What’s the difference between a seasonal and tonal colour analysis?

There are two main types of approaches with colour analysis – seasonal and tonal.

It’s not simply having different names of the palettes but actually how they relate to one another too. Both systems of analysis are rather technical and beyond the scope of this blog but it should provide you with some background as to how each approach operates and the main differences between the two systems.

Seasonal approach

This system operates the standard four season approach – spring, summer, autumn and winter. Within each season, there are sub-types within each season to create either a ’12 season’ or ’16 season’ system rather than the traditional and older ‘4 season’ one. If you were analysed and ‘had your colours done’ many years ago; like I was, you may just have the traditional four seasonal palette. (I was a summer)

Sub types essentially finesse your palette further by narrowing down the colours that harmonise the most with your own natural colouring so that you have a more tailored approach for the shades of colour which work best for you.

Tonal approach

This approach is based upon an assessment of your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour where you will be one of six ‘dominant’ types – Light, Deep, Warm, Cool, Clear or Soft. Within each dominant colouring type, there are sub-types too to create a secondary and tertiary palette. Within each of the six dominant types, there are four sub-types. (I am a soft, cool, deep).

The translations of tonal to seasonal systems, vice versa or even between the different versions of the same analysis can differ slightly. If you’re feeling a little lacklustre in your colours, or you don’t feel like they are working for you, it may be worthwhile reviewing your palette with a colour consultant.

Will your colour type change as you get older?

That depends!

The standard four season approach is thought to be wide and broad enough not to alter as you age. However, the sub-type is likely to change within the season to reflect the changes. For example, you may go from a sultry winter to a bright winter. This will therefore change some of your colours.

With the tonal system, due to the assessment of your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour, you may change either your dominant type or sub-type. If your hair colour drastically changed for example, from dark brown to grey then your ‘dominant’ colouring type (and likely sub-types) will change. For example, you may move from a Deep to a Cool and your colours will also change and how you wear them.

If you’re feeling a little lacklustre in your colours, or you don’t feel like they are working for you due to a drastic change in hair colour or skin tone, it may be worthwhile reviewing your palette with a colour consultant to discover your best shades. 

‘Getting your colours done’ is for anyone of any age. Everyone can wear colour, but not every shade of colour will suit you. It’s simply about knowing and understanding what works for you so you can feel confident in what you wear. 

I trained with Colour me Beautiful who operate a tonal system of analysis which is what I offer in my colour consultations. Read these frequently asked questions here.

If you’d interested in a little more about the ‘science’ behind my consultations, read this blog here.

Sessions are available online and face to face

get in touch to book your appointment now: toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk

My own colour analysis experience

It was over 15 years ago that I first heard the phrase “getting your colours done” from a lady I worked with. I had no idea what this was or even if it was a real thing! But, what I recall was how she dressed differently, wore more colour and seemed to exude confidence which she didn’t seem to possess before her consultation.

Not long after, I had my own colour and image consultation. What I recall at the time was a lot of information about me, dressing for my body shape, my proportions and also what suited me from colours to styles and makeup.

It was colour that resonated the most for me and it still does now. I was a ‘summer’ and I had my colour swatch wallet tucked away in my handbag which I used shopping for new items as well as for weeding my wardrobe of any not so good items.

The declutter

I recall purging my wardrobe not long after my session. Naturally, the most obvious items which didn’t suit my shape, colouring and which didn’t match my swatches were the first to go. But, there are always some things you aren’t quite ready to get rid of.

For me, it was black suits which I wore to work. At the time, I was working in an office in the financial services sector and I already knew that they didn’t compliment my colouring as they seemed to wash out my complexion. It was visible – I could see it and so could everyone else! I often received comments about looking tired or unwell (when I felt perfectly fine!). I also had a range of other items, in colours, which I frequently wore to work, but for some reason I wasn’t quite ready to let these go and so they remained in the wardrobe.

There were some mornings that I put the suits on, looked in the mirror and saw a drained and tired looking face staring back at me and each time, I promptly took them off and hung them back up! Was it because I knew they weren’t right for me? Perhaps. Whatever the reason, these suits remained hung up for around a year before I decided that enough was enough. If I wasn’t going to wear them, there were other people who could get their use out of them and bagged them up for charity.  

Future purchases were always in line with my swatches, wanting to both look and feel my best, but certain colours eluded me and it wasn’t until I retrained years later that I realised why.

I’d say it genuinely took me years to finally have a wardrobe that truly worked for me and suited me and my lifestyle, so you shouldn’t feel disheartened if it’s the same for you.

If you would like a little help and guidance when it comes to decluttering your wardrobe, download my free five step guide here. 

Colour and the impact

Colour was always my go to though. Whenever I wore my colours, I felt good and I had more confidence in my outfit choices and styling things to suit me.

I wouldn’t describe myself as a person who could dress effortlessly, chic or particularly fashionable. But, I had knowledge and tricks about how to dress for best effect.

Years after my session, I decided to retrain as an image consultant so I could impart the same knowledge and demonstrate that same amazing impact that dressing for your shape and lifestyle, in the right colours and makeup and how it can totally transform you.

Different methods of colour analysis

When I originally had my colour analysis, I didn’t realise that there were different methods of analysis available.

I’d personally experienced the seasonal approach all those years ago but there was another method which used a tonal approach. When I was looking at training, I looked into this further and the tonal analysis really appealed to me and so I chose to train with colour me beautiful who trained their consultants on this method.

The local paper wrote an article about me and my new services which still hangs proudly on the wall in my studio.

Toni Carver

It’s fascinating that there are so many colour theories which have developed over the years and adapted so that they still influence these main forms of colour analysis today.

With both approaches, when a colour combination is harmonious, whether that be with colours being worn as much as with a person’s colouring, then it is pleasing to view. The person will look healthy, they will look well and their complexion will look brighter. But, when that colour is not harmonious, the effect is the opposite and it will appear to discolour a person’s complexion making them look unhealthy, tired or unwell.

I’ll explore the two systems in a separate blog next week, but if you’d like to experience the impact that wearing the right colour has, get in touch to book your colour analysis consultation.

How to wear colour video series

Welcome to a series of videos on how to wear colour!

It is so easy to wear colour. Not only can it transform your overall look but it really can boost your mood too! Not knowing or understanding how to wear colour is something that many people tell me they struggle with. Sometimes you can’t put your finger on why something does or doesn’t suit you.

As an image consultant, my colour consultations are by far my most popular session. These are available Online; from the comfort of your own home for when we can’t meet in person as well as in person at the studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

If you don’t know what colours to choose, or how to wear them, then these videos give you some tips on how to do so and also why it can make such a difference.

Check them out here and if you have any questions, do get in touch.

How to wear yellow
How to wear purple
How to wear blue
How to wear green
How to wear red
How to wear pink
How to wear neutrals 
How to wear black

How to wear yellow

As an image consultant, the number one thing I hear from potential clients is “oh, I’d love to wear more colour, I just don’t know what suits me”.

There are many reasons why people feel this way:
– the fashion world is obsessed with black
– there’s actually more than one shade of a colour

However, everyone CAN wear colour and with a little knowledge, everyone can learn how to choose and wear the right shades which suit them. Even if you feel that you don’t have the confidence to wear colour, you can still introduce it and build up to what you’re comfortable with.

You’d be surprised at the difference that colour can have on your mood (see our previous blog here). I believe that everyone should feel good in what they wear.

How to wear colour

Let’s talk about the colour yellow.

It can be a really tricky colour to wear. Some people will suit it far more than others but, as with all colours, there is a shade for you.

For those of you who have previously had a colour analysis consultation, your colour swatch wallet is the best place to guide you and remind you of your best shades and the top tips on how to wear colours that would suit you best. Your colouring type will also be noted on the bottom of the card and fabric inserts. Get in touch if you need more help.

If you’ve never had your colours done, these celebrity examples demonstrate how different shades of yellow compliment their physical features the best.

Lights: Reece Witherspoon – Don’t overpower your colouring, wear with light or mid tone neutrals such as taupe and avoid too much contrast. Try Buttermilk.

Deeps: Michelle Obama – Wear with navy or charcoal to create as much contrast as possible. Avoid mixing two pale shades together. Try Daffodil.

Warms: Nicola Roberts – You’ll look amazing if you combine the shade such as mustard with either olive or golden brown.

Cools : Jamie Lee Curtis – Avoid any ‘warm’ tones. Any yellow is best worn away from the face. Mix with navy or any of your greys. Try Icy Lemon.

Clears: Zooey Deschanel – The brighter and clearer the better for you! Citron worn with either light, bright or dark shades.

Softs: Kate Winslet – A tonal combination can look so elegant on you. educe the contrast feel by teaming soft yellows like buttermilk with stone, pewter and grey.

Other colours will be covered in future blog posts, so be sure to check them out.

There is also a series of videos which you can watch here. 

If you’d like to learn what shades of colour suit you, book a colour analysis consultation. Both online (virtual) and face to face sessions are available. No appointments for face to face sessions are being taken until July at the earliest.

Announcing NEW virtual colour assessments

Book Club cancelled? Pilates put on the back-burner? Take the time to invest in yourself.

New service

As a Colour me Beautiful consultant, I am delighted to announce a new online ‘introduction to colour’ service for April 2020.
In light of the extraordinary situation that the world is facing, I am still committed to helping people to feel good about themselves and what they wear through the joy of colour.
As social activities are cancelled across the world and work from home becomes mandatory, it’s the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself and more importantly, enjoy time at home.
Let’s not forget that for many now working from home, there’s Facetime, WhatsApp, Skype calls and Zoom to think about! You’ve still got to look the part – even if it’s on a computer screen!


The service

It’s a virtual one-to-one session where you will learn how colour can enhance your look and discover flattering shades and advice on how to combine colours for maximum impact. 

For more information about this service, please contact: Toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk.

How to wear colour to boost your mood

Colour has been found to have a profound impact on our mood, as well as how we look.
For me, colour is the easiest way to update your image. It doesn’t require lots of money or time, just a little understanding. It’s also one of the most rewarding and favourite elements of my job as an image consultant.
This feels like a good time to share some tips on wearing colour so that you can feel good in spite of what’s actually going on.

Your appearance

You make a visual statement about how you view yourself in what you wear. It reinforces your self image as when you know you look good, it’s this confidence that shines through. When you don’t feel quite so good about yourself, this can be evidenced in exactly the same way.
At the current time of writing, there’s a global pandemic as a result of the Coronavirus and many people are either working from home or isolating themselves.
Just because you’re sat at home and not seeing anyone, it doesn’t mean that you can’t feel good in what you wear. Plus, thanks to technology, many people are having virtual meetings and as good as your PJs are, what impression does that give to your boss, colleague, business connection or client?
Be honest. When you sit there in your comfies, as lovely as you feel, it doesn’t exactly heighten your mood does it? I love comfy, but I just ensure that my loungewear are in colours which suit me so that I can look good as well as feel good!


The human eye requires balance and harmony. With your appearance, this is achieved between your physical features and what you wear.
When you wear the right shades of colour, they will flatter, enhance and brighten your appearance. Choosing the wrong shades of colour will cast shadows and age you and nobody wants that!
There’s only so many colours which exist – everyone can wear colour it’s simply identifying which shades work best for you and your physical characteristics.
Here’s a few popular colours and psychologically, the impact on not just yourself, but others too.


Psychologically, wearing red gives an air of confidence and being in control. Red is the colour of energy so it’s a great colour to wear if you feel like you need some energy to approach your day. Perhaps even a bit of red lippy 💋
Be careful though as it is also the most assertive, aggressive and attention grabbing of colours. Think of the colour of the stop light at the traffic lights.
Getting the undertone right when wearing red is crucial as if you’re cooler with no warmth in your hair or skin tone then you’ll need a blue based red. If you have these warmer tones, then you’ll be much better suited to a yellow based red.


Seen as safe, peaceful and logical and it’s known to convey trustworthiness as our law and order officials have navy blue uniforms. Equally blues can be seen as cold, unemotional and unfriendly so they may not make the best impression with a new client.


The colour of nature and is worn by the armed forces for camouflage purposes. It’s also seen as a calm and reassuring colour and wearing it can also demonstrate creativity and imagination so why not give it a whirl?


Have you ever found that you just feel a bit down when you wear black? A mood-hooverer and who needs that right now?!
Whilst you may find it easy and safe to wear, it’s not the most suitable for everyone. I often find that people wear it as they aren’t sure what else to wear. They lack the imagination, time or know how and get trapped in black!
It’s a rather authoritative colour and appears not very approachable too, so in a business sense, could this be to your detriment?
If you find that this isn’t the most complimentary colour to wear, try introducing a coloured shirt, blouse, top or scarf.


The one colour which truly reflects light making it the ideal colour to wear in hot climates. Given that the majority of travel is currently at a standstill, perhaps best staying in the wardrobe for now?
This purity makes it hard to wear for most people though as in its purist form, it’s too harsh. Wearing an off white is usually more flattering.
It is clean and hygienic too!


Often seen as a feminine colour though it can suggest empathy, gentleness and compassion. Guys who wear pink demonstrate that they are comfortable with their masculinity. Something which could be really helpful in the current climate.


As a colour, it can indicate sensitivity and be spiritual. Some people have found it helps in meditation and can promote a sense of relaxation which I’m sure is something we would welcome.


I often find that many people have lost confidence in what to wear or just don’t know what suits them which isn’t great for our self esteem. If you do find yourself with a bit of time on your hands, you might be tempted to do a bit of shopping from the comfort of your own home. If you already feel like you’ve got nothing to wear, shopping without any guidance or direction is likely to mean that you’ll end up with the same type of clothes that you’ve already got, or that they don’t work with other items you have in your wardrobe. You might also feel that they don’t suit you, or that you don’t feel like ‘you’ in them.
Don’t despair. This time will pass. But, try not to be tempted to buy what’s fashionable or simply because it’s there. Learn what what works for you and why, then all these bad purchases will be just that. Plus, they will no longer languish in the back of your wardrobe with the tags still on! You can finally stop wasting money on things you never wear!

Behind the scenes at Sassy ever after LIVE!

In January, I was invited to be one of the guest speakers at a female empowerment event. It sounded like a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon and start off 2020.

Sassy ever after LIVE!

I arrived in Sheffield early and was greeted by Kate Grosvenor, the founder who also offers 1-1 coaching sessions. She showed me around the venue which was lovely, including their own lifestyle brand of clothing, candles and more.

Kate Grosvenor

After a glass of bubbles, Kate opened up the event and spoke of ways to change habits and ways to introduce new routines. Informative and useful tips but there was one specific point she made which stuck in my mind. She asked the room full of women; how do you celebrate your successes? I’m not saying you could hear a pin drop but….we were all a bit quiet. Kate said that it was important to celebrate your wins, however small and straight away. Don’t wait until you see a friend, or until you next see your partner or the moment has passed. It did get me thinking, how about you? Try saying well done out loud, tap your own back or even a little clap of the hands could be enough to reward yourself! Visit Kate’s website here.

Deepika Venkatachalam

Deepika is a blogger from India. I listened to her story with such admiration and found her incredibly inspiring! Coming from India to study at Sheffield university with a whole host of achievements under her belt for such a young age, she is definitely one to watch and follow here.

Sarah Tattersfield

The afternoon was not only my turn, but Sarah who is a nutritionalist and the owner of Rotherham’s first and the only members only weight loss and nutritionalist club. Another inspiring and very fit lady! What stuck in my mind from Sarah’s presentation was that they operate a healthy and positive change to your diet, health and fitness. Yes you can have a packet of low fat fat crisps for 90 calories, but is that the best way to eat those 90 calories? Diets are unsustainable and habits need to be changed to create long term healthy lifestyles which is really what your body needs. See more here.

New year, new you

When it was my turn, I was a tad nervous as these ladies were amazing and inspiring but I shared a bit about my background; how I came to become an image consultant and also what the start of a new year meant to me.
It may seem silly to talk of new year, new you now given that we’re in March, but really, you can press reset or pause on life whenever you want. You don’t have to wait until January!
Changing something that you’re not happy about can be hard. Especially if it feels big. Remember; you can’t eat an elephant whole so I always try and think about what the small things are that I can do and build on them, as it’s these small changes that can make the biggest difference. I don’t believe I would be where I am and doing what I love today without breaking it down and taking the steps I did to get here.


For instance, I started a bit of a declutter mission before Christmas. I once heard someone say that your home is your anchor and everything has a home when you declutter. Without meaning to, we can all hoard things can’t we? Even if we don’t mean to, those weeks turn into months and then before we know it, it’s over two years since you moved and that room you meant to sort out after you moved in still hasn’t been emptied…(just me?).
Given the fact that I’m an image consultant, you might expect my wardrobe to be organised and it generally is. I regularly declutter, but my declutter mission extended to each room, drawer, under the stairs and even the garage! During the declutter mission, myself and my husband both agreed we felt not only a sense of achievement, but we felt genuinely calmer knowing things were cleaned, tidy and organised. More on my clothes declutter and organisation another time.
I get a lot of women who get in touch because they feel like they’ve got nothing to wear and they are fed up of feeling like it! I help them understand what suits them and why, so they can get confident in what they wear.
When you understand what suits you and why, you can avoid having those what to wear days. You can save time in the morning and stop wasting money on things you never wear.
But, it doesn’t happen overnight. You can press reset or pause and simply try and change one thing that you’re not happy with but you don’t have to do it on your own either. Making little changes all add up to big changes, especially in how you look and feel. You know that when you feel good in what you wear – this confidence shines through and people notice. Who doesn’t want to feel good in what they wear?
All in all, an amazing afternoon spent with some amazing women. Plus, I bought a wax melt burner with the Sassy wax melts called ‘Be Flawsome’. I am trying.

Pantone Color of the year 2020


We wear colour as a way of making ourselves feel good, look good and to boost our confidence. The Colour of the year has been around since 2000 and is now in it’s 20th year. In December last year, Pantone made their announcement!

Pantone’s colour for 2020

Industries across the world will be dipping into their blue dye pots following the announcement. For the new decade, it’s.. classic blue. A shade that sits between Colour me Beautiful’s own true blue and royal blue.

Pantone say: Instilling calm, confidence, and connection, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.

It’s a shade that works especially well on our Deeps, Cools and Clears, but as with all colours, there’s a blue for everyone. The trick is to find the shade that is perfect for you (which is where your colour swatch wallet comes in) or how to wear it.

So, how can you wear it?

With her natural blonde hair, porcelain skin and light eyes, Cate Blanchett is a LIGHT. She looks fabulous in cornflower blue. Classic blue is slightly deeper and stronger so would be best worn with soft white or mint to keep it fresh and light.

On the otherhand, Michelle Obama with her strong, dramatic look is a DEEP. She can wear classic blue very well indeed. Wearing the colour alongside other rich shades such as black or charcoal will look simply amazing.

Poldark’s Emma Tomlinson is a fabulous redhead and her aim should be to balance this with warm, golden tones. As a WARM, her blues will always look best when worn with yellow-based colours such as apricot or primrose.

Of course Judi Dench is a COOL and can totally own classic blue. If she wants to team it with another colour, some contrast is always better than wearing shades tonally. Icy blue, soft white or baby pink would be just perfect.

Megan Fox has huge contrast between her bright eyes, skin tone and dark hair. She’s a CLEAR and will always look best in strong, vibrant colours such as this year’s classic blue. A contrast of light and dark suits her the best when wearing two or more shades.

Finally, Kate Winslet has a much more blended look; there is little contrast between her hair, eyes and skin. She’s a SOFT and as classic blue is quite a vibrant colour, would be better worn with a softer tonal shade such as light periwinkle or shell.

If you can’t tell from these celebrity examples which one you’re most similar to, you can always book a colour consultation.

If you’re interested in attending a group session, register your interest in our next round of events. Click here.


Sassy Ever After LIVE! Sheffield – 25 January

Toni has been asked to be one of the guest speakers at this event.

If you would love a few hours off from the rest of the world then why not join us for an afternoon of bubbles, giggles, gift bags, girlie time and more…sit back, unwind, and listen to the speakers motivate, empower and support you!

Sassy Ever After LIVE! is a high energy event that will make you believe in yourself and give you a sense of confidence and self faith.

Event details:

Date: Saturday 25 January

Time: 12pm – 4pm

Venue: Sassy HQ, 8 Leeds Road, Sheffield, S9 3TY

  • A welcome glass of bubbles
  • A Sassy Gift Bag lovingly filled with beuatiful treats
  • 4 hours of motivaiton, inspiration, giggles, and more…

If you enter the code: NEWYEARNEWYOU you’ll receive £7 off the ticket price. Click here to buy your ticket.

What to wear to the work Christmas party

The Christmas party season is fast approaching, but, what do you wear?

Take a look at these simple tips and you’ll be sure to turn heads for all the right reasons.


I had to start here. At this time of year, the high street and online stores are full of lots of black options. If you’re a regular reader or someone who’s experienced a colour analysis, then you’ll already know that black isn’t a colour which suits everyone. Nor is it slimming (that’s a myth).

When Coco Chanel invented the little black dress, she arguably created a timeless wardrobe staple. Whilst the ‘LBD’ will always be a party favourite, if it’s not in your palette you’ll need to make sure you wear it with the right accessories to either soften the appearance against your features, or to take the attention away.

If you are light brown, blonde or a red-head then try wearing a lighter coloured necklace, such as pearls or metallic to reflect the lighter colours up onto your face.

If you’ve got strong and rich colouring like Eva Longoria or Meghan Markle, then there’s no reason to worry.

Fortunately, there is a range of colours out there to choose from, so why not take advantage of them to get you through the party season!


Green is another hit this season. There are varying shades of green to suit different colourings from mint, teal, peppermint to emerald green so choose your shade wisely and if in doubt, use your colour swatch wallet (gained during a colour consultation) to help guide you.


This is a great alternative to black and there is a shade to suit every complexion too. Always a hit at this time of year I find and there’s much more choice too. Go and explore!


Red is a powerful colour so you’ll certainly gain some attention! It isn’t for wallflowers but there are shades of red for every colouring. If you’re warmer toned, you’re best choosing a red with a yellow undertone to it and if you’re cooler, choose a blue based one.


Shimmery and sequins at the ready! There’s a whole host of metallic and sequin numbers out there. If you are cooler toned, then choose a silver or lighter coloured sparkle. If you’re warmer toned, choose a gold colour as these will flatter you the best.

Finishing touches

If you’re looking for the perfect way to finish off your outfit then I have just the solution. My range of super soft pashmina style scarves are available in six different shades (hot pink, teal, purple, scarlet red, apple blossom and coral pink), there’s at least one to suit your colouring. Order online or from the studio to gain the perfect cover up and add elegance to that outfit.

Finish with the perfect lippy to party in – your best shade of course! If you need advise on choosing the right shade, just get in touch.

Looking after yourself on the inside and outside

In October, I ran an event in Wakefield alongside Julie Woodward. We wanted to show people how you can not only look good, but feel good too. How? Well, simply with the power of wearing the right colours and having the right nutrition.

The event

It was a rather wet evening but we didn’t let the weather dampen the night. We had bottles of fizz at the ready to greet our guests too.

If you’re a regular reader of our blogs, or you’ve previously ‘had your colours done’, you’ll already know how wearing the right shades of colour can totally transform your look, make you appear more youthful and healthier. The impact that wearing colour has on how we feel is equally important so we feel confident in our own skin.

Tlc style & colour at event

In events of this type, I like to show people what the impact is of wearing different shades of colour with the use of my tonal panels. Getting oohs from the audience and seeing the look on people’s faces when they light up with the right shades against their features is amazing. I never get bored of it!

Meanwhile, Julie focussed on how to achieve good gut health. A healthy gut can contribute a great deal to our overall wellbeing – mentally and physically. Taking in the right nutrients can help and whilst it should be through eating the right diet, we never seem to get enough do we?

Essentially aloe at event

Julie highlighted some common signs of an unhealthy gut. These can include skin irritations or break outs, fatigue or irregular bowel movements. Taking in the right nutrients, through food, supplements or drinks, can help you to achieve your diet and lifestyle goals.

Thank you to those of you who came along to join us.

For more information about achieving a healthy gut, visit Julie Woodward’s website: www.essentiallyaloe.co.uk.

If you’d like to learn how to gain confidence with colour, book your own individual consultation.

Here’s how to colour yourself slim

I’ve lost track of how many times people say that black is slimming. Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t, but the question really should be; is it the most flattering? For most people, probably not.

Now you’re probably thinking that I would say that given I’m all about the colour, but stay with me for a minute and, if you want to revisit last month’s blog about dressing in black, click here.


Dressing in one colour or similar shades of colour from top to toe is in fact far more slimming than wearing black. When you wear one column of colour, it helps balance out any imperfections and elongates the frame. This creates a leaner silhouette.

One of the best public figure examples is The Queen – always top to toe in the same colour.


We rarely see her in black except for state occasions and funerals of course so if it’s fit for The Queen, why not give it a go?

What’s stopping you from doing a column of red or blue? Or, how about green or even yellow? If you find yourself missing black or simply can’t tear yourself away just yet, then edge away gently. Give navy, charcoal or even brown a go as these all make great alternatives to black.

Dresses, jumpsuits and more

Don’t think it needs to be a dress either. It could be a jumpsuit or a trouser suit too. These make the perfect choice for a more formal occasion especially if you don’t ‘do’ dresses.

What I like about suits is that each piece can be worn separately which helps you create different outfits within your wardrobe. If you’re struggling to create outfits or have a wardrobe full of clothes you’re not wearing, why not give my 30 day challenge a whirl? I tried it a few months ago which you can read about here.

Try a jacket with jeans for example, or the trousers worn more casually with a jumper. This increases your £s per wear too! If you’re struggling to declutter your wardrobe, then download my free guide here which contains five tips.

Another option if you’re not into suits is to try wearing the same shade in a top and bottom and then add a different coloured jacket, coat or even scarf.

Some people struggle with wearing too much contrast (think light and dark colours worn together) as they can overpower their features and so it’s best to opt for a more tonal and blended look.


Whilst not necessarily slimming, it’s worth noting a trick to appear taller. You can elongate the appearance of your legs simply by wearing the same colour shoes and trousers. This gives a continuous unbroken line from top to toe and visibly creates an instant leg length. If you’re choosing cropped trousers or a skirt or dress, wear shoes that are closest to your skin tone. A pointed shoe will add extra length to your frame too.

If you do go top to toe in one colour then you can afford to keep your accessories and prints to a minimum. Less is more after all. This may be of benefit to those with a natural style personality.

Interested in more ways to dress yourself slimmer? Book yourself one of my colour consultation sessions or why not buy the Colour me Beautiful colour me slimmer book? Priced at just £10.99 and I have copies in the studio for both collection or delivery (P&P to be applied). Send me a message for details: Toni.carver@tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk.


All whites at Wimbledon, but who can wear pure white?

If you’re a tennis fan then you’ll have been glued to the TV this week and checking social media for the scores at Wimbledon 2019.

But, ever wondered why the players only dress in white?

Official dress code

Well, there’s an official dress code which you can visit on the Wimbledon 2019 website here. It’s rather strict and provides lots of rules, but in a nutshell, it states that players can only wear white. Not off white either, or cream. Just white.

That goes for their shoes too, including soles, all clothes and any accessories.

My research also shows that this dates back to the Victorian era as it was believed that the reason they wear white is that it showed less sweat. Despite times changing, the rules have certainly not relaxed and there are no signs of changing it either.

Flouting the rules comes at a cost too. It’s all white or no court action. Very strict.

If you’re not planning on heading to the Wimbledon courts, wearing white is a little more flexible thankfully.

Who can wear white?

You see, pure white doesn’t suit that many people. It’s notoriously a difficult colour to wear for most of us as it’s so pale that the majority of us just look totally washed out. The only people that should wear pure white are the Cool’s and Clear’s amongst us.

A nice off-white shade is much better for the majority of people. A much softer shade as it creates better harmony with our own physical characteristics so you’ll look healthier with a better looking skin tone.

Everyone can wear colour, it’s just finding the right shades of colour which bring out the best in you.

If you want to learn what colouring type you are and the shades which suit your characteristics the best, get in touch to book a colour analysis consultation. 


Your biggest concerns or challenges when it comes to dressing?

Recently, I’ve been asking for feedback about your biggest concerns or challenges when it comes to dressing.

Here are the top 3 concerns raised:

  1. Colour
  2. Cost
  3. Body confidence

I thought I’d look at each area of concern and offer a few tips.



Colour coordination came up a few times and specifically matching tops, bottoms or outfits together when dressing. I shouldn’t be surprised as colour consultations are by far my most popular service.

Wearing colour is also the simplest way to update your look. We can all get fed up wearing the same thing, day in, day out so perhaps it’s just a pop of colour you need? Try a scarf to switch up your look. Or how about a colourful necklace or a pair of earrings? A new pair of shoes or bag could work too.


Identify the ‘right’ colour

It’s worth noting that everyone can wear colour, it’s simply finding the right shade for you. How do you know if it’s the right colour? Simply hold the garment up under your chin in a well lit room. It should lighten and brighten your features but, if you see any dark shadows against your face, or the colour stands out more than you, it’s not the right shade.

Dressing all in one colour will give the appearance of height too, so if you’re on the petite side, this is a good tip to follow. If you’re on the taller side, try colour blocking; where a different top to bottoms, shoes or jackets.

If you’ve got dramatic or stand out features, then a contrast will work well for you. Wear a light and dark colour together. If you’ve got less stand out features, try a more blended look by choosing a colour and wearing shades which are one or two shades lighter or darker than each other.

During a colour consultation, I’ll go into more detail. Specifically looking at the colour of your hair, eyes and your skin tone in order to determine a palette of colours which work for you. Colour me Beautiful consultants like myself work from a tonal analysis system now rather than a seasonal approach. You’ll get to take away your own personal fabric swatch wallet with 42 shades which compliment you the best based upon your physical colouring. For more details, visit my colour analysis consultation page.



How do you shop for clothes which don’t break the bank?

There’s a strong movement in favour of recycling clothes. Think swish and swap parties, charity shops, re-loved sites and Ebay. Opportunities to buy nearly new or used but in excellent condition mean that you can buy new clothes at a fraction of their once higher price.

Another option is to shop wisely. If you have multiple items in the same style and colour, do you really need to buy another? Think about and go and have a look at what you’ve got and what you wear. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll have seen my 30 day challenge in April and I would highly recommend that you give this a go. It might also help if you feel like you’re in a bit of a style rut and bored of what you wear.



If you can wear garments with at least three other items in your wardrobe, then this really will transform it. The ability to wear an item multiple times which coordinates with other pieces means you are more likely to get your money’s worth as well as wear it. This all comes down to my £s per wear mantra. Spend £50 on an item you wear once and it’s £50 per wear, but spend £50 on an item you wear five times and it’s £10 per wear.

Don’t despair if you’ve got things that you barely wear or don’t go with anything. Think about what you could wear it with – what item don’t you have that will transform it into an outfit? I’ve found time and time again that once you nail this, your clothes will combine much more easily together.

A slight tangent, but worthy of thought. Does your wardrobe match your lifestyle? If the clothes in your wardrobe don’t match how you actually spend your time, then you’ve got clothes you probably won’t wear. Or, you’re missing key items to work for your lifestyle. I found this myself. When I left the corporate world, I had lots of suits, shirts, tailored dresses which just didn’t work for my colour, style and image business.


Body confidence

I was surprised to hear so many people talking so negatively about themselves. We are such harsh critics on ourselves. Concerns raised mainly surrounding people’s weight and how fat they say they felt or clothes not fitting. Even buying things which were just “fine” or “ok” – you deserve better than that!!

First things first – size doesn’t matter, but shape does. Diet and exercise can go a long way to making yourself feel as well as look good, but dressing for your body line is crucial as your skeleton and bone structure won’t change no matter how much weight you’ve put on or lost.

Think of a curvy vase. Have you ever tried wrapping a vase with thick wrapping paper? Not only does it look bad, but have you noticed that it alters the appearance? The curvy lines have been swamped with all that heavy paper, masking it’s shape but also making it look bigger. Fabric is the same. If you’ve got curves, choose fabric that drapes those curves as choosing heavy fabric which doesn’t compliment the curves means that you’ll look two sizes bigger than what you really are.

I often see people that want to hide their shape as they feel conscious. Again fabric is key here as just because you buy something bigger to avoid hugging those curves, it’s still too big making you look bigger than you actually are.

You don’t have to be a slave to fashion, I know I’m not but it’s also easier to keep your look current too. Glossy magazines and online sites are packed with image inspiration and tips on what is going to be ‘on trend’. Focus on the trends that appeal to you and then decide how you are going to incorporate them into your look in a way that is still ‘you’. You’ll feel better being you than trying to be someone else.

Buy what you love! If you put something on that you feel truly fabulous in, then go ahead and purchase it. When you wear something you feel amazing in you will exude confidence and this will guarantee you look amazing too!

If you need a little help decluttering your wardrobe, why not download my free guide which includes five steps to follow. Download it here. 

Does your personality affect the way you dress?

What we wear sends out a message to people we meet. Consciously or otherwise, we make a visual statement about how we feel in what we wear.


How much do our own preferences have towards others?

I recently took to Facebook to ask my friends their opinion. Which shoes did they think I should go with for an event I had the following day. I posted two pictures with my outfit laid out including necklace and a pair of shoes.

The dress was new and bought from Marks & Spencer. Both pairs of shoes I already had and had shopped from my existing wardrobe. (I do believe that you can combine outfits together from your existing wardrobe without having to buy everything new. If you want to learn more about this, get in touch to book a session).

The result

1 – 10 votes

2 – 13 votes

I already had a good idea about which shoes I thought I would wear before the votes came in but I was curious to see what people thought.

I chose shoes number one

Are you wondering why? It’s not because I don’t like the other shoes because in actual fact, they are one of my favourites. They are a pair that I have had for many years, been resoled and heeled and the £s per wear I’ve had must be almost pennies now. Getting your wear out of things is a must when buying certain items of clothing.

Instead, it was about the overall image I wanted to project and, make an impression wearing them. I guess it’s linked to confidence too and how I felt wearing them. I felt I needed an edge and these shoes gave me the edge I wanted. How many times do you choose something to wear because you’re happy or confident? This is a must I would say!

The comments I got from my friends and the votes made me reflect about how much our own personality impact on our view about what others wear. I’ve said it many times – image matters, whether we like it or not. How many times have you seen someone on TV or on social media and passed comment about what they are wearing? We all do it – good and bad.

There was also a distinct difference in styling and personality in each shoe. One pair was quite edgy and bold. The other a more classic pair. Also, from the pictures, it can be hard to judge can’t it? There were a few who saw black and red for shoes number one for example when in actual fact they were purple and red. Were people saying what they thought I would look good in, or were they actually saying what they thought they would wear themselves? I suspect there was an element of both.

In my personal and professional view, both shoes worked. If a client had posed the same question to me and asked for my opinion, I’d have asked them to think about where they were going, what impression they wanted to create and, how comfortable were they to wear. I think there’s nothing worse than being in a pair of shoes which are killing your feet!

Did I get any comments about my shoes at the event? Interestingly, no. But I did about the dress – the colour looked great on me I was told 😉.


Bringing it all together

This backs up why the colour clothes we wear have such an impact. It’s usually the first thing people see and it’s actually the easiest way to update your look too. Arguably, you can dress as a different personality and many people do – they have to dress a certain way for work and when out of work, they are the opposite. However, it’s your personality which dictates how you actually combine your outfits together, or not for some of you!

Either way, I would always recommend that you dress for your body shape and wear the shades of colour which suit your colouring the best near to your face as you can see I have.


Get in touch to learn more and to book your session.

If you’re interested in learning more and not ready to book yet, why not follow me on Facebook and say hi!


Know your worth! Free event Sunday 20 January

Delighted to be involved in this event organised by Emma Kirke on Sunday 20 January at 9am until 3.30pm..

We are hosting a FREE day of empowerment for you to learn to love yourself and to have the confidence to be yourself and know your own worth.


The event

This will consist of short talks from fierce females bossing their area of expertise.

Emma Kirke – nutrition & exercise

Gayle Griffin – make up confidence

Toni Carver – clothes/style/colour

Teresa Wrigglesworth – hypno confidence


Sam – Potting shed CEO

Zoe Scaife – Pilates – posture confidence

Julia Lee – life coach and empowering godess

12.30 – 1.30 lunch

Then demos & workshops or one to one chats.

Finishing at 3.30pm

Coffee and drinks will be available but please bring your own lunch.


The venue

RCM Business Centre – Sandbeds Trading Estate, Dewsbury Road, Ossett WF5 9ND


Book your place now!

The 2019 Pantone Colour of the Year is…

2019 is nearly here!

Pantone, like every year have announced what their colour of the year is for 2019.

In 2018 it was ultra violet. It was one of my faves as I love purple and find it such a versatile colour to wear. There are lots of different shades of purple out there too meaning there’s a shade out there for everyone.

When the Pantone Color Institute make their annual announcements, designers around the globe take note and we see trends emerge in the shops. It’s not always restricted to clothing or fashion, but household appliances too have been known to follow the trend!

Announcing Colour of the Year – 2019

Living Coral!

Pantone say it’s “an animating and life affirming Coral hue with a golden undertone that energises and enlivens with a softer edge. Sociable and spirited, the engaging nature of Living Coral welcomes and encourages lighthearted activity. Symbolising our innate need for optimism and joyful pursuits, Living a Coral embodies our desire for playful expression”.

We wear colour as a way of expressing ourselves – in our clothes and makeup. Wearing colour makes you feel good, look good (when wearing the right shade) and also boosts our confidence.

If you’ve been for a colour consultation and had your colours done in the past, then choose to wear the most flattering orange shades from your palette – use your colour swatch wallet to guide you.

Should you fall into our Warm category and warmer versions of the Light or Clear colouring types, you’ll be delighted!

Unfortunately, Coral won’t be in your palette for the rest of you, but if you do want to be ‘on trend’, then how about a new kitchen appliance?!


Here’s my recommendations from our cruelty free, paraben free cosmetic range available in the studio or via my online shop.


Peach – available as a single eyeshadow pot or as a refillable for our magnetic compact. Suitable for everyone except Cools – go for your pinky shades such ballerina pink, cotton candy, champagne or opal.


The obvious choice is our Coral Lipstick suitable for you Lights, Warms and Clears.

If you’re a Deep, why not try the Sheer rum or Sheer nutmeg lipstick as an alternative?

For you Cools, give Strawberry lipstick a try and for you Softs, Spiced Peach or Sheer breeze would be ideal.

Our Mango Lip Gloss is the perfect shade to co-ordinate with this ‘on-trend’ colour too which is great for you Lights, Deeps, Warms and Clears. If you’re a soft try Warm Sand lipgloss and for you Cools, it’s back to the pinks and avoid the trend all together I’m afraid as it’s just not for you!

If you would like to know the shades of colour which suit you best, why not book a consultation here.

Ultra Violet – the Pantone colour of the year 2018

Every year, Pantone announces a brand new colour of the year and 2018 is no exception. When the Pantone Color Institute make their announcements, designers around the globe take note and trends emerge.

It won’t just be clothing you’ll see in purple, but products too. Think hairdryers, bags, sofas and makeup!

Pantone is the world-renowned source of colour information. We wear colour extensively as a way of making ourselves feel good, look good and to boost our confidence. The Colour of the year has been around since 2000.

Colour of the year – 2018

Ultra Violet is a blue based purple and Purple is a universal shade meaning it looks great on all skin tones. Make sure the shade you wear is tweaked so it suits your specific colour characteristics.

If you’ve been for a colour consultation and had a colour analysis then it’s easy to choose and wear the most flattering purple shades. Simply use your colour swatch wallet to guide you.

Here are some clothing and eye makeup suggestions sorted into our dominant colour types. If you don’t know your colouring type, simply book an appointment with me.


Try wearing periwinkle as it’s a much lighter shade and more complimentary against your features. In terms of eye makeup shades, wear melon with purple or lavender bliss with heather eyeshadows and an amethyst eye pencil.


You are best wearing a richer colour of purple or try burgundy or damson. For eye makeup shades, wear steel with purple eyeshadow or heather and damson with an amethyst or aubergine eye pencil.


Purple is a great colour for you to wear. On your eyes, wear eyeshadows in pistachio and purple or heather and damson and try with amethyst eye pencil.


Ultra Violet has a blue undertone so works well for you, but a bright periwinkle shade from your palette is a great alternative. When it comes to eye makeup shades, wear lavender bliss with purple or try heather and damson eyeshadows with an amethyst eye pencil.



You need a brighter version such as a Violet colour or purple. On your eyes, apply eau de nil and purple eyeshadows or heather alongside an amethyst eye pencil.


With your colouring, soft Violet or a heather shade would look amazing and are much softer shades for you to carry off. For your eye makeup shades, try wearing peach with purple, lavender bliss with heather or damson eyeshadows and an amethyst or aubergine eye pencil.


Makeup is an easy way to have fun experimenting with different looks which will bring you bang up to date. Remember the Colour me Beautiful cosmetic range has been developed with the six dominant colour categories. The eyeshadows featured here are from the exclusive refillable range which fits neatly into your magnetic colour compact box.

Contact me to try any shades or buy online.

How to wear pink

You may have noticed that pink has been really popular this season and there is a pink for everyone!

Check out these shades to take you from Summer and into the Autumn.


Try wearing dusty rose and if you like your lipstick to match, you should check out the Colour me Beautiful Dusty Rose lipstick. Wear it with the hot pink scarf to finish off your look.


Light colours aren’t always best for you, especially on their own, so try your Blush pink shade and for bright lips, try the Colour me Beautiful Sheer Fiesta lipstick (whilst stocks last). Or try the Berry burst lipgloss.


Pinks tend to have a cooler undertone to them which isn’t complimentary for you, so you’re best trying out the Coral colours in your palette. For your lips, try out the Colour me Beautiful Coral lipstick. For a brighter shade; try the Warm Pink lipstick.


You have lots to choose from in your palette! How about Hot pink if you’re daring! For your lips, try the Colour me Beautiful Soft Mauve or Sheer silk shades alongside the hot pink super soft scarf. Anyone preferring a more versatile cover up would love this fringed pashmina style.


You’ll need to create contrast with your shades so try Blush pink with something like Light teal. For the lips try out the Colour me Beautiful Strawberry lipstick.


Wear your pinks with some neutral shades such as pewter or taupe alongside blush pink. For the lips, try Colour me Beautiful Chiffon lipstick or Sheer Breeze along side the coral ;pink super soft scarf (if you’re warmer toned)


All Colour me Beautiful makeup and the scarf range is available online for Credit card payments or to order and collect from my studio in Wakefield. Simply get in touch to make arrangements or visit the shop here.


Updated 23.9.21

Get colour confident

Do you spend a fortune on clothes which you don’t wear?


If you want to shop better and wear more colours, but you’re not sure what really suits you, then reserve your place at this small group session held at my studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.


During the session, we will cover:


  • Your colour type
  • Which 30 core colours suit you
  • How to combine your neutral and fashion colours
  • Makeup in your colour tones


Wearing colour creates an immediate and powerful impact and when worn well, can really enhance and brighten your overall look. But, it can also have the opposite effect and instead drain the colour from your face, making you look washed out or even worse – ill!


Book your place and come along to learn how you can wear colour with confidence.

You are encouraged to bring along three tops in different colours, one of which you’ve never or rarely worn.


Each person will receive a complimentary makeup lesson in your colour tones and a scarf tying demonstration.

You will take away with you a Style Update handout showing you the key styles and colours for the season.

Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to buy your own Colour Swatch Wallet containing your 30 colours which will help to guide you when shopping.



These group sessions are limited for between 3 – 6 guests.

£35 per person including makeup lesson, scarf tying demonstration and makeup lesson.


Optional extras!

A 30 colour swatch wallet, books, scarves and makeup are all available to purchase for an additional cost.



Saturday 30th September – 10am – 12:30pm

To book your place please contact me.

See the visual impact of colour

When we wear colour near our faces, the light reflects upwards which will either cast a flattering tone; brightening our features, or it will cast dark shadows under our chin and eyes.

When you try colours on, look at the overall effect – does it brighten your face or do you look ill?

Is it just the colour you’re wearing that is seen or is it you? You want to aim for the latter.

The colours that we wear should create harmony and balance with our characteristics so that when you wear colour, it compliments your whole look.

If you’ve experienced a colour analysis then you will have seen the impact that wearing the right shade of colour has already. For those of you who haven’t yet invested in one, here’s some examples of wearing wrong and right colours then a completed look after makeup application – can you see the difference?

If you do and would like to learn more, please share this and get in touch to book your session.

Individual sessions can be done or you can come along with a friend. To find out more about the Colour Consultations I offer, please click here.

The importance of undertone

If you’ve had a Colour me Beautiful colour analysis consultation previously, you’ll have been told as part of your analysis whether you have a Warm or a Cool undertone as your second characteristic, if you don’t have a Warm or Cool dominant colouring type.

What are undertones?

It’s the colour just below the surface of your skin. Regardless of whether you have a tan or not, it doesn’t change.The colours you wear in your clothes and make-up should ideally compliment your undertone, otherwise it could cause your skin to look lacklustre, sallow or grey.

Determining your skin tone

A quick way to determine if you have a Warm or Cool undertone is to look at the inside of your forearm. It’s not the most accurate, but if the veins appear blue or purple in natural light, it may indicate you have a cool undertone. A green or olive veins in natural light would be warm. If you compare the colour of the inside of your forearm with friends then as long as you don’t all have the same colouring, you’ll notice some differences. This isn’t an exact science! An accurate and definitive result can be obtained when you book your own colour analysis.

If you know what your undertone is, you can use the guidelines below to help you select the best make-up shades. These are supplied by Colour me Beautiful from the online shop, or arrange to call in to the studio to try before you buy.

Make Up!

Colour me beautiful Makeup


If you have a Warm undertone, try drawing attention to your eyes with our gorgeous eyeshadows in gold whisper or olive. Wear with a moss eye pencil.

Cool undertones can play around with eyeshadows in pinks, purples and blues. A slick of Navy mascara for those with blue eyes will make them really stand out!


If you’re warm opt for peach or coral shades. A sweep of our Muscat or Salmon blusher will give you a subtle of hint of colour on the cheeks.

Those with a Cool undertone should go for something a little pinker. Marsala or candy blusher is perfect to pop into your magnetic colour box.


Finish your look with a little lippy! Feeling bright and bold? Go for our fresh and fun Coral lipstick if you have a Warm undertone or Sheer rum.

The Cool customers could opt for our Pink Shell lip gloss; the perfect finishing touch to your make-up look or try Soft mauve lipstick.

Want to try out some new make up shades? Get in touch to book your makeup appointment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]