Nine tell-tale signs that you’re wearing the wrong colour

When you wear a colour which isn’t right for you, it shows. Sometimes, it may be subtle but other times, the effect is so dramatic that you immediately take it off!

This year, colour analysis has exploded on social media. But, if I’m honest, I’ve seen lots of examples where people have arrived at their own colour conclusion, which hasn’t been right for them.

Or, they’ve asked people online and in forums what ‘season’ they are or what colours suit them. The people telling them are no more qualified than the person asking the question. They’re sharing an opinion on what they think rather than what is accurate. Colour Analysis (with a professional) is based upon a science and basic colour theory. It’s not an opinion.

I’m a bit gutted for them to be honest. I know how exciting it is to find out your colours and learn how to create a wardrobe of coordinating items that do flatter you. Unfortunately, the ones who haven’t quite got it right end up spending more money on clothes that don’t suit them. And, they don’t understand why because someone online told them, or the filter they used made them look good.

So, I wanted to call out some really obvious tell-tale signs that the colour you’re wearing isn’t right for you:

You feel the need to add more blusher

Essentially, you’re looking ‘washed out’ and so you’re trying to add some colour to your face. A classic sign that the colour you’re wearing close to your face isn’t right for you.

You want to reach for a bright lipstick

Feeling the need to balance out what you’re wearing often means the colour isn’t right as it’s taking the limelight away from you and your features. It’s all about the colour that you’re wearing rather than you. Colour doesn’t always mean bright either whether that’s in clothes or lipsticks.

It’ll look great with a tan

What if you don’t tan? Now you’ve got to fake tan?? Essentially, the colour is either overwhelming you (too bright/too warm) or washing you out (too heavy/too pale). Needing to artificially and temporarily alter the look of your skin to make the garment suit you better isn’t the right consideration.

There’s a glow under your chin

Remember when you were a child and you held a buttercup under your chin to see if you liked butter?? (I sincerely hope this wasn’t just me or now I look like a plonker). Anyway, there’s a difference between a ‘glow’ and ‘glowing’. A glow usually means that the colour you’re wearing closest to your face is reflecting upwards to your features. Usually, under your chin which creates a reflection or a glow. Glowing occurs when the colour doesn’t reflect onto your skin, instead you look brighter and your skin looks clearer. You’re glowing because the colour is harmonising with you and not isolating itself from you.

You’ve got shadows/dark circles/look tired

If you’re already shattered, you don’t need colours to make you look worse! The colours you wear should make you look (and feel) healthier and brighter. Lines and shadows accentuated aren’t a good look.

You look ill

Ever had someone come up to you and ask if you’re feeling ok? Or that you look a bit ‘peaky’ and actually, you were feeling just fine? Colours which make you look poorly or cast a funny colour to your skin tone ar doing you no favours. Unless you wanted to be sent home of course.

Your jaw line has disappeared / you’ve got a 5 o’clock shadow

Often I see that the definition in your features disappears in the wrong colour tone. A defined jawline is what you want. For the guys, if you look like you need a shave (and you’ve had one already), it’s not right for you. Ditch it.

Your skin looks dirty

Assuming you’ve washed then the colour is clearly wrong for you!

Your skin looks red and agitated

Usually, this means that the colour is fighting against your skin tone and it’s bringing out blemishes and heightening redness in your cheeks and veins. The right shade of colour should balance out imperfections, not highlight them and make them look worse.

Why get a professional colour analysis?

This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list but things I hear and frequently see during my colour analysis consultations. I’ve been colour analysing clients for over 10 years and I’ve seen lots of ladies, and some men.

A colour analysis consultation with a professional is an investment. Do your research so that you can feel confident that you’re getting an analysis from a trained professional.

As a professional, I’ve trained in this field (with Colour me Beautiful) and what to look for using basic colour theory. I don’t offer a ‘seasonal’ colour analysis but a ‘tonal’ one which I feel is much more refined. Not everyone fits neatly into one of the four seasons and I assess your full colouring type based upon all your physical features. I don’t cover your hair and I don’t assess your skin tone based upon the colour of your veins.

I explain all this and what to look for to my clients during a colour analysis session so that when they go shopping, they know what to look for. They’ve got their swatches to use as a helpful guide too, not a bible or rule-book to follow. I can take you shopping of course, but I know realistically, it’s not always possible for me to be with you every second of the day. My clients get continued advice via email following their appointment to help support and guide them on their journey.



Get in touch to book your appointment:

What should you wear to a colour or style consultation?

It’s important to feel comfortable during your time with me in the studio. Here’s some guidance on what to wear to your session.

Colour Analysis Consultations

During your appointment, you’ll wear a white draping cape. This will cover your clothes so you can wear what you like!

Please avoid wearing high necked tops as these are likely to show above the cape.

I’ll need to see your hair so hats and hair coverings need to be removed. Your hair plays an important part of your appearance, which is why it’s taken into account during my colour consultations. Should you have any religious or personal reasons for covering or removing, please get in touch:

It’s best to arrive makeup (and fake tan) free so I can assess your skin tone and the impact of colour.

If you’d like to know what happens during a colour analysis consultation, you can read more about what you can expect here:

Style & Shape Consultations

Wear something which you’d normally wear which you’ll be happy and comfortable in during the session.

There will be no need to strip you to your underwear either!

If you’d like to know what happens during a style and shape consultation, you can read more about what you can expect here:

Makeup Assessments and Tutorials

You’ll be wearing a white draping cape during your session which covers what you’ll be wearing.

Please do arrive makeup free though.

Online sessions

Whilst conducted in different ways, the principles are the same for both in person and virtual sessions.

Ready to book?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Email: to book your appointment.

How to test the colours that suit you

If you read my previous blog about how there’s a new ‘trend’ to get a colour analysis done (it’s not really new!) and you fancy dabbling in ‘testing’ yourself, I wanted to offer some guidance.

As much as I recommend a professional diagnosis from a trained colour consultant (like myself), you may still want to do-it-yourself.

You won’t have the same tools or experience that I have of course, but hopefully my tips will help you.


So you might be wondering how to test for the colours which suit you best.

My recommendation is always to use fabric because it is the most reliable indicator. Use whatever fabric you can get your hands on. It could be cushion covers, pillowcases, clothes, scarves or any other fabric!

You want to hold the fabric up underneath your chin for the best results. Ideally, have no makeup on and do this in natural daylight.

Check your complexion in a mirror when you’re holding each piece of fabric to see the impact against your face. Is your face and your look enhanced? Do you look fresher and brighter, or is your skin looking dull, pale, or washed out?

What you’re actually looking for is this brightening effect and that you are wearing the colours, not the other way around.

If it looks like the colours are wearing you, it’s often not an indication that the shade of colour isn’t quite right for you.

I’ve recorded a little video demonstration which you’ll also find on my YouTube page. Watch it here:

When you are doing this yourself or you’ve had a go at another method, like an online quiz or the spinning wheel filter and find that the colours still aren’t quite working, you might be right!

Not everyone fits neatly into just one box. So, consider a professional colour analysis instead. After all, if the outcome you’re seeking is to make fewer shopping mistakes, it can be just as costly to buy things in the wrong colours!

I’ve been trained in colour analysis by Colour me Beautiful using a tonal colour analysis system. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Get in touch to book your professional colour analysis!

Contact me to book your appointment:

Finding your colours: the new Tik Tok trend explained

The latest craze on social media (mostly TikTok) is all about ‘finding your colours’.

Face after face surrounded by a shifting wheel of colour. A ‘filter’ applied to your face to determine the colours that suit your skin tone so you can make better choices when buying clothes.

Of course, this isn’t unfamiliar to me. After all, I trained as a colour and style consultant with Colour me Beautiful over 10 years ago. Colour analysis consultations are my most popular service.

In fact, it’s what brought Ysabelle and her mum to join me for a joint colour analysis consultation.

Ysabelle had seen the hype on Tik Tok and been fascinated by the different faces and how certain colours looked better than others. Having mentioned it to her mum, she told her that it was something she’d wished she had done herself! Her mum had a friend who had been for a colour analysis consultation in the 80s and subsequently raved about it. Flashing her colour wallet which she used to help her shop for her colours, and how fabulous she looked wearing them. Her mum regretted that she hadn’t taken the plunge and booked her own session.

Until now! Ysabelle booked for both of them to have a colour analysis consultation with me and they both learnt all about colour, what to look for and how to wear them. Admittedly, it was rather different to the spinning wheel of colour you see on Tik Tok!

So, let me explain what you need to know

Discovering the palette of colours that suits you best can put you at a major advantage to achieving a more coordinated wardrobe. Everyone can wear every colour, but not every shade of every colour will suit you the same.

When you know what’s right for you, you can make better choices and fewer mistakes shopping because you’ll know what to buy (and leave behind). It’s not quite as simple as using a ‘spinning wheel’ seen on Tik Tok! Get it wrong and you can still end up making mistakes when shopping.

Colour Analysis: Different Systems

Broadly speaking, there are two methods of colour analysis – seasons and tonal. The seasons is what you’ve been seeing on social media and the wheel relates to spring, summer, autumn and winter. A seasonal colour analysis focuses primarily on your skin tone believing that your undertone stays the same for the rest of your life and is irrespective of hair colour changes.

With a tonal colour analysis, the focus is on all of your physical features; your hair colour, eye colour and skin tone. Taking into account all three elements allows for much more flexibility so your colours are refined to suit you. I’ve seen many clients over the years where not just the hair colour, but their skin tone has changed. I’ve written about it previously here. The tonal system is what I use in my colour analysis consultations and I believe it’s more refined and bespoke to you.

Rather than being a season, you’ll have a dominant colouring type which is one of six core types. I’ll assess this during all my colour sessions and colour parties. When you choose  a full colour analysis, I’ll ‘test’ you twice more to determine your sub-dominant colouring types. This expands your palette further given there are 24 possible options under the tonal analysis system!

The beauty with this is that if your look changes (by choice or nature), we can tweak your colours to reflect the changes. You can feel confident knowing that you’ll always look your very best because you’ve learnt how to wear colour. If you do start to notice that certain colours start to look a little ’off’ then it’s probably the right time to book yourself in for a colour review.

Self Diagnosis

Like anything, there’s always a way to do-it-yourself. Just like any DIY job, you may not have the tools or experience to correctly ‘diagnose’ and get the perfect result. But, you might be happy with the outcome you’ve arrived at and feel no need to fine-tune it further with a professional.

People can see colour in different ways. There are often differences in the way the brains and eyes work together to see, perceive and make meaning of colour. Your own experience of colour and exposure to varying colours will differ too. One may see ‘fawn’ whereas another person may just see ‘brown’. ‘Teal’ could seen as ‘aqua’, ‘turquoise’, ‘blue’ or ‘green’!


However you interpret colour, it’s undeniable how influential it can be. So, if you want to see the true impact of colour, try and use fabric. It’s a much more reliable and better reflection of colour.

Use whatever you have – clothes, cushions or pillow cases! Hold the fabric up underneath your chin without any makeup and in natural daylight. Check in a mirror if your complexion is enhanced and looks fresher, or if your skin appears dull or pale.

A common mistake people make is seeing a ‘glow’ underneath their chin. A glow doesn’t necessarily mean your skin is ‘glowing’ so wear with care.

You may have read that you can check the colour of your veins to determine if you have a warmer or cooler undertone. Unfortunately, this isn’t an accurate way to determine your undertone and has more to do with how light hits the skin. The blood in your veins is red after all!

It’s always worth noting that not everyone fits neatly into just one box. So, if you’ve used the ‘spinning wheel’ or other method of self-diagnosis and have found that you don’t quite fit or that colours from different seasons both seem to look ‘ok’, a seasonal analysis may not be right for you. Consider a tonal colour analysis instead. After all, if the outcome you’re seeking is to make fewer shopping mistakes buying clothes which don’t suit you, it can be just as costly to buy things in colours which still aren’t right for you.

The only way to be 100% accurate is to seek the advice of a professional colour consultant who has trained in this field. A professional colour analysis can last up to two hours and you’ll learn not just what colours suit you but how to wear them.

Professional Colour Analysis

For many people, understanding and wearing their most flattering shades of clothes and makeup can be life changing. It may sound dramatic, but it’s something my clients tell me all the time.

When you wear ‘your’ best shades of colour, you’ll look brighter, healthier and boost your confidence and how you feel.

Under the tonal system, there are three elements to your features which means there are three elements to your colouring type. By assessing different colours against your face using my cotton fabric drapes of material, I’m assessing the undertone, depth and clarity of your individual colouring.

We’ll also go through various colour combinations, ideas and makeup suggestions. You’ll also take away a fabric swatch to use as a guide for shopping (with my colour analysis consultations). It’s not about being restrictive, rigid and prescriptive because I’m not the police (or your mother) and I want you to enjoy your journey with colour!

It is an investment. But, the knowledge you gain will save you money in the long run.

Time to get your colours done professionally?

Get in touch to book your appointment:

Mini Colour Analysis Taster Workshop – 23 September – Rivers MEET, Leeds

It’s such a delight to have been invited back to Rivers MEET at Methley, Leeds to hold my next group colour workshop in September 2023!

In case you’re not familiar with them, Rivers MEET are a traditional craft cafe run by Jo which serves delicious home-made food, refreshments and cakes.

The workshop takes place in the function room downstairs. It’s also used for craft workshops and regular sewing classes.

On Saturday 23 September, I’ll be returning to introduce a small group of ladies to a colourful new world!

Everyone really can wear colour, but not every shade of colour will suit you the same. I’m sure if you keep putting things on and taking them off again that you’ve found this to be true!

During this workshop, I’ll introduce you and you’ll experience a ‘taster’ of my colour analysis consultations. You’ll learn about the core colouring types I work with using the tonal colour analysis system I use and which you are. I’ll also share a few tips on how to wear your new colours with confidence.

Each person will take away their own colour card handout. This includes eight shades from the core palette so you can begin your new journey into colour straight away!

For those attending, you’ll also have the opportunity to purchase a set of 30 fabric colour swatches for your colouring type at a discounted price.


Saturday 23 September


1pm – 3pm


Rivers MEET

102 Leeds Road
LS26 9EP


£34 per person. Includes colour card, refreshments and cake!

How to book

Tickets are now sold out.

Join the wait list for the next event

A client’s thoughts following her colour analysis consultation

I was delighted when Ruan from The Yorkshire Sew Girl shared her experience following her recent colour analysis consultation.

Ruan makes many of her own clothes. It was something she’d always been interested in as she really wanted to know what suited her best. Fabric can be just as expensive (if not more), than buying clothes! So, it’s equally as important to learn what suits you to help you make the right choices!

We were so engrossed in her colour analysis session that Ruan didn’t manage to record much ‘live’ coverage! She shares lots of information on what goes on, so if you’d like to hear about her experience from a client’s point of view, take a look at the video on her YouTube channel.

Watch the video here:

Visit Ruan’s YouTube channel: The Yorkshire Sew Girl

Interested in a colour analysis consultation?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

How does getting my colours done help me build a sustainable wardrobe?

I’ve talked about the benefits of getting your colours done before. Clients tell me all the time how easy it is for them to shop when they know their colours and, how they save money because they no longer buy things that don’t suit them.

When I first had my colours done many years ago now, I found the same. Even now, I can still walk into a store, look at the racks and I don’t even walk over unless I spy colours that I know will suit me. Some of my clients have a picture on their phone for any impulse trips when they haven’t got their fabric swatches with them so they don’t make mistakes.

Consider Pre-Loved

Of course, this alone won’t build a sustainable wardrobe. It’s about the choices that you make. If you’re making fewer mistakes and buying less items as a result of knowing your colours, this will help you build a more sustainable wardrobe. New clothes don’t need to be brand new either. Pre-loved is huge now. Charity shops, Vinted and EBay have hoards of clothing and you’ll find lots being sold with the tags still on! Just search BNWT (brand new with tags) or BNWOT (brand new without tags). There’s also swap shops and clothing exchanges in most cities now if you prefer physical browsing and you can still take your swatches with you too!

Repair, rewear, recycle

Patrick Grant on The Great British Sewing Bee was instilling the virtues of repair, rewear and recycle recently. All things we frequently hear are essential elements to building a more sustainable wardrobe. Whilst I do have clients who do these things, not everyone can or will. On Instagram (8 June), they shared three statistics:

  • The average person buys 60% more clothes than they did 15 years ago (and wears them for half as long)
  • The equivalent of one bin lorry full of clothing is dumped in landfill or burned every single SECOND
  • The fashion industry produces and sells a staggering 100 billion garments every YEAR

I took to google to ask “how many people live in the world”? The answer was 7.888 billion (2021), which is 12-13 garments for every person. Essentially that’s one clothing item every month.

Building a more sustainable wardrobe is something which many people aspire to, but over-consuming ‘fast fashion’ is the challenge given the over-production. It can simply be too tempting! There’s a reason there’s so many ‘bargains’ in the sale rail! Remember it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it. Consider not just the cost of the item, but the cost per wear.

Introducing Sam

Sam booked my Complete Colour Analysis consultation because she wanted to be more sustainable with her future clothing choices. She wanted to make fewer mistakes and know that what she bought suited her.

Her wardrobe wasn’t particularly colourful because she didn’t feel she knew what colours worked for her. She wasn’t afraid of experimenting, but felt she needed more guidance and understanding so she didn’t keep making the same mistakes. Sam wanted a more coordinated wardrobe so she could make more outfits from fewer things.

After her session, she told me that she felt much more confident about future shopping purchases knowing that what she did buy would suit her and that she had her swatches to help guide her.

Colour analysis concerns

One concern with having a colour (or a style consultation) is that you’ll need to get rid of all your clothes and start again! This isn’t something which I recommend (nor is it sustainable and something I’ve covered previously). I guarantee you’ll have things hung up which don’t suit you, but then you probably knew that already.

During a colour consultation I talk you through how to wear your colours. It’s not just what colours to wear as there’s so many different shades and fabric choices. Understanding how to wear things you may already have which aren’t your best colours is important too. This could be dying them, keeping them away from your face or ensuring you wear something more complimentary close to your face such as a scarf or another top underneath. Knowing the ‘rules’ and how to apply them is all part of the journey!

Too many clothes

Most people admit they have far too many clothes in their wardrobe. They also tell me they only ever wear a fraction of the clothes in their wardrobe. When I ask what the reason is for not wearing these clothes, they often tell me that they don’t fit. Or that they don’t know how to wear them. Or they used to wear them, but now not so much. Which begs the question – why keep them?

Whatever the reasons for keeping hold of things we don’t wear, the feeling of overwhelm every day is hard to overcome. It’s often why people ask me about creating a capsule wardrobe. I get the attraction – imagine having a smaller collection of clothes, which can be worn in multiple ways to create more outfits. Yet, the fear of not having ‘enough’ clothes often stops them. But how do you measure too much? Everyone is different which is why I don’t believe in setting a number on how many clothes you must have. It’s pointless in my view! What you need depends upon how you spend your time, what your style preferences are and of course your budget. Know what suits you and you’re half way there to building that sustainable wardrobe. All you have to do is take the steps to create it.

Learn your colours by booking a colour analysis consultation.

If you’re ready to create your own capsule wardrobe but need some guidance, check out my Capsule Wardrobe Masterclass here.

WIll you tell me to wear bright colours?

Firstly, it’s not for me to tell you what to wear! I’m not your mother and you’ve made a decision to come for advice. My aim is to arm you with the right information so that you can put it into practice when you leave your session with me.

What many people don’t realise is how many shades of colours there are. Just because it’s a colour, doesn’t mean it has to be bright.

The features of a colour

All colours have features to them and during a colour analysis consultation, I’ll explain more about colour theory and the Munsell System which I use in my colour consultations.

Colours which compliment your features and characteristics will naturally brighten your overall look. You’ll look healthier and your eyes will brighten. Dark shadows, discolouration or those that wash you out aren’t complimenting your features and don’t bring out the best of you. In simple terms, this is the impact of a colour against your features and it can be good, or not quite so good.

The combinations of colours together can also change the impact and appearance of the colour.

Take this example.

A light and a dark colour together such as black and white, will create a high level of contrast between the two shades.

Whereas if you ‘dull’ the shades down slightly making them off-white and grey, the contrast will be less severe and less harsh. There will be less contrast between the light and dark shade.

Some people are better suited to having more contrast, others not quite so much.

Your fabric choice can also affect the colour too. Choose something shiny like satin and it will brighten the appearance of the colour because it reflects the light.

Fifty shades of grey

For someone who feels afraid of colour, or that they’ll stand out too much, a colour analysis may feel daunting. It’s worth noting that there isn’t just one shade of neutral either. Fifty shades of grey there may be, but have you ever tried to get the same shade of navy, camel or white??

Within everyone’s palette is a range of neutral and a range of colours. By understanding the fundamentals of how colour is made up and how this refers and impacts on your own characteristics, you can use this understanding to make better buying decisions.

The consultation and swatches

A basic colour analysis assess your core, or dominant colouring type and you’ll take away 30 shades of colour most suited to you based upon your core features.

However, this is refined even further during the Complete Colour Analysis consultation. Your sub-dominant colouring types are analysed (your secondary and tertiary types) which takes you to 48 shades in your swatches. The range of colours included will have different elements and features which harmonise with you and who you are.

Yes, there may be brighter shades than others but ultimately, it’s all about how you wear them. That’s what you’ll learn during your colour analysis consultation.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

Book your colour analysis consultation today!

Does having a tan change your colouring type?

This is a common question which comes up, especially around the holiday season and summer time.

The short answer is; no. Your colouring type won’t change if you have a tan. This is the case whether you had a seasonal analysis or a tonal analysis consultation.

Let me expand further.

Your colouring is ultimately determined by your genetics, so will remain broadly unchanged in the event of a tan.

As you gain more colour to your skin, it will add more of a ‘glow’ to your facial features. This isn’t permanent but you will find that some colours begin to look much better against your skin than when you were paler by comparison.

Many people tend to reach for brighter or more vibrant colours in sunnier times. This is more of a psychological effect of the brighter sunnier days impacting how we feel and wearing brighter, sunnier looking clothes.

Having a tan will likely mean that you need to change your foundation shade. You may also feel that you don’t require as much coverage as you normally would without a tan.

Unless your tan is fake, it really won’t affect your colouring type. Fake tan tends to be warm/yellow toned which can therefore dramatically change the appearance of your actual skin tone, even if you are cool toned.

Either way, don’t let having a tan put you off booking a colour consultation to learn your best shades of colour.

Get in touch to learn your best shades of colour (and how to wear them)

Will my colouring type change?

I’m often asked if you can change palettes over the years, or whether you’ll stay the same colouring type from your initial analysis.

The short answer – it depends on various factors.

So, here’s the long answer and the circumstances which can affect your palette and therefore, your colouring type.

Hair colour changes

If you invested in a colour analysis many years ago, the first thing to consider is whether the same colours still flatter your physical features or if they look a bit ‘off’.

In my experience, it’s likely to be a change in your physical appearance. I see so many ladies who might have been analysed when they had dark brown hair initially and years later, have lightened their hair or gone au natural.

The impact of such a dramatic change in hair colour (and therefore physical appearance) will mean the harmony between your features and the colours you wear will change. Stronger, richer or bolder colours may be too overwhelming for your more delicate or softer appearance.

Let’s say you were mousey or fair haired and now have a more striking red and auburn tones to your hair. The muted colours of previous may well not have enough ‘bite’ or drama for you. (And, I’m guessing you probably stopped using your swatches some time ago!)

Having worked with some cancer patients over the years, a result can often be hair loss. Many have found that their hair grows back very differently! This may result in a dramatic change to your appearance and therefore an impact on the colours that once loved you, might not love you the same now.

A side note on makeup. Choose the wrong shade of lipstick or even blusher and nothing you wear will look quite right! Don’t forget to review your makeup colours when you review the colours that you wear. If you do want a makeup refresh, get in touch to arrange your appointment.

You were analysed as a ‘season’

This comes up fairly frequently. Many people first had their colours analysed decades ago when colour analysis first appeared in the UK from the US.

Having been previously analysed as a season, they’ve come for an update as they felt their colours weren’t working for them anymore. Initially I was analysed as a ‘summer’ and had 33 coloured swatches in my wallet. The majority suited me well but there were a handful of them which I felt rather washed out in. I didn’t regret the analysis at all, just felt that it wasn’t quite as refined as it could be for me. At the time, seasonal analysis was the only method available. Over the years, things have advanced and changed and other methods of colour analysis exist.

Tonal analysis

The four seasonal approach (spring, summer, autumn, winter) can be restrictive if you don’t fit neatly into the one season (like me as a ‘summer’). The tonal system, (used in my colour analysis consultations) is much more flexible and more refined to you.

Based upon the Albert Munsell Colour Theory and the combination of your current hair colour, eye colour and skin-tone. It assesses the shades of colours most suited to you using the value, clarity and hue of your features and colours to determine the shades which will flatter you the most. It’s a 24-palette system designed to be more reflective of you and your features.

Colouring change examples

I don’t have photographic evidence of every client transformation but I do have lots of examples! Some clients aren’t comfortable or happy having their photo taken and shared with the world which I totally respect.

Here’s a few examples I do have to share.

Carol was a ‘spring’ and got in touch as her hair colour had changed. When wearing her ‘best’ colours, she found that they just weren’t flattering for her now.

After a re-assessment, she was a wonderful ‘cool’ and she set about tackling her wardrobe creating new combinations.

She even found things in her wardrobe which she’d not worn as a spring’ but now found they flattered her perfectly.


















You may recognise this chap!

Cliff Bashforth is the MD of Colour me Beautiful and has moved from a Soft & Warm palette and now to a Cool & Soft one. His transition has been subtle and occurred over ..ahem..many years. It’s something I see frequently with clients as they age naturally.









I’ve written about Debbie in the past. She’d previously been analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type and having found certain shades in her palette weren’t working, she came to see me for a colour review.

She’d changed to warm, soft and deep colouring type instead. She’d been blonder and lighter during her previous colour analysis and her hair was more golden which meant a shift in her dominant colouring type (soft to warm) as well as her sub-dominants (warm & light to soft & deep). You can read more and revisit the blog here.

Last but not least, two sisters. Chris and Gill came to see me for a review as part of a birthday celebration! Chris’s colouring type had changed slightly, but Gill’s really hadn’t much. Chris was previously a light, cool & soft and a decade on, had changed slightly. She was now a soft, cool & light which she felt much happier with. Gill on the other hand remained a soft, warm & light. Whilst her features had softened slightly, her colour palette still worked and suited her.

These examples illustrate some of the scenarios when your colouring type or colour palette may well change.

So, if you find that your colours are starting to look a little ‘off’, it may be time for a colour review.

Colour Reviews and Colour Analysis

There are many benefits to a colour analysis consultation, whether you’ve had one in the past or this is your first discovery. I’ve covered six benefits here.

Colour Reviews are aimed at those who have been analysed before and would like re-assessing to determine if their colouring type has changed. A colour review is only available to my previous clients who have been fully analysed by me.

For those who are unfamiliar with the tonal colour analysis system or never had their colours analysed before, there are various colour analysis options available. Simply visit this page for full details.

You’ll gain a greater understanding of the impact of colour, learn your colouring type and how to wear colour.

Replacement wallet covers, fabric and digital swatches are available without an appointment here.


Appointments are available Monday to Saturday. To enquire about availability, just get in touch!

Will I need to get rid of all my clothes after a colour or style consultation?

One concern with having a colour or a style consultation is that you’ll need to empty your wardrobe, get rid of all your clothes and start again!

This is wasteful, exhausting and expensive and not something I recommend at TLC HQ!

Gain the right knowledge

It’s not for me to tell you what to wear. Or tell you to get rid of things. I’m not your mother and you’ve chosen to come to me for help and advice. But, I do try my best to explain why things do and don’t suit you so that you’re armed with the right information when you leave your session.

You’ll get follow up emails from me too as you’re unlikely to remember everything we go through. I do pride myself on doing this, as I want to make sure you’re supported on your journey and you feel you get value.

My services are an investment in yourself after all.

How to wear colour

When you have a colour consultation, you’ll understand about colour, how to wear and combine your colours and how to wear what you already have. But, there’s bound to be items you’re itching to get rid of and if that’s the case then you’ve got my permission!

Experiment with your colours and making things work for you if they’re not quite right. Alter them to make them perfect for you too. You can dye them so easily at home these days (more on that here) and, if you’re a dab hand with a sewing machine then change them. Even without this talent, you can still swap buttons or cinch them in like I’ve covered here.

Style, shape and fit

Even with a more colour coordinated wardrobe, you may still find some things don’t work. This is where a style and image consultation will really help. Perhaps you’re not wearing things because they don’t ‘go’ or they don’t feel right when you wear them. If you’ve nailed the colour (and why wouldn’t you after your colour consultation!) it’s often the style, shape or fit that’s not working.

During a style and image consultation, we’ll focus on identifying your style personality, how to express it in what you wear and what you choose, before moving onto your shape and proportions. Even if you’re confident about what body shape you have, your proportions (such as where your waist is) or your scale can skew this meaning things don’t fit quite right. Learn what works for YOU. A pear with long legs and a short body who’s classic will need to style, shop and dress differently than an hourglass shape with a long body and short legs who’s a romantic style personality. Then there’s fabric, cuts and patterns to take into account during the session too!

style & image consultation

Enjoy the journey

A consultation on colour or style may feel a little indulgent, but it WILL save you money in the long run because you’ll learn what suits you.

Just because you’ve had a session, doesn’t mean your journey is over – it’s simply the beginning. You’ve got lots to learn and apply and whilst it may take time, do enjoy it!

My help and support doesn’t end with your session. My follow up notes continue to come, plus my newsletter with blogs like this, videos and tips to try! Ongoing support is available with help on what to buy each season and how to style it to make it work for you. Every April and October I update the material and you can join my online workshops. Plus, I’m happy to come out to help you shop for any specific items you need or go through your wardrobe with you if you’re struggling.

Remember, it’s about understanding what suits you. That shouldn’t mean getting rid of everything and starting again but understanding how you can make them work better for you.


Get in touch now!

What colour analysis consultations are available?

It’s been wonderful to receive lots of enquiries around colour analysis consultations recently!

One of the common questions is if more than one person can book a session. Of course!

Here I’ve detailed more information but, if you’d prefer to watch my video summarising this, click here.

One to two people

Individual consultations are the most popular, but you can experience the same session for two. Come with a friend or family member and get your colours (or your style) done together. More details of the sessions can be found here.

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday, subject to availability and take place during the day. Typically an individual session lasts around 1.5 to 2 hours. For a joint session, please allow around 3.5 hours.


Since Covid, the demand for groups have slowly risen and as a result, I’ve created some new packages. Full details of these can be found here.

The size of your group and how much time you have will influence the type of session available.

I’ve summarised the options below based on the size of group. However, if there’s something you’d prefer, have more or less people or anything specific in mind, do get in touch and I’ll try to accommodate your request.

3 to 5 people

For up to five people, my ‘Colour Confidence‘ workshop has been adapted using my basic colour analysis consultation.

As a group, you’ll learn about your colours and be able to see the impact of wearing colour on each other too. These sessions are more interactive and you’ll each take away your own set of fabric colour swatches.

Broadly speaking, you’ll need to allow a good half a day for this type of workshop. If you’re interested in booking a session, do get in touch.

6 to 12 people

For a slightly larger group, a format which works really well is my colour party.

It’s a great way to introduce you and your friends or family to the colour analysis system which I use and the different colouring types.

Everyone will learn what their core colouring type is, but you won’t learn the nitty gritty and depth of detail which I cover in the smaller sessions.

Typically lasting around 2 to 3 hours, they’re a fabulous way of gaining an introduction to colour analysis for anyone not quite ready to take the full colour analysis experience. They can also be a very cost effective and fun way to get a group together at a venue of your choice.

Work events, talks and presentations for more than 12 people

Depending upon your requirements, the group sessions mentioned above can be tweaked to fit your talk, presentation or work meeting. Ultimately, it’s down to the time you have available, how many you have attending, and what budget you have to spend. So, if there’s anything specific you’d like and you’ve got a larger group, the best thing to do is get in touch and I’ll be delighted to come back to you with a proposal.

I have been invited to all sorts of work meetings, sports and social clubs, schools and W.I meetings. If you’re looking for a speaker to deliver a talk, presentation or something a little different then this could be it!

Watch this video summarising the colour analysis consultations available:

Watch: What colour analysis consultations are available here

To book your session, get in touch

Kick start your wardrobe

Beginning a new year can often be the catalyst to new thinking, new things to try or simply a new image. There’s no doubt that if you look amazing, you’ll feel amazing too!

Here are three ways to kick start your wardrobe if you want to begin a ‘new you’ campaign:

Book a colour consultation (or a review)

Me showing my own colour swatches (there's 48 in a full palette now)

Showing my own fabric colour swatches (there’s 48 in a full palette now)

Never underestimate the power of colour. It really is rather magic. A colour analysis identifies your most flattering shades which even out your skin tone, resulting in a radiant complexion.

Over time, your wardrobe will become more coordinated because everything goes together and shopping mistakes become a thing of the past. You just need the knowledge to get started on your journey.

If it’s been some time since you had a colour analysis and your hair colour has drastically changed, then you may find it beneficial to have a review of your colouring type.

Let your wardrobe breathe and remove the ‘don’ts’

Remove any items of clothes that don’t fit, don’t flatter or you really don’t like. Creating space will enable you to assess what you have in your wardrobe and in turn, build outfits that you really love to wear. Trust me, you will have clothes left! If you’re not quite ready to get rid of them, do still remove them. Take them out of your wardrobe and from daily view. Put them in a suitcase or the loft if need be until you’re ready to say goodbye. Donate to a friend or charity or sell on Vinted or Ebay. If they’re high end, rent them out! Or why not upcycle into another garment or a cushion cover!

Cosmetic clearout

Speaking of wardrobes, it’s not just clothes we hang on to. Be ruthless with your make-up bag too.

cosmetic tube

Morning light foundation showing open pot sign of 12 months

Cosmetics don’t last forever so pull out any that you’ve had for a long while (like that lipstick you’ve had since 1982).

The open pot sign on cosmetics and toiletries indicate how long they’re good for once opened. Anything past this time period and you risk an infection. (I’ve given a broad guide about this previously here, but check your items as the manufacturer and the ingredients is what dictates the timeframe).

Only put items back in the bag that flatter your colouring too.

Ditch the black eyeliner and mascara as it’s not always the most flattering shade. Opt for something softer such as granite pencil or black/brown mascara.

I can show you your most flattering cosmetic shades if you need some help.

Mind the gap!

Once you’ve done these three things, you’ll have a much clearer view of what you have and perhaps what you don’t have.

Use the opportunity to make informed and purposeful choices about what to do next. Just because you’ve created space, doesn’t mean you have to fill the gap!

Remember, you removed clothes because they didn’t fit, don’t flatter and you didn’t like them so you might not have any gaps in your wardrobe. Perhaps with more space you’ll be able to identify that you’re short of a new top or some bottoms. A pair of boots or some jewellery instead. It could provide you with an incentive to organise the area better instead.

If you’re tempted to take advantage of any sales, just remember that these items are cut in price for a reason: they weren’t picked up at full price. And, it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it! Don’t be tempted to buy things because they’re ‘cheap’ unless you know exactly what you’re looking for and that you’ll get your monies worth out of it.

Wanting to streamline your wardrobe and achieve a capsule wardrobe, but don’t know where to start? Register your interest here and I’ll give you some advice.

Get in touch to book your consultation

Mini Colour Analysis Taster Workshop – 25 February – Rivers MEET

Delighted to have been invited back to Rivers MEET at Methley in Leeds to hold another group workshop in February!

In case you’re not familiar with them, it’s a traditional craft cafe run by Jo which serves delicious home-made food, refreshments and cakes.

The function room downstairs is used for craft workshops (as well as her regular sewing classes) and on Saturday 25 February, I’ll be returning and introducing a small group of ladies to a brand new colourful world!

This may be something I say an awful lot but, everyone really can wear colour, but not every shade of colour will suit you the same. I’m sure if you keep putting things on and taking them off again that you’ve found this to be true!

During this workshop, you’ll get a taster of my colour analysis consultations. You’ll learn which of the six core colouring types you are and how to wear your new colours with confidence.

Each person who books their ticket will also take away their own colour card handout. This includes eight shades from your core palette which will allow you to begin your new journey into colour straight away!

There will also be an opportunity to purchase a set of 30 core colour swatches on the day too for anyone who feels that 8 colours won’t be enough.


Saturday 25 February


1pm – 3pm


Rivers MEET

102 Leeds Road
LS26 9EP


£33 per person. Includes colour card, refreshments and cake!

How to book

Tickets are only available in advance. Reserve your place and book your ticket here.


Register your interest in Colour analysis to be added to the wait list

How to shop for your colours

When you know the shades of colours which make you look fabulous, you’ll make fewer shopping mistakes. It’s the top thing I’m told when people come to me to ‘get their colours done’!

Learning your colouring type and how to wear colour makes it so much easier to identify what suits you. You’ll find you’re able to create more outfits from what you have. Over time, your wardrobe becomes more coordinated – it just takes a little practice.

Armed with your fabric swatches from your colour consultation, you’ll be keen to shop for your colours.

How to shop for your colours

If you’re on the hunt for a specific colour, take a look at Kettlewell Colours. They’re a great clothing source with good staple items in a variety of colours, aimed at people who’ve had a colour analysis. Browse the range here: (There’s also a link on my ‘shop‘ page.)

Their clothes are primarily designed and organised by seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter, as Melissa (the owner) was seasonally analysed and struggled finding her colours all year round.

If you’ve had a colour analysis by a colour me beautiful consultant in the last 15 years, you’ll have been TONALLY analysed but you can still shop on Kettlewell.

With a tonal analysis. you’ll learn your “dominant’ and ‘sub-dominant’ colouring type, based upon the colour of your hair (as it is now), your skin tone and your eye colour. Your dominant colouring type will be one of six , rather than one of four seasons – light, warm, deep, clear, cool or soft. The tonal system of analysis is what I use in my colour analysis consultations. (find out more here).

I’ve created a video to demonstrate how you can search for your colours on their website. It makes searching online for pieces much easier!

Kettlewell update their collection regularly and they have a much wider selection of colours than you’re likely to find on the high street.

Watch the video on shopping for your colours here (updated August 2024):

The latest colour and style trends is available through my seasonal updates which are updated twice per year. You’ll find more details here.

If you do get stuck or need some advice, get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.

Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates‘ and you’ll be eligible for a pre-launch offer each October and April.

Mini Colour Analysis Taster Workshop – 17 September – Rivers MEET

I am delighted to announce that I’ve been invited to Rivers MEET at Methley in Leeds to hold a group workshop in September!

It’s run by Jo and it’s a traditional craft cafe which serves delicious home-made food and of course cakes.

The function room is used for craft workshops (as well as sewing classes) and on Saturday 17 September, I’ll be introducing a small group of ladies to a new world of wearing colour with confidence!

It’s something I say an awful lot but, everyone can wear colour, but not every shade of colour suits you the same.

During this workshop, you’ll get a taster of my colour analysis consultations. You’ll learn which of the six core colouring types you are and how to wear your new colours with confidence.

Each person who books their ticket will also take away their own colour card handout. This includes eight shades from your palette so you can begin your new journey into colour straight away!


Saturday 17 September


1pm – 3pm


Rivers MEET

102 Leeds Road
LS26 9EP


£33 per person. Includes colour card, refreshments and cake!

How to book

Tickets are only available in advance. Reserve your place and book your ticket here.


In one word – yes!

In a lot of words….It depends upon the type of colour analysis consultation you had, how long ago it was and if any of your features have changed. I often find people get in touch years later feel different in what they wear. Sometimes, this could be because of changes in your physical appearance (eg. your hair colour), a change in career or retirement or simply big changes in your life. Feel free to get in touch for a chat if this sounds like you. Read on for a recent client scenario.

Let me share this recent example

Debbie came to see me as she was feeling that things had changed. She’d had her colours analysed around 15 years ago and now approaching her 50th birthday, wanted to check if her colours really had changed as she suspected.

At the time, she was analysed as a soft, warm and light colouring type with the Colour me beautiful system. (I’ve talked about previous colour analysis types here and the differing colouring types here if you want to read more.)

After reviewing her features and different shade of colour during a colour review session, Debbie’s colouring had in fact changed.

This time, she was a warm, soft and deep colouring type.

What changed?

Mainly, it was Debbie’s hair colour.

She’d been blonder and lighter during her initial colour analysis. Now, her hair was more golden with auburn tones which impacted her overall features that her dominant colouring type had shifted. Now, the golden, warmer, yellow based tones were much more lifting against her hair rather than the dusty and muted tones of her original dominant palette.

I asked Debbie if she’d found herself not feeling or looking ‘right’ in any of the colours in her swatches. Debbie agreed that some of the cooler, bluer tones of the soft palette didn’t look as flattering as her warmer, yellow tones. They often felt too ‘cool’ for her and she didn’t feel that they were in balance when she saw her reflection.

This is always a tell-tale sign. Whilst you may not be able to identify exactly why, the human eye is always looking for harmony and balance. So, if you’re finding something looks off, you’re probably right! A colour analysis will always help you to identify why and how to wear your best shades of colour.

This dominant colouring type change also impacted the sub-dominant types for Debbie too. She now has a total new set of fabric colour swatches and a much more complimentary palette of colours.

Here’s a comparison of Debbie’s previous swatches versus her new ones:


Debbie sent me this message when she got home.

Thank you so much for today.

It was lovely to meet you and to gain your experience and knowledge on everything about colour, body shape and style personality.

Amy loved observing and we talked about it all, on the drive back to Bury.

Thank you for updating my colour swatches, as part of the colour review. It was really interesting to see the change after all these years since having ‘my colours done’ previously.

As soon as I got back home, I lifted clothes out of my wardrobe that no longer fit the new dominant warm and have put these to one side to pass on to someone else, who will suit them better or will fit with their style personality.

The information about body shape and style personality is great and I am sure once I’ve read the book, I’ll have tons more questions about this too.

Knowing your colours really is life-changing!

To find out, book a colour analysis consultation.

Different colouring types

A few months ago, I explained about the science behind my colour analysis consultations.

People are often surprised when I say that you can wear every colour. But, the key thing to remember is that not every shade of a colour will suit you.

How do you know which are the right shades?

Think about the colour red as an example.

There are many shades of red aren’t there? Think about how you’d describe it. Red can be orangey, a vibrant scarlet, a muted geranium, a pale or pinky red, or a bluey-red like raspberry. Your challenge is to find the shade that works with your own physical colouring so that you look vibrant, younger and healthier.

That’s where a colour analysis consultation comes in!

In its simplest form, the tonal analysis system I use is made up of six core colouring types I refer to as ‘dominants’.

From this starting point, you’ll have a secondary and tertiary colouring type which will refine your palette further. This means you’ll have more colours in your swatches to choose from, expanding your colour options.

Here’s some examples of differing colouring types. Take note of the difference in the shades too.

When it comes to an analysis, it’s the combination of their overall features I’ll be assessing as a starting point. But, that’s not all. Their individual styles will each differ and their preferences. Don’t worry, as we go through this during a consultation.

You’ll learn your very best shades of every colour and more importantly; how to wear them too.

I also go through how to ‘rescue’ shades which aren’t quite so good on you. Because it’s not about emptying the wardrobes and getting rid of all your clothes. It’s about gaining the knowledge about what suits you, why that is and how to make your wardrobe work for you with your new palette.

If you’ve opted for a session which includes a swatch wallet, you’ll receive fabric swatches to take away from your consultation. (see options here)

Remember, these are yours to wear however you wish but I will give you some guidance during your session and in my follow up emails.

And, don’t be afraid to experiment – they’re your colours after all!

Want to chat before you book?

No problem!

The science behind colour analysis

Did you know there’s a ‘science’ behind colour analysis?

It may not be brain surgery, but there’s more to it than telling someone they look ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in certain colours – don’t forget why!

In this blog, I’ll explain about the system and process I use in my colour consultations.

I have referred to the Alfred Munsell colour system before in my frequently asked questions, so let’s start here.

What’s the Alfred Munsell Colour System?

Albert Munsell was an artist and scientist who invented the Munsell System which define colours into three dimensions:

  1. Value (depth)
  2. Hue (warm/cool)
  3. Clarity (chroma or purity)

In simple terms – it’s a method of describing colours based on human perception.

The system is used across a range of industries from hairdressing to soil research and includes colour analysis.

Colour Analysis Consultations

Not all colour-trained consultants use this method. I found it to be the most logical and sensible way of understanding and interpreting colour.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features creating a positive visual effect and impact.

Each person has a ‘dominant’ colouring type made up from the combination of their hair colour, eye colour and skin tone. From this, you’ll have a secondary and tertiary sub-type made up from a possible 24 categories. This refined combination is your personalised colour palette of up to 48 shades of colour and endless combinations! This full colour categorisation is available through my Complete Colour Analysis Consultation although a basic dominant assessment is also available.

The benefits

Remarkably, everyone really is different. We each see colours in different ways and choose to express ourselves differently too.

It’s not about being told what you ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ wear, but understanding how colour is interpreted and worn for best effect. Knowing certain colours and combinations make you look tired, pale or unwell whilst others make you look vibrant, healthy and younger. It’s often tweaking to a different shade of colour to suit you better.

When you have ‘your colours done’, you’ll gain a greater understanding about colours and how to wear them. By gaining this knowledge, it will help you to build a colourful, coordinated wardrobe which can be mixed and matched easily.

It really is life-changing and I never tire of seeing it!

Get in touch about booking a colour analysis

Read more here

How I make the soft colour palette work

I’ve been a Colour me Beautiful consultant for over 10 years and I was delighted when they asked me to write a guest blog about my own colouring type.

Under the colour me beautiful tonal system of analysis, my dominant colouring type is ‘soft’.

Broadly speaking, this means that I have very little contrast between my hair, my skin tone and my eyes. My skin tone is cool and my eyes are a blue/grey colour. Because I’ve chosen to highlight my hair (ssshhhh), I’d describe my overall features as softened and toned down.

In the guest blog for Colour me Beautiful, I’m talking about how it is that I wear the colours in my palette and share a few tips.

You can read it here and I hope it inspires you to try out different combinations with your colours.

If you do need any help or you’re interested in learning how you can wear colour, get in touch.

What to do if it’s not the right colour for you

This is a popular discussion when people begin their image journey with me.

When you have a colour analysis session with me, we’ll talk a lot about colour and how to wear it for best effect.

It isn’t just about what colour to wear, but how you wear the shades of colour and combine them with others.

If you haven’t experienced your own colour analysis, you’ll know when the colour isn’t right as you’ll take the garment off claiming something along the lines of ‘it’s not right’. You often can’t put your finger on why. You might also find you need to apply more makeup so it balances you out. Or, you may see shadows under your chin or eyes, or your skin has turned a funny colour. These are all examples of when a colour isn’t right for you. When your skin looks smooth, you look brighter, younger, healthier and lighter then you’ll know these are the good colours for you.

When you’re assessing the colours in your wardrobe and specifically the ‘wrong’ colours, think of the three D’s:

Ditch it

When you have your colours done, one of the first things you’ll do is check inside your wardrobe and compare what you have to the colours in your swatches!

I encourage this simple task because there’s always something hanging in there which you’ve never been sure of. Each time you’ve put it on, you’ve taken it off shaking your head that you can’t quite put your finger on why it doesn’t look right. And so as soon as I confirm that it’s not one of your better shades, you’ll instantly want to remove it from your wardrobe!

Dye it

Always an interesting one this as it can divide opinion. Sometimes, a garment isn’t quite the right shade but you can’t bring yourself to ditch it. So, it hangs there for a little longer. Unworn and unloved. Of course, I’m not going to arrest you for wearing the wrong colour remember, but I do understand that once you know something isn’t right, you don’t feel as compelled to wear it! The way I see it, there’s three options:

1. Wear it. It’s not your best so if it’s worn near to your face then just be aware that it isn’t your most flattering and you risk those annoying questions asking if you’re feeling ok as you look poorly/tired etc. If you can wear it away from your face or with a scarf, then this will work also.

2. Change the colour! If you can’t bring yourself to ditch it because you spent money on it / like it / it fits well, then simply change the colour to one that will work for you! This is easily done at home nowadays in your washing machine (check out this blog when I share my own experiment). But, be aware that any garments which are 100% polyester won’t dye. A blend or mix will, but it won’t have the depth of say 100% cotton.

3. Keep it hung up, unloved and unworn and taking up valuable space.

Delay the decision

I wouldn’t want you to make a rash decision which you’ll later regret. Life’s too short after all! Just ponder it and see how you get on. How does it make you feel if you wear it? Have you noticed any comments about how you look when you’re wearing it? Does it give you joy?

Now, if you’ve still not worn it after 12 months (or a global pandemic for example) then maybe it’s time to reconsider if it’s time to revisit the other two D’s.

Knowing the colours that suit you best and determining how to wear them to achieve a flattering look is the first step of your journey. All my sessions are about helping you to feel good in what you wear. When you don’t, it doesn’t just affect your mood but your overall confidence level and self belief. If it’s time to change things, or you’re not sure what to do next, get in touch and let’s have a chat about starting, or continuing your journey.

Colour Analysis – Frequently asked questions

Wearing colour is the easiest way to update your image. Wearing colour is not only a simple way to boost your mood, but when you wear colour which brightens your features and compliments your colouring then you will look just fabulous too!

Here are some of the frequent questions asked about colour analysis consultations.

“Will I be pigeon-holed?”

With the colour analysis consultations which Toni offers, it’s more than just telling you what colours to wear. It’s about you. Just because you’re the same colouring as Vivienne Westwood, doesn’t mean that you have the same need to stand out in a crowd. You’ll learn how to wear colour. Watch our video for more detail.

“Don’t you need to be over 60 to do that?”

I was in my 20s when I first had a colour analysis! Why spend a lifetime wearing colours that don’t suit you? Gain the knowledge about what does compliment you so you can look and feel amazing, every day! Colour analysis is for EVERYONE, no matter their age! It’s had a real resurgence recently too. Read more here.

“Will you tell me I can’t wear black?”

It’s not about not wearing certain colours, it’s about understanding how to wear them for the best effect. Some shades of colour will look far more complimentary on you than others. You’ll learn how to wear colour to achieve your best look. There will always be some colours that just don’t work for us – they may leave you feeling washed out or grey or down. Discover instead the colours which make you look AMAZING and avoid having a drab day again!

“Will you make me wear bright colours?”

Having a colour analysis isn’t about making you do anything! The colour analysis consultations are tailored and refined to you to compliment how you look. It’s about helping you to look and feel amazing by providing you with colours and guidelines and not rigid rules. Not everyone suits bright colours, but rest assured you’ll learn about all colours (including neutrals), and how to wear them.

“Isn’t it old fashioned to have your colours done?”

Quite the opposite. Understanding how to wear and combine different colours together enables you to build a cohesive, versatile, modern and lifestyle appropriate wardrobe. Sustainable dressing and the desire to buy less and wear more is on the rise. More people have the desire to understand what suits them best so that they can make better buying decisions. And, know they’ll look good as a result. The tonal colour analysis system I use is a more modern approach. Read more here.

“Isn’t that something that they did in the 80s?”

Indeed, but like most things; it’s moved on from the dated 80s look!

In fact, many of my clients are surprised at how modern my approach to colour is. I’ve seen people as young as 17 and as experienced as 76! My online services are one example of how I’ve stayed relevent and moved with the times.

“I don’t have the budget to start my wardrobe all over again, will you tell me to get rid?”

Not many people do! It’s about having a wardrobe of pieces that work for you. But, learn how to work with what you already have too. If you need a little help, why not download my wardrobe charts. You’ll find them here.

“Isn’t Colour Analysis expensive?”

Having your colours analysed will prevent you from making expensive shopping mistakes. How many times have you bought something which doesn’t work for you? You only have to look in your own wardrobe to see those rash purchases. Take a moment to tot up how much you have spent on things you never wear. I’m confident that the figure will be more than a colour consultation with me.

“I’ve been colour analysed in the past, do I need an update?”

That’s great that you have already seen and felt the benefits of knowing your colours! But, if it was some time ago, or your physical features have changed like the colour of your hair, you might want to consider a review. The four seasonal approach can be restrictive and often clients had shades in their palette that were not their best or as refined as what’s available now. Under the new system, the analysis is much more flexible and refined and based on the Albert Munsell Colour System. This means you’ll find the shades of colours are much more suited to you. Depending upon the colour analysis service you choose, you’ll have 30 or 48 fabric swatches that work best for you. Read more about the differences here.

“Will you tell me my ‘wow’ colours?”

Under the system of analysis used here, it is a much more refined system. During the analysis, Toni will filter out the shades of colours which aren’t your best ones. Your colour swatches will contain the shades of colour identified to be your best ones! All the colours you’ll have will therefore be your wow colours!!

You may find the odd one or two which you may not be a fan of, however it’s all about learning and understanding how to wear it. A ‘wow’ colour is often associated with being the best one(s) for you and these will be identified during the analysis.

“Can I have a session on an evening?”

Natural daylight is highly recommended to see your natural colouring accurately. Individual sessions are therefore only available in the day time.

“I don’t wear makeup so can I skip it?”

I do offer a basic colour analysis consultation if you would prefer not to include a makeup application. Learning the right depth, undertone and clarity of colours next to your face will ensure your skin naturally glows and your eyes sparkle so that’s the benefit in knowing and understanding your colours! It will also eliminate dark shadows and prevent you from looking pale or ‘washed out’ – wearing the right colours has a truly transformational effect but it’s entirely your choice and I’ll always provide guidance on choosing the right makeup shades, should you change your mind.

“I never leave the house without makeup, can’t I arrive wearing makeup?”

If you would prefer you can arrive for your appointment with your makeup on and we can remove it during your session. It’s always best to see your natural features without makeup so you can receive an accurate assessment.

“I’m too busy for the sessions – can’t they be shorter?”

I understand – life can be very busy juggling everything that life throws at us! An individual colour consultation lasts 1.5 – 2 hours. The style and shape and full transformation services are longer. Check the events page for mini and taster sessions.

“Will you make me look more fashionable??”

I don’t believe in being fashionable, but I do believe in being stylish! Everyone has a sense of style it’s simply about discovering what that is and I’d be delighted to help you feel more comfortable with that. Fashion and trends aren’t for everyone and I want you to be happier and more comfortable with what you wear.

“Do I have to wear white for the consultation?”

Not at all! You can wear whatever clothes and colours you’d like for your consultation. When it comes to analysing your colouring your consultant will place a white draping cape around your shoulders to provide a blank canvas to work from. This is hygienically cleaned after each consultation. Find out more here.

“Will you tell me I can’t wear my favourite jewellery?”

If you opt for a full colour analysis consultation, this includes an analysis of your skin tone and whether you have a warm or cool undertone to your skin. This will help to guide you on the types of metal which may be best for you to wear in your jewellery. It’s worth remembering that colours have the biggest impact when worn next to your face. So, if your wedding band is gold, but your undertone is cool (which would suit a silver metal better) this isn’t going to be a major cause for concern or a trip to the jewellers! However, if you are wearing a metal that isn’t ideal for your undertone I won’t be insisting you get rid of it! Not a chance – it’s simply being aware of the impact and how to wear other tones and introducing colour instead.

“Do I have to buy the makeup?”

If you’re choosing the full colour consultation, makeup in some of your most flattering shades will be applied. You’re under no obligation to purchase anything used and you can always decide at a later date. You will take away some makeup as part of a complete colour analysis or colour analysis and the transformational package.

“It sounds too complicated – why don’t you do seasons?”

The colour analysis system I use is logical and importantly; it’s much more refined. The current system (tonal colour analysis) is shared with the hairdressing industry as well as many others who deal in colour (e.g. motoring and decorating). It allows me to be much more specific with the colours recommend and how to wear them. You’ll learn your colouring type, how to wear colour to compliment your features and you’ll also get follow up notes form me after your session too. Here’s some more details about the differences between seasons and tonal colour analysis.

“Will you cover my hair?”

No, I want to see the colour of your hair; even if it’s not your ‘natural’ colour. Your hair plays such an important part on your appearance and who you are so I always take this into account for my colour analysis consultations. You’ll find more information about why this is here.

“Isn’t it the same wherever I go?”

It’s far more popular and there are more options available to you. It’s worth noting that there are different methods of analysing a person’s colouring type so not everyone is offering the same. I trained with Colour me Beautiful over 10 years ago and so my consultations are based upon the Munsell colour theory and tonal analysis. I’ve analysed hundreds and hundreds of women (and some men!) over the years. I’d always recommend you do some research, check locally, websites and social media so that you can find a consultant who appeals to you and who you feel you will gel with. It’s your session at the end of the day!

“Shall I wait until I’ve lost weight?”

This is obviously a personal choice! I see many women who’ve lost confidence in what they wear but don’t underestimate the impact that a session can have on how you feel! Understanding what colours or styles of clothes work best for you will boost your confidence and make you feel better about your body and image overall. Sometimes a few dressing tips can make the difference as colour can be easily used to appear taller and slimmer! Only you can decide when the time is right for you.

“What’s the difference between an online and face to face session?”

The principles are still the same for both sessions but they are conducted in a very different way. Our face to face sessions are also much more in depth and last longer too. We’ve covered full details here in our previous blog.

“Isn’t knowing your style and shape more important than colours?”

That’s a valid question and really it’s equally as important! Most people choose a colour analysis because they can’t quite put their finger on exactly what to wear or how to wear it. However, it’s equally as frustrating having a wardrobe of colourful things if they don’t fit or flatter your shape and how you spend your time. I offer a separate style consultation which people often book once you’ve got used to your colours, or you can choose my transformation session and have colour, style, shape and a makeup lesson as one package. Further details are here.

Colour assessment workshop – 23 January 2021

Join this workshop to discover how to wear colour in your clothes and makeup with confidence and to enhance your overall look!

The session will take place virtually from the comfort of your own home so you’ll need a laptop, smart phone or tablet to be able to join the session.

You will learn:

– The benefits of knowing what colours suit you the most
– How to wear colour to make you look younger and healthier
– Simple tips to make colour work for you
– What your core colour type is

A colour card and list of makeup shades are included which will be posted out to you following the session.

You’ll be required to supply some photographs ahead of the session for individual assessment.

Everyone can wear colour, it’s simply about finding the right shades.

Buy your tickets here.

What’s the difference between a seasonal and tonal colour analysis?

There are two main types of approaches with colour analysis – seasonal and tonal.

It’s not simply having different names of the palettes but actually how they relate to one another too. Both systems of analysis are rather technical and beyond the scope of this blog but it should provide you with some background as to how each approach operates and the main differences between the two systems.

Seasonal approach

This system operates the standard four season approach – spring, summer, autumn and winter. Within each season, there are sub-types within each season to create either a ’12 season’ or ’16 season’ system rather than the traditional and older ‘4 season’ one. If you were analysed and ‘had your colours done’ many years ago; like I was, you may just have the traditional four seasonal palette. (I was a summer)

Sub types essentially finesse your palette further by narrowing down the colours that harmonise the most with your own natural colouring so that you have a more tailored approach for the shades of colour which work best for you.

Tonal approach

This approach is based upon an assessment of your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour where you will be one of six ‘dominant’ types – Light, Deep, Warm, Cool, Clear or Soft. Within each dominant colouring type, there are sub-types too to create a secondary and tertiary palette. Within each of the six dominant types, there are four sub-types. (I am a soft, cool, deep).

The translations of tonal to seasonal systems, vice versa or even between the different versions of the same analysis can differ slightly. If you’re feeling a little lacklustre in your colours, or you don’t feel like they are working for you, it may be worthwhile reviewing your palette with a colour consultant.

Will your colour type change as you get older?

That depends!

The standard four season approach is thought to be wide and broad enough not to alter as you age. However, the sub-type is likely to change within the season to reflect the changes. For example, you may go from a sultry winter to a bright winter. This will therefore change some of your colours.

With the tonal system, due to the assessment of your hair colour, skin tone and eye colour, you may change either your dominant type or sub-type. If your hair colour drastically changed for example, from dark brown to grey then your ‘dominant’ colouring type (and likely sub-types) will change. For example, you may move from a Deep to a Cool and your colours will also change and how you wear them.

If you’re feeling a little lacklustre in your colours, or you don’t feel like they are working for you due to a drastic change in hair colour or skin tone, it may be worthwhile reviewing your palette with a colour consultant to discover your best shades. 

‘Getting your colours done’ is for anyone of any age. Everyone can wear colour, but not every shade of colour will suit you. It’s simply about knowing and understanding what works for you so you can feel confident in what you wear. 

I trained with Colour me Beautiful who operate a tonal system of analysis which is what I offer in my colour consultations. Read these frequently asked questions here.

If you’d interested in a little more about the ‘science’ behind my consultations, read this blog here.

Sessions are available online and face to face

get in touch to book your appointment now:

My own colour analysis experience

It was over 15 years ago that I first heard the phrase “getting your colours done” from a lady I worked with. I had no idea what this was or even if it was a real thing! But, what I recall was how she dressed differently, wore more colour and seemed to exude confidence which she didn’t seem to possess before her consultation.

Not long after, I had my own colour and image consultation. What I recall at the time was a lot of information about me, dressing for my body shape, my proportions and also what suited me from colours to styles and makeup.

It was colour that resonated the most for me and it still does now. I was a ‘summer’ and I had my colour swatch wallet tucked away in my handbag which I used shopping for new items as well as for weeding my wardrobe of any not so good items.

The declutter

I recall purging my wardrobe not long after my session. Naturally, the most obvious items which didn’t suit my shape, colouring and which didn’t match my swatches were the first to go. But, there are always some things you aren’t quite ready to get rid of.

For me, it was black suits which I wore to work. At the time, I was working in an office in the financial services sector and I already knew that they didn’t compliment my colouring as they seemed to wash out my complexion. It was visible – I could see it and so could everyone else! I often received comments about looking tired or unwell (when I felt perfectly fine!). I also had a range of other items, in colours, which I frequently wore to work, but for some reason I wasn’t quite ready to let these go and so they remained in the wardrobe.

There were some mornings that I put the suits on, looked in the mirror and saw a drained and tired looking face staring back at me and each time, I promptly took them off and hung them back up! Was it because I knew they weren’t right for me? Perhaps. Whatever the reason, these suits remained hung up for around a year before I decided that enough was enough. If I wasn’t going to wear them, there were other people who could get their use out of them and bagged them up for charity.  

Future purchases were always in line with my swatches, wanting to both look and feel my best, but certain colours eluded me and it wasn’t until I retrained years later that I realised why.

I’d say it genuinely took me years to finally have a wardrobe that truly worked for me and suited me and my lifestyle, so you shouldn’t feel disheartened if it’s the same for you.

If you would like a little help and guidance when it comes to decluttering your wardrobe, download my free five step guide here. 

Colour and the impact

Colour was always my go to though. Whenever I wore my colours, I felt good and I had more confidence in my outfit choices and styling things to suit me.

I wouldn’t describe myself as a person who could dress effortlessly, chic or particularly fashionable. But, I had knowledge and tricks about how to dress for best effect.

Years after my session, I decided to retrain as an image consultant so I could impart the same knowledge and demonstrate that same amazing impact that dressing for your shape and lifestyle, in the right colours and makeup and how it can totally transform you.

Different methods of colour analysis

When I originally had my colour analysis, I didn’t realise that there were different methods of analysis available.

I’d personally experienced the seasonal approach all those years ago but there was another method which used a tonal approach. When I was looking at training, I looked into this further and the tonal analysis really appealed to me and so I chose to train with colour me beautiful who trained their consultants on this method.

The local paper wrote an article about me and my new services which still hangs proudly on the wall in my studio.

Toni Carver

It’s fascinating that there are so many colour theories which have developed over the years and adapted so that they still influence these main forms of colour analysis today.

With both approaches, when a colour combination is harmonious, whether that be with colours being worn as much as with a person’s colouring, then it is pleasing to view. The person will look healthy, they will look well and their complexion will look brighter. But, when that colour is not harmonious, the effect is the opposite and it will appear to discolour a person’s complexion making them look unhealthy, tired or unwell.

I’ll explore the two systems in a separate blog next week, but if you’d like to experience the impact that wearing the right colour has, get in touch to book your colour analysis consultation.

See the visual impact of colour

When we wear colour near our faces, the light reflects upwards which will either cast a flattering tone; brightening our features, or it will cast dark shadows under our chin and eyes.

When you try colours on, look at the overall effect – does it brighten your face or do you look ill?

Is it just the colour you’re wearing that is seen or is it you? You want to aim for the latter.

The colours that we wear should create harmony and balance with our characteristics so that when you wear colour, it compliments your whole look.

If you’ve experienced a colour analysis then you will have seen the impact that wearing the right shade of colour has already. For those of you who haven’t yet invested in one, here’s some examples of wearing wrong and right colours then a completed look after makeup application – can you see the difference?

If you do and would like to learn more, please share this and get in touch to book your session.

Individual sessions can be done or you can come along with a friend. To find out more about the Colour Consultations I offer, please click here.