Why get a colour analysis consultation?

Have you ever wondered what colours you look your best in?

Perhaps you’ve seen loads of videos lately about #colouranalysis and you’re curious about what ‘having your colours done’ actually means! (I’ve covered why the resurgence  in popularity here and also the Tok Tok craze explained here.)

Everyone can wear every colour, but not every shade of every colour will suit you the same. If you’ve been experimenting with colour, or found that certain colours did look good on you, and now no longer do, colour analysis could be a worthwhile investment.

Wearing colour successfully is about understanding the different characteristics of colour and their association with your features. Essentially; what’s the impact of the colour against your features?

As a Colour me Beautiful consultant, I’ve been offering colour analysis consultations at my studio in Wakefield since 2011. Rather than the four ‘seasons’, a ‘tonal’ approach is used. Having been first analysed as a season 20 years ago, I’ve found it much easier to explain to clients and for them to understand.

If you want your wardrobe to work harder and waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you, a colour analysis is the solution.

What happens during a colour analysis consultation?

When you join me in the studio, I have a table with 145 precision-dyed coloured fabric sheets called ‘drapes’. The drapes don’t lie! They show you (and me) the impact that the colour has against your features. When you understand this, you can then learn how to wear it successfully, and with ease.

To the untrained eye, mistakes can often be made choosing colours, which is something I’ve covered in more detail here. Should the colour wash you out, make your skin muddy-looking, sallow or blotchy, or your look tired, then it isn’t right for you. When you compare it to a shade which balances out your complexion, harmonising with your features, make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow, it should be no contest! Having to work hard to make it look right, is a tell-tale sign that it’s not right for you and is something I’ve covered here.

Flattering tones in clothes and makeup

Because there are so many shades of a colour, seeing the impact that the colour has against your features is the best way of assessing if the colour is right for you.

During a Complete Colour Analysis Consultation, I’ll use the fabric to ‘test’ for your full colour type. This way you get a personalised palette of colours which are refined to compliment you the most. Your colour type is made up of three elements – depth, undertone and clarity.

‘Getting your colours done’ can be transformational. Check out my client testimonials: https://www.tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk/reviews-page/

Wearing your colours is more than just what colours to wear, but how to wear them. Plus, it’s not just your clothes, but your accessories and your makeup too. That’s why an application of makeup is applied during my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation too, so you get to sample the cosmetic shades which compliment you too. The range used has been designed by Colour Me Beautiful to specifically suit your colouring. You can try as much or as little as you like! Browse the range here.

How to waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you

It all starts with learning what your best colours are, and how to wear them. All this is covered during your colour analysis consultation.

You’ll take away your colour swatches which contain fabric samples of your palette of colours most suited to you.

These colour swatches will help to guide you on your best shades. Use them to review what you’ve already got in your wardrobe and when buying anything new or pre-loved. During the session, I’ll explain how to use them but you can also watch my video on YouTube for more guidance here.

Your swatches represent the colours most suited to your from your colouring type. Using these to guide you, will mean you waste less money on clothes that don’t suit you!

A more coordinated wardrobe

As you embrace your colours, your wardrobe will become more cohesive too. You’ll find it much easier to mix, match and coordinate outfits together. As your confidence grows, you’ll begin to feel as fabulous as you look.

Knowing your colours will mean far less wardrobe disasters too. No more items languishing unworn and unloved in the back of your wardrobe!

Book your colour analysis consultation now!

Why is colour analysis so popular right now?

Thanks to TV shows like Lorraine, radio interviews*, articles and Tik Tok (more about that here), colour analysis is having a real moment. So what’s all the hype about?

It isn’t some new experience. It’s actually been around for decades! Colour analysis remains my most popular service since I started my colour and style business over 12 years ago.

Colour has a profound effect on how you look and feel. Wearing colours that harmonise with your physical features makes all the difference to your appearance.

As a trained colour analysis consultant, I never tire of seeing the transformation with my clients, or their reaction when they see how impactful it is.

Colour analysis helps you discover the colours which compliment YOU and your features (your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour). You’ll discover how to wear colour, helping you create a more cohesive wardrobe. Make more informed choices, and fewer mistakes too. More and more people are seeking a less cluttered wardrobe. Learning what suits you can help you achieve this.

Wearing your colours improves how you feel in what you wear. It’s an instant boost to your confidence! Many clients tell me how transformative their colour experience has been, and how easier it is knowing what suits them.

During my colour analysis consultations, I show my clients how to make colours work for them, even if they aren’t quite right. The right colours will lift your features and make you look healthier rather than tired, unwell or drained. If something isn’t your most flattering colour, it’s always best to wear it AWAY from your face.

Once you know the right colours for you, you’ll notice how easier it is to ‘match’ things and create outfits that go together, saving yourself time every morning! 

* Listen to this recent interview with my CMB colleague Lindsay. Skip to 15:14 and in under seven minutes, you can hear why the CMB tonal colour analysis system works so well. Listen here.


How to test the colours that suit you

If you read my previous blog about how there’s a new ‘trend’ to get a colour analysis done (it’s not really new!) and you fancy dabbling in ‘testing’ yourself, I wanted to offer some guidance.

As much as I recommend a professional diagnosis from a trained colour consultant (like myself), you may still want to do-it-yourself.

You won’t have the same tools or experience that I have of course, but hopefully my tips will help you.


So you might be wondering how to test for the colours which suit you best.

My recommendation is always to use fabric because it is the most reliable indicator. Use whatever fabric you can get your hands on. It could be cushion covers, pillowcases, clothes, scarves or any other fabric!

You want to hold the fabric up underneath your chin for the best results. Ideally, have no makeup on and do this in natural daylight.

Check your complexion in a mirror when you’re holding each piece of fabric to see the impact against your face. Is your face and your look enhanced? Do you look fresher and brighter, or is your skin looking dull, pale, or washed out?

What you’re actually looking for is this brightening effect and that you are wearing the colours, not the other way around.

If it looks like the colours are wearing you, it’s often not an indication that the shade of colour isn’t quite right for you.

I’ve recorded a little video demonstration which you’ll also find on my YouTube page. Watch it here: https://youtu.be/zZh3jJGTOB0

When you are doing this yourself or you’ve had a go at another method, like an online quiz or the spinning wheel filter and find that the colours still aren’t quite working, you might be right!

Not everyone fits neatly into just one box. So, consider a professional colour analysis instead. After all, if the outcome you’re seeking is to make fewer shopping mistakes, it can be just as costly to buy things in the wrong colours!

I’ve been trained in colour analysis by Colour me Beautiful using a tonal colour analysis system. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Get in touch to book your professional colour analysis!

Contact me to book your appointment: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk

A client’s thoughts following her colour analysis consultation

I was delighted when Ruan from The Yorkshire Sew Girl shared her experience following her recent colour analysis consultation.

Ruan makes many of her own clothes. It was something she’d always been interested in as she really wanted to know what suited her best. Fabric can be just as expensive (if not more), than buying clothes! So, it’s equally as important to learn what suits you to help you make the right choices!

We were so engrossed in her colour analysis session that Ruan didn’t manage to record much ‘live’ coverage! She shares lots of information on what goes on, so if you’d like to hear about her experience from a client’s point of view, take a look at the video on her YouTube channel.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/O1oZ2Cr1yk0

Visit Ruan’s YouTube channel: The Yorkshire Sew Girl

Interested in a colour analysis consultation?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

How does getting my colours done help me build a sustainable wardrobe?

I’ve talked about the benefits of getting your colours done before. Clients tell me all the time how easy it is for them to shop when they know their colours and, how they save money because they no longer buy things that don’t suit them.

When I first had my colours done many years ago now, I found the same. Even now, I can still walk into a store, look at the racks and I don’t even walk over unless I spy colours that I know will suit me. Some of my clients have a picture on their phone for any impulse trips when they haven’t got their fabric swatches with them so they don’t make mistakes.

Consider Pre-Loved

Of course, this alone won’t build a sustainable wardrobe. It’s about the choices that you make. If you’re making fewer mistakes and buying less items as a result of knowing your colours, this will help you build a more sustainable wardrobe. New clothes don’t need to be brand new either. Pre-loved is huge now. Charity shops, Vinted and EBay have hoards of clothing and you’ll find lots being sold with the tags still on! Just search BNWT (brand new with tags) or BNWOT (brand new without tags). There’s also swap shops and clothing exchanges in most cities now if you prefer physical browsing and you can still take your swatches with you too!

Repair, rewear, recycle

Patrick Grant on The Great British Sewing Bee was instilling the virtues of repair, rewear and recycle recently. All things we frequently hear are essential elements to building a more sustainable wardrobe. Whilst I do have clients who do these things, not everyone can or will. On Instagram (8 June), they shared three statistics:

  • The average person buys 60% more clothes than they did 15 years ago (and wears them for half as long)
  • The equivalent of one bin lorry full of clothing is dumped in landfill or burned every single SECOND
  • The fashion industry produces and sells a staggering 100 billion garments every YEAR

I took to google to ask “how many people live in the world”? The answer was 7.888 billion (2021), which is 12-13 garments for every person. Essentially that’s one clothing item every month.

Building a more sustainable wardrobe is something which many people aspire to, but over-consuming ‘fast fashion’ is the challenge given the over-production. It can simply be too tempting! There’s a reason there’s so many ‘bargains’ in the sale rail! Remember it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it. Consider not just the cost of the item, but the cost per wear.

Introducing Sam

Sam booked my Complete Colour Analysis consultation because she wanted to be more sustainable with her future clothing choices. She wanted to make fewer mistakes and know that what she bought suited her.

Her wardrobe wasn’t particularly colourful because she didn’t feel she knew what colours worked for her. She wasn’t afraid of experimenting, but felt she needed more guidance and understanding so she didn’t keep making the same mistakes. Sam wanted a more coordinated wardrobe so she could make more outfits from fewer things.

After her session, she told me that she felt much more confident about future shopping purchases knowing that what she did buy would suit her and that she had her swatches to help guide her.

Colour analysis concerns

One concern with having a colour (or a style consultation) is that you’ll need to get rid of all your clothes and start again! This isn’t something which I recommend (nor is it sustainable and something I’ve covered previously). I guarantee you’ll have things hung up which don’t suit you, but then you probably knew that already.

During a colour consultation I talk you through how to wear your colours. It’s not just what colours to wear as there’s so many different shades and fabric choices. Understanding how to wear things you may already have which aren’t your best colours is important too. This could be dying them, keeping them away from your face or ensuring you wear something more complimentary close to your face such as a scarf or another top underneath. Knowing the ‘rules’ and how to apply them is all part of the journey!

Too many clothes

Most people admit they have far too many clothes in their wardrobe. They also tell me they only ever wear a fraction of the clothes in their wardrobe. When I ask what the reason is for not wearing these clothes, they often tell me that they don’t fit. Or that they don’t know how to wear them. Or they used to wear them, but now not so much. Which begs the question – why keep them?

Whatever the reasons for keeping hold of things we don’t wear, the feeling of overwhelm every day is hard to overcome. It’s often why people ask me about creating a capsule wardrobe. I get the attraction – imagine having a smaller collection of clothes, which can be worn in multiple ways to create more outfits. Yet, the fear of not having ‘enough’ clothes often stops them. But how do you measure too much? Everyone is different which is why I don’t believe in setting a number on how many clothes you must have. It’s pointless in my view! What you need depends upon how you spend your time, what your style preferences are and of course your budget. Know what suits you and you’re half way there to building that sustainable wardrobe. All you have to do is take the steps to create it.

Learn your colours by booking a colour analysis consultation.

If you’re ready to create your own capsule wardrobe but need some guidance, check out my Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass here.

WIll you tell me to wear bright colours?

Firstly, it’s not for me to tell you what to wear! I’m not your mother and you’ve made a decision to come for advice. My aim is to arm you with the right information so that you can put it into practice when you leave your session with me.

What many people don’t realise is how many shades of colours there are. Just because it’s a colour, doesn’t mean it has to be bright.

The features of a colour

All colours have features to them and during a colour analysis consultation, I’ll explain more about colour theory and the Munsell System which I use in my colour consultations.

Colours which compliment your features and characteristics will naturally brighten your overall look. You’ll look healthier and your eyes will brighten. Dark shadows, discolouration or those that wash you out aren’t complimenting your features and don’t bring out the best of you. In simple terms, this is the impact of a colour against your features and it can be good, or not quite so good.

The combinations of colours together can also change the impact and appearance of the colour.

Take this example.

A light and a dark colour together such as black and white, will create a high level of contrast between the two shades.

Whereas if you ‘dull’ the shades down slightly making them off-white and grey, the contrast will be less severe and less harsh. There will be less contrast between the light and dark shade.

Some people are better suited to having more contrast, others not quite so much.

Your fabric choice can also affect the colour too. Choose something shiny like satin and it will brighten the appearance of the colour because it reflects the light.

Fifty shades of grey

For someone who feels afraid of colour, or that they’ll stand out too much, a colour analysis may feel daunting. It’s worth noting that there isn’t just one shade of neutral either. Fifty shades of grey there may be, but have you ever tried to get the same shade of navy, camel or white??

Within everyone’s palette is a range of neutral and a range of colours. By understanding the fundamentals of how colour is made up and how this refers and impacts on your own characteristics, you can use this understanding to make better buying decisions.

The consultation and swatches

A basic colour analysis assess your core, or dominant colouring type and you’ll take away 30 shades of colour most suited to you based upon your core features.

However, this is refined even further during the Complete Colour Analysis consultation. Your sub-dominant colouring types are analysed (your secondary and tertiary types) which takes you to 48 shades in your swatches. The range of colours included will have different elements and features which harmonise with you and who you are.

Yes, there may be brighter shades than others but ultimately, it’s all about how you wear them. That’s what you’ll learn during your colour analysis consultation.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

Book your colour analysis consultation today!


What colour analysis consultations are available?

It’s been wonderful to receive lots of enquiries around colour analysis consultations recently!

One of the common questions is if more than one person can book a session. Of course!

Here I’ve detailed more information but, if you’d prefer to watch my video summarising this, click here.

One to two people

Individual consultations are the most popular, but you can experience the same session for two. Come with a friend or family member and get your colours (or your style) done together. More details of the sessions can be found here.

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday, subject to availability and take place during the day. Typically an individual session lasts around 1.5 to 2 hours. For a joint session, please allow around 3.5 hours.


Since Covid, the demand for groups have slowly risen and as a result, I’ve created some new packages. Full details of these can be found here.

The size of your group and how much time you have will influence the type of session available.

I’ve summarised the options below based on the size of group. However, if there’s something you’d prefer, have more or less people or anything specific in mind, do get in touch and I’ll try to accommodate your request.

3 to 5 people

For up to five people, my ‘Colour Confidence‘ workshop has been adapted using my basic colour analysis consultation.

As a group, you’ll learn about your colours and be able to see the impact of wearing colour on each other too. These sessions are more interactive and you’ll each take away your own set of fabric colour swatches.

Broadly speaking, you’ll need to allow a good half a day for this type of workshop. If you’re interested in booking a session, do get in touch.

6 to 12 people

For a slightly larger group, a format which works really well is my colour party.

It’s a great way to introduce you and your friends or family to the colour analysis system which I use and the different colouring types.

Everyone will learn what their core colouring type is, but you won’t learn the nitty gritty and depth of detail which I cover in the smaller sessions.

Typically lasting around 2 to 3 hours, they’re a fabulous way of gaining an introduction to colour analysis for anyone not quite ready to take the full colour analysis experience. They can also be a very cost effective and fun way to get a group together at a venue of your choice.

Work events, talks and presentations for more than 12 people

Depending upon your requirements, the group sessions mentioned above can be tweaked to fit your talk, presentation or work meeting. Ultimately, it’s down to the time you have available, how many you have attending, and what budget you have to spend. So, if there’s anything specific you’d like and you’ve got a larger group, the best thing to do is get in touch and I’ll be delighted to come back to you with a proposal.

I have been invited to all sorts of work meetings, sports and social clubs, schools and W.I meetings. If you’re looking for a speaker to deliver a talk, presentation or something a little different then this could be it!

Watch this video summarising the colour analysis consultations available:

Watch: What colour analysis consultations are available here

To book your session, get in touch



In one word – yes!

In a lot of words….It depends upon the type of colour analysis consultation you had, how long ago it was and if any of your features have changed. I often find people get in touch years later feel different in what they wear. Sometimes, this could be because of changes in your physical appearance (eg. your hair colour), a change in career or retirement or simply big changes in your life. Feel free to get in touch for a chat if this sounds like you. Read on for a recent client scenario.

Let me share this recent example

Debbie came to see me as she was feeling that things had changed. She’d had her colours analysed around 15 years ago and now approaching her 50th birthday, wanted to check if her colours really had changed as she suspected.

At the time, she was analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type with the Colour me beautiful system. (I’ve talked about previous colour analysis types here and the differing colouring types here if you want to read more.)

After reviewing her features and different shade of colour during a colour review session, Debbie’s colouring had in fact changed.

This time, she was a warm, soft and deep colouring type.

What changed?

Mainly, it was Debbie’s hair colour.

She’d been blonder and lighter during her initial colour analysis. Now, her hair was more golden with auburn tones which impacted her overall features that her dominant colouring type had shifted. Now, the golden, warmer, yellow based tones were much more lifting against her hair rather than the dusty and muted tones of her original dominant palette.

I asked Debbie if she’d found herself not feeling or looking ‘right’ in any of the colours in her swatches. Debbie agreed that some of the cooler, bluer tones of the soft palette didn’t look as flattering as her warmer, yellow tones. They often felt too ‘cool’ for her and she didn’t feel that they were in balance when she saw her reflection.

This is always a tell-tale sign. Whilst you may not be able to identify exactly why, the human eye is always looking for harmony and balance. So, if you’re finding something looks off, you’re probably right! A colour analysis will always help you to identify why and how to wear your best shades of colour.

This dominant colouring type change also impacted the sub-dominant types for Debbie too. She now has a total new set of fabric colour swatches and a much more complimentary palette of colours.

Here’s a comparison of Debbie’s previous swatches versus her new ones:


Debbie sent me this message when she got home.

Thank you so much for today.

It was lovely to meet you and to gain your experience and knowledge on everything about colour, body shape and style personality.

Amy loved observing and we talked about it all, on the drive back to Bury.

Thank you for updating my colour swatches, as part of the colour review. It was really interesting to see the change after all these years since having ‘my colours done’ previously.

As soon as I got back home, I lifted clothes out of my wardrobe that no longer fit the new dominant warm and have put these to one side to pass on to someone else, who will suit them better or will fit with their style personality.

The information about body shape and style personality is great and I am sure once I’ve read the book, I’ll have tons more questions about this too.

Knowing your colours really is life-changing!

To find out, book a colour analysis consultation.

The science behind colour analysis

Did you know there’s a ‘science’ behind colour analysis?

It may not be brain surgery, but there’s more to it than telling someone they look ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in certain colours – don’t forget why!

In this blog, I’ll explain about the system and process I use in my colour consultations.

I have referred to the Alfred Munsell colour system before in my frequently asked questions, so let’s start here.

What’s the Alfred Munsell Colour System?

Albert Munsell was an artist and scientist who invented the Munsell System which define colours into three dimensions:

  1. Value (depth)
  2. Hue (warm/cool)
  3. Clarity (chroma or purity)

In simple terms – it’s a method of describing colours based on human perception.

The system is used across a range of industries from hairdressing to soil research and includes colour analysis.

Colour Analysis Consultations

Not all colour-trained consultants use this method. I found it to be the most logical and sensible way of understanding and interpreting colour.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features creating a positive visual effect and impact.

Each person has a ‘dominant’ colouring type made up from the combination of their hair colour, eye colour and skin tone. From this, you’ll have a secondary and tertiary sub-type made up from a possible 24 categories. This refined combination is your personalised colour palette of up to 48 shades of colour and endless combinations! This full colour categorisation is available through my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation although a basic dominant assessment is also available.

The benefits

Remarkably, everyone really is different. We each see colours in different ways and choose to express ourselves differently too.

It’s not about being told what you ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ wear, but understanding how colour is interpreted and worn for best effect. Knowing certain colours and combinations make you look tired, pale or unwell whilst others make you look vibrant, healthy and younger. It’s often tweaking to a different shade of colour to suit you better.

When you have ‘your colours done’, you’ll gain a greater understanding about colours and how to wear them. By gaining this knowledge, it will help you to build a colourful, coordinated wardrobe which can be mixed and matched easily.

It really is life-changing and I never tire of seeing it!

Get in touch about booking a colour analysis

Read more here