit you best. Stripes don’t have to be all over (especially if you have a smaller frame or aren’t looking for the attention). Try a discreet stripe too.



It’s mainly florals again this season on dresses, tips and trousers. The same rule applies as stripes; wear with care the larger patterns so that they don’t dwarf you.


Above all; have fun when you hit the shops!


If you would like to know more about what colour and styles suit you, then book a consultation with me.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in learning what the seasonal trends are for you, please get in touch to book your own personal style update or shop with me.