Will I need to get rid of all my clothes after a colour or style consultation?

One concern with having a colour or a style consultation is that you’ll need to empty your wardrobe, get rid of all your clothes and start again!

This is wasteful, exhausting and expensive and not something I recommend at TLC HQ!

Gain the right knowledge

It’s not for me to tell you what to wear. Or tell you to get rid of things. I’m not your mother and you’ve chosen to come to me for help and advice. But, I do try my best to explain why things do and don’t suit you so that you’re armed with the right information when you leave your session.

You’ll get follow up emails from me too as you’re unlikely to remember everything we go through. I do pride myself on doing this, as I want to make sure you’re supported on your journey and you feel you get value.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

How to wear colour

When you have a colour consultation, you’ll understand about colour, how to wear and combine your colours and how to wear what you already have. But, there’s bound to be items you’re itching to get rid of and if that’s the case then you’ve got my permission!

Experiment with your colours and making things work for you if they’re not quite right. Alter them to make them perfect for you too. You can dye them so easily at home these days (more on that here) and, if you’re a dab hand with a sewing machine then change them. Even without this talent, you can still swap buttons or cinch them in like I’ve covered here.

Style, shape and fit

Even with a more colour coordinated wardrobe, you may still find some things don’t work. This is where a style and image consultation will really help. Perhaps you’re not wearing things because they don’t ‘go’ or they don’t feel right when you wear them. If you’ve nailed the colour (and why wouldn’t you after your colour consultation!) it’s often the style, shape or fit that’s not working.

During a style and image consultation, we’ll focus on identifying your style personality, how to express it in what you wear and what you choose, before moving onto your shape and proportions. Even if you’re confident about what body shape you have, your proportions (such as where your waist is) or your scale can skew this meaning things don’t fit quite right. Learn what works for YOU. A pear with long legs and a short body who’s classic will need to style, shop and dress differently than an hourglass shape with a long body and short legs who’s a romantic style personality. Then there’s fabric, cuts and patterns to take into account during the session too!

style & image consultation

Enjoy the journey

A consultation on colour or style may feel a little indulgent, but it WILL save you money in the long run because you’ll learn what suits you.

Just because you’ve had a session, doesn’t mean your journey is over – it’s simply the beginning. You’ve got lots to learn and apply and whilst it may take time, do enjoy it!

My help and support doesn’t end with your session. My follow up notes continue to come, plus my newsletter with blogs like this, videos and tips to try! Ongoing support is available with help on what to buy each season and how to style it to make it work for you. Every April and October I update the material and you can join my online workshops. Plus, I’m happy to come out to help you shop for any specific items you need or go through your wardrobe with you if you’re struggling.

Remember, it’s about understanding what suits you. That shouldn’t mean getting rid of everything and starting again but understanding how you can make them work better for you.


Get in touch now! toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk

Style & Image Consultation – Frequently asked questions

A style and image consultation is for you if you feel like you need help identifying how to dress for your body shape and your proportions which reflect who you are and your lifestyle. Not everyone is blessed with perfect proportions and a celebrity budget, but the good news is that you don’t need either; you just need to know how.

These sessions are about putting the pieces of the jigsaw together so that so you can feel confident knowing that you can dress for any occasion and still feel like you.

Here are some of the frequent questions asked in regard to style and image consultations.

“Do I need to have been for a colour analysis before?”

Not at all. Many clients start off with a colour analysis consultation first as it’s the quickest and easiest way to update your image but it’s not essential.

“Will I have to strip off??”

Of course not!

Assessing your body shape and proportions isn’t about getting a tape measure out or assessing you in your underwear! (No offence Trinny and Susannah). Rest assured, you’ll remain fully clothed for the session.

“Do I really need someone to tell me what to wear?”

Only you can answer that! These consultations aren’t about telling you anything! You are an adult after all, so they are more about learning and understanding and gaining knowledge about what suits you, your figure and specifically why and what to look for.

“Won’t you need full access to my wardrobe?”

This isn’t necessary. You’re invited to bring a small selection of clothes from your wardrobe which we can assess during the session. Usually; something that you love wearing, something that you don’t and something which you don’t wear because it doesn’t look or feel ‘right’ and you can’t put your finger on why. These are great ways of highlighting clothes, styles and fabrics which do and don’t work for you. A wardrobe follow session can be booked when I can come and help you with your wardrobe if you need it.

“I don’t have the budget to start my wardrobe all over again, will you tell me to get rid of everything?”

Don’t worry, not many people do have the budget to adopt this approach! Besides, it’s about building and having a wardrobe of pieces that work for you and learning how to work with what you already have as well. If you need a little help, please download my wardrobe charts. You’ll find them here.

“Isn’t a Style and image session expensive?”

How many times have you bought something which doesn’t suit you or you never wear it? It’s this learning and understanding that will help prevent you from making more expensive shopping mistakes. You only have to look in your own wardrobe to see those rash purchases. Take a moment to tot up how much you have spent on things you never wear. I’m confident that the figure will be more than a style and image consultation with me. Prices start from £75 depending whether you choose an online or studio session. Group sessions or events are also available if you’re happy to have a taster or experience it with others.

“I’m unhappy with my current weight so am I best waiting until I’ve shed the pounds?”

That depends on how you feel. Depending on your body, your age, diet, exercise and your family history, you may not change your proportions or your underlying body shape. The size and how you feel certainly will change though and the consultation covers more than just shape but body lines, proportions (such as the position of your waist), fabric, styles and personality to name just a few. Booking a session whilst on your journey may be the confidence boost you need to help you reach your goals. Only you can decide when the time is right for you.

“Isn’t it easier to buy clothes when you’re small with a limitless budget?”

Firstly, size doesn’t matter but shape does. Size is just a number and unfortunately there is no uniform sizing in clothes across retailers. This is why understanding your shape, lines and proportions is so helpful as it focuses your attention on making the most of your good features (yes you do have some). And, how to take attention away from anything you don’t like and dress for you and your body. This is relevant no matter what size you happen to be. There’s far more options available now, it just depends on the retailer. In terms of budget, well money doesn’t always buy style! It’s what you spend your money on that counts and how often you wear things to get value for money.

“What’s the difference between an online and face to face session?”

The principles are still the same for both sessions but they are conducted in a very different way. Face to face sessions are much more detailed, last longer and take place at the studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. It’s down to you and what you’d most benefit from.

Here you’ll find details about the in person consultation and here’s the online details.

Ready to book or have a question?

Get in touch: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk

Colour Analysis – Frequently asked questions

Wearing colour is the easiest way to update your image. Wearing colour is not only a simple way to boost your mood, but when you wear colour which brightens your features and compliments your colouring then you will look just fabulous too!

Here are some of the frequent questions asked about colour analysis consultations.

“Will I be pigeon-holed?”

With the colour analysis consultations which Toni offers, it’s more than just telling you what colours to wear. It’s about you. Just because you’re the same colouring as Vivienne Westwood, doesn’t mean that you have the same need to stand out in a crowd. You’ll learn how to wear colour. Watch our video for more detail.

“Don’t you need to be over 60 to do that?”

I was in my 20s when I first had a colour analysis! Why spend a lifetime wearing colours that don’t suit you? Gain the knowledge about what does compliment you so you can look and feel amazing, every day! Colour analysis is for EVERYONE, no matter their age! It’s had a real resurgence recently too. Read more here.

“Will you tell me I can’t wear black?”

It’s not about not wearing certain colours, it’s about understanding how to wear them for the best effect. Some shades of colour will look far more complimentary on you than others. You’ll learn how to wear colour to achieve your best look. There will always be some colours that just don’t work for us – they may leave you feeling washed out or grey or down. Discover instead the colours which make you look AMAZING and avoid having a drab day again!

“Will you make me wear bright colours?”

Having a colour analysis isn’t about making you do anything! The colour analysis consultations are tailored and refined to you to compliment how you look. It’s about helping you to look and feel amazing by providing you with colours and guidelines and not rigid rules. Not everyone suits bright colours, but rest assured you’ll learn about all colours (including neutrals), and how to wear them.

“Isn’t it old fashioned to have your colours done?”

Quite the opposite. Understanding how to wear and combine different colours together enables you to build a cohesive, versatile, modern and lifestyle appropriate wardrobe. Sustainable dressing and the desire to buy less and wear more is on the rise. More people have the desire to understand what suits them best so that they can make better buying decisions. And, know they’ll look good as a result. The tonal colour analysis system I use is a more modern approach. Read more here.

“Isn’t that something that they did in the 80s?”

Indeed, but like most things; it’s moved on from the dated 80s look!

In fact, many of my clients are surprised at how modern my approach to colour is. I’ve seen people as young as 17 and as experienced as 76! My online services are one example of how I’ve stayed relevent and moved with the times.

“I don’t have the budget to start my wardrobe all over again, will you tell me to get rid?”

Not many people do! It’s about having a wardrobe of pieces that work for you. But, learn how to work with what you already have too. If you need a little help, why not download my wardrobe charts. You’ll find them here.

“Isn’t Colour Analysis expensive?”

Having your colours analysed will prevent you from making expensive shopping mistakes. How many times have you bought something which doesn’t work for you? You only have to look in your own wardrobe to see those rash purchases. Take a moment to tot up how much you have spent on things you never wear. I’m confident that the figure will be more than a colour consultation with me.

“I’ve been colour analysed in the past, do I need an update?”

That’s great that you have already seen and felt the benefits of knowing your colours! But, if it was some time ago, or your physical features have changed like the colour of your hair, you might want to consider a review. The four seasonal approach can be restrictive and often clients had shades in their palette that were not their best or as refined as what’s available now. Under the new system, the analysis is much more flexible and refined and based on the Albert Munsell Colour System. This means you’ll find the shades of colours are much more suited to you. Depending upon the colour analysis service you choose, you’ll have 30 or 48 fabric swatches that work best for you. Read more about the differences here.

“Will you tell me my ‘wow’ colours?”

Under the system of analysis used here, it is a much more refined system. During the analysis, Toni will filter out the shades of colours which aren’t your best ones. Your colour swatches will contain the shades of colour identified to be your best ones! All the colours you’ll have will therefore be your wow colours!!

You may find the odd one or two which you may not be a fan of, however it’s all about learning and understanding how to wear it. A ‘wow’ colour is often associated with being the best one(s) for you and these will be identified during the analysis.

“Can I have a session on an evening?”

Natural daylight is highly recommended to see your natural colouring accurately. Individual sessions are therefore only available in the day time.

“I don’t wear makeup so can I skip it?”

I do offer a basic colour analysis consultation if you would prefer not to include a makeup application. Learning the right depth, undertone and clarity of colours next to your face will ensure your skin naturally glows and your eyes sparkle so that’s the benefit in knowing and understanding your colours! It will also eliminate dark shadows and prevent you from looking pale or ‘washed out’ – wearing the right colours has a truly transformational effect but it’s entirely your choice and I’ll always provide guidance on choosing the right makeup shades, should you change your mind.

“I never leave the house without makeup, can’t I arrive wearing makeup?”

If you would prefer you can arrive for your appointment with your makeup on and we can remove it during your session. It’s always best to see your natural features without makeup so you can receive an accurate assessment.

“I’m too busy for the sessions – can’t they be shorter?”

I understand – life can be very busy juggling everything that life throws at us! An individual colour consultation lasts 1.5 – 2 hours. The style and shape and full transformation services are longer. Check the events page for mini and taster sessions.

“Will you make me look more fashionable??”

I don’t believe in being fashionable, but I do believe in being stylish! Everyone has a sense of style it’s simply about discovering what that is and I’d be delighted to help you feel more comfortable with that. Fashion and trends aren’t for everyone and I want you to be happier and more comfortable with what you wear.

“Do I have to wear white for the consultation?”

Not at all! You can wear whatever clothes and colours you’d like for your consultation. When it comes to analysing your colouring your consultant will place a white draping cape around your shoulders to provide a blank canvas to work from. This is hygienically cleaned after each consultation. Find out more here.

“Will you tell me I can’t wear my favourite jewellery?”

If you opt for a full colour analysis consultation, this includes an analysis of your skin tone and whether you have a warm or cool undertone to your skin. This will help to guide you on the types of metal which may be best for you to wear in your jewellery. It’s worth remembering that colours have the biggest impact when worn next to your face. So, if your wedding band is gold, but your undertone is cool (which would suit a silver metal better) this isn’t going to be a major cause for concern or a trip to the jewellers! However, if you are wearing a metal that isn’t ideal for your undertone I won’t be insisting you get rid of it! Not a chance – it’s simply being aware of the impact and how to wear other tones and introducing colour instead.

“Do I have to buy the makeup?”

If you’re choosing the full colour consultation, makeup in some of your most flattering shades will be applied. You’re under no obligation to purchase anything used and you can always decide at a later date. You will take away some makeup as part of a complete colour analysis or colour analysis and the transformational package.

“It sounds too complicated – why don’t you do seasons?”

The colour analysis system I use is logical and importantly; it’s much more refined. The current system (tonal colour analysis) is shared with the hairdressing industry as well as many others who deal in colour (e.g. motoring and decorating). It allows me to be much more specific with the colours recommend and how to wear them. You’ll learn your colouring type, how to wear colour to compliment your features and you’ll also get follow up notes form me after your session too. Here’s some more details about the differences between seasons and tonal colour analysis.

“Will you cover my hair?”

No, I want to see the colour of your hair; even if it’s not your ‘natural’ colour. Your hair plays such an important part on your appearance and who you are so I always take this into account for my colour analysis consultations. You’ll find more information about why this is here.

“Isn’t it the same wherever I go?”

It’s far more popular and there are more options available to you. It’s worth noting that there are different methods of analysing a person’s colouring type so not everyone is offering the same. I trained with Colour me Beautiful over 10 years ago and so my consultations are based upon the Munsell colour theory and tonal analysis. I’ve analysed hundreds and hundreds of women (and some men!) over the years. I’d always recommend you do some research, check locally, websites and social media so that you can find a consultant who appeals to you and who you feel you will gel with. It’s your session at the end of the day!

“Shall I wait until I’ve lost weight?”

This is obviously a personal choice! I see many women who’ve lost confidence in what they wear but don’t underestimate the impact that a session can have on how you feel! Understanding what colours or styles of clothes work best for you will boost your confidence and make you feel better about your body and image overall. Sometimes a few dressing tips can make the difference as colour can be easily used to appear taller and slimmer! Only you can decide when the time is right for you.

“What’s the difference between an online and face to face session?”

The principles are still the same for both sessions but they are conducted in a very different way. Our face to face sessions are also much more in depth and last longer too. We’ve covered full details here in our previous blog.

“Isn’t knowing your style and shape more important than colours?”

That’s a valid question and really it’s equally as important! Most people choose a colour analysis because they can’t quite put their finger on exactly what to wear or how to wear it. However, it’s equally as frustrating having a wardrobe of colourful things if they don’t fit or flatter your shape and how you spend your time. I offer a separate style consultation which people often book once you’ve got used to your colours, or you can choose my transformation session and have colour, style, shape and a makeup lesson as one package. Further details are here.

What’s the difference between an online and a face to face colour consultation?

Getting your colours done is about helping you to understand the colours that suit you the best. The method of colour analysis and how it’s delivered has developed over the years.

Traditionally speaking, colour analysis involves ‘draping’ someone with fabric swatches. This has been the method of colour analysis consultations for decades whether using the ‘seasonal’ or ‘tonal’ systems of analysis. These two mainstream approaches are very different and you can read more here.

Online colour analysis has been around for a while but wasn’t quite as mainstream. It’s delivered slightly differently as it is provided virtually and not in person.

Whichever approach you are interested in, you should still gain the knowledge about what colours suit you and how to wear colour with confidence.

Online colour assessments were first added to the services available in April 2020 and I had some fantastic feedback from clients. You can read the reviews and testimonials here. Please ask about the online services if you are unable to attend in person.

Here’s some frequently asked questions on the difference between face to face and virtual colour analysis.

Will I still learn my colouring type with an online assessment?

Of course! You’ll learn what your dominant (core) colouring type is and how to wear the colours most suited to you. This means you can begin your colour journey with your 30 fabric colour swatches* (supplied after the session).

What’s the difference between online and face to face?

One is delivered virtually from the comfort of your own home and the other is held at our studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. An in-person session typically lasts much longer, is much more detailed and more refined. You’ll learn your dominant colouring type with both sessions and how it all works. Your secondary and tertiary colouring type will only be analysed at a face to face session.

Is online the same as I’d receive in person?

Almost. The online colour assessments have been designed to take account of the virtual world and fit around you. They last roughly half the time of the full face to face colour analysis consultations.

Will you send me some fabric to test before my online session?

There’s no need. Whilst there’s no physical draping, many of our clients use clothes from their own wardrobes (and other props around the house) to try out! You’re encouraged to have some garments to hand from your wardrobe which is something we wouldn’t have the benefit of face to face!

How do I prepare for the virtual session?

Once you’ve booked your appointment, you’ll receive a booking confirmation. This includes everything you’ll need to know and prepare ahead of the session. You’ll be asked to send at least one photograph before your appointment. This image needs to be taken fairly close up, in good daylight without any filters or makeup. You can supply photos with you wearing different clothes and colours or simply have them to hand for the session.

How do I prepare for a face to face session?

Once you’ve booked your appointment, you’ll receive a booking confirmation. This includes everything you’ll need to know and where to come for your appointment. Due to COVID, certain hygiene methods have been put in place and continue as good practice today.

Can I wear makeup?

For both types of sessions, you will be asked to be ‘make-up free’. This is so your natural colouring can be seen.

Will I learn the same information?

Yes. During both sessions, you’ll learn about the colour me beautiful system and how wearing colour can have such an immediate impact on your appearance. Examples are used to help illustrate the differences between the colouring types and how the shades of colour differ. You won’t learn your secondary or tertiary colouring characteristics online as this is only available face to face.

Do I receive any colour swatches?

Yes! With both consultations, you’ll receive a wallet of fabric swatches. Depending upon the type of consultation, you’ll either receive 30 or 48.*

How long will a session last?

You should allow 1 hour for an online colour assessment and anything between 1.5 and 2 hours for an in person consultation (depending which consultation you choose).

Is 30 colours enough?

That depends! Sometimes, 30 colours are enough but for others, it is merely the start of their colour journey. It’s down to each individual. Take a look in your wardrobe at how many colours you have and imagine having a wardrobe full of clothes in the shades of colour which work for you. A follow up session is available in person when you’ll learn your additional colouring types and a further 18 swatches to add to your colour wallet.

How accurate is an online session?

It’s just as accurate as a face to face session as it’s the same consultant providing the analysis who first began colour analysing people in 2011! The same skills and experience applies whether your session is in person or online.

Do you use any apps or programs?

No. A video conferencing system (zoom) is used for the virtual session. At this time, knowledge of any reliable applications or programs to accurately predict the ‘correct’ colours doesn’t exist to consistently do this. Besides, we aren’t robots and every screen is different too. Much the same as an in house consultation, the information is pieced together professionally based upon your physical characteristics to provide you with a range of colours that make you feel and look fabulous.

Can I wear the same colours in makeup as clothes?

Absolutely! If it’s good enough to wear on your body, why not on your face?! You’ll be shown some of your best makeup colours during both types of sessions and you’ll also receive a list of your best shades which you can purchase at a later date.

How well does online work?

Based upon the feedback received; very well! Each person is different and if a virtual assessment isn’t for you, that’s ok. Choose to book a face to face session if this is your preference.

Can you accurately assess my skin tone virtually?

When looking at your physical characteristics, it’s not just your skin tone being assessed. Under the tonal system used, the colour of your eyes and your hair colour (even if it’s changed because of lockdown!) and how these combine together is also assessed. A ‘dominant’ colour analysis is available online as your secondary and tertiary characteristics is best and most accurately done in person.

Don’t colours look different on screen?

Yes they can. They can also look different depending upon the fabric and weave of a garment and you’ll know this if you’ve ever done any online shopping! That’s why both a virtual and face to face session focuses on how to wear colour and the shades of colour that work best for you based upon your physical features.

Do I need special equipment to book a virtual session?

You need a phone, tablet or computer and internet connection for any online session. You’ll be sent a link to join at your appointment time and you’re welcome to have a pen and paper handy too to take notes. A follow up email is always sent after any session booked.

What if I want to know all my colours?

No problem – you can arrange a follow up session in person and gain a further 18 swatches to add to your colour wallet. Alternatively, you can book a full colour analysis in person if you’d prefer this to online.


*If you live outside the UK, you’ll receive a set of digital swatches electronically rather than fabric ones in the post