Autumn / Winter 2024: NEW Recorded On-demand Masterclass

I’m sure you’ve seen the new colours and styles in stores and online.

Take the drama out of shopping with my pointers on what suits you with my latest on-demand, recorded masterclass!

All the hard work is done for you with this 44 minute video. Learn the new colours and trends with examples all at your leisure with this masterclass.

It’s perfect for you if you already know your colouring type, prefer to browse in your own time, or you weren’t able to attend the workshop on 5 October.

Get inspired with what to wear this autumn. Here’s what you’ll find included in the recording:

  • – Seven key trending colours for each dominant colouring type (light, deep, warm, cool, clear, soft) this season
  • – A bonus colour if you know your secondary characteristic
  • – 15 London Fashion Week colours as predicted by Pantone® Color Institute and coded for each dominant colouring type
  • – Examples of where to find the key colours this season
  • – The styles and trends you’ll find and tips on how to wear them
  • – Examples of where to find these trends and what to search for in your wardrobe

Purchase it here:

These recorded seasonal masterclasses are part of a range of seasonal updates available to support you.

View the range of resources here:

Sustainable September: how to opt for quality, not quantity and fill the gaps

Have you been enjoying the theme in this month’s blogs? I do hope so!

Last week, I shared four things to do to start your autumn wardrobe preparation. Don’t worry – they’re totally easy to do with no skill as most of them are about thinking and looking! Revisit it here..

You’ve probably got the idea by now that ‘shopping’ your own wardrobe will save you money in the long run. Plus, it has a positive impact on the planet too.

Taking time to sort through your clothes will actually save you time too. Just think how long it takes you to get ready! When you’ve got a lot of clothes, you can’t see everything you’ve got. Or, what you do have, you don’t wear because they don’t fit or flatter you either.

How to organise your wardrobe

When I help clients with their wardrobes, I tend to categorise them into types, then colour. To me, this is logical and visual and it’s how my own wardrobe is organised. So, put your shirts together, t-shirts, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses and so on.

Once in order, I’ll organise by groups of colours – reds together, blues together and so on. Often, you’ll find you have several of the same item. But, how many do you really need?

These are the contents of the average wardrobe for a (middle-class) woman in the 1940s.

I’m pretty sure it is substantially less than the average wardrobe today. It’s certainly less than I have.

Sure, availability and choice has increased, but so has over-consumption.

The trick is to balance what you need with what you have and fill the gaps. Use your personal colour swatches to help you identify any colour gaps as well as the style of clothes for how you spend your time.

If you can’t fill the gaps, you’ll end up buying more of the same things you’ve already got.

How many times have you seen an outfit on a mannequin, or on a model and bought it, only to discover that it doesn’t look the same on you?

Build, height, sizing, colouring and personality are all elements which make you; you. That’s before we even assess the fabric and cut of the clothes! When you understand what suits you, fits you and flatters you, only then will you be able to stop making costly mistakes.

Buying something because it’s the latest trend or in the sale without considering you, your wardrobe and your lifestyle, will often mean they languish in the back of the wardrobe until you donate them, or sell them online, at a loss.

Colour and style advice

Spend time researching what’s current (or attend my seasonal colour and trend workshop) to learn the new colours and trends to help you build a wardrobe of clothes that you love to wear. And, which suit you of course!

Try and recreate these looks from what you already have. During the workshop, I use my own clothes as well as new ones to demonstrate this, so if you need some inspiration, be sure to join us! It takes place on Saturday 5 October online, so you can join from the comfort of your own home. Get your ticket here.

I don’t believe in being a slave to fashion and spending a fortune on clothes. Like many of my clients, I just want to look and feel up -to-date in what I wear. Being able to make informed decisions and shop with intention helps because I understand what suits me and how to make things work.

Clothes in the right colour and style for you, that fit and flatter your shape, will always make better choices in the long run. Book a consultation if you need any help.

Those attending the workshop will receive my essential guidance and a copy of my new seasonal colour guide too. Alongside the live group workshop, I produce a suite of guides on the colours and trends that suit you, aimed at saving you time.


The live event isn’t recorded, so if you can’t make it, I pre-record a video using the same presentation so you can catch up and watch it in your own time. I’ll share the latest colours and trends to look out for, with examples and some tips on if they flatter you. The video lasts 44 minutes.


This guide fits inside your colour me beautiful colour swatch wallet to guide you when shopping. It includes seven key colours for the autumn and winter season for each dominant colouring type (using the tonal colour analysis system covered in my colour analysis consultations).

Sustainable September: autumn wardrobe tasks

As September is the month of sustainability, it’s worth remembering that the most sustainable garment is the one that’s already hanging in your wardrobe. Last week, I shared some styling ideas to help you re-wear your clothes more often and you can revisit the blog here.

There’s been a nip in the air here in the UK which is a clear signal that autumn is definitely on the way. With the changing seasons, you may be switching out your summer clothes for winter ones. Your thoughts may also be turning to what else you may need.

So, on the sustainable theme, I’ve got four tasks for you to undertake to your wardrobe before you hit the shops, or start searching online. Plus, I’ve recorded a quick video which you’ll find on my YouTube channel. Keep reading for details.

What’s your most worn items?

The first place to start is what you’ve already got!

If you’re a photo-taker, check your camera roll for the items you’ve been wearing on repeat. Don’t worry if you’ve got no photo evidence as I’m guessing you know your fave, and most lived-in items. Because I turn my hangers round, I can easily identify what I’ve been wearing. (revisit this: Simple way to identify clothes you’re not wearing if you don’t know what I’m talking about!).

These items are useful to know because you’ve got your money’s worth out of them. You’ve had multiple wears and no doubt reduced your £s per wear as you’ve been wearing them lots. Your £s per wear is basically how many times you’ve worn it based upon how much you spent on it. A ‘bargain’ £10 item worn once doesn’t compare to the item you send £50 on and are still wearing after 10 times, year after year.

Layer up!

Items that you can wear through different seasons (also called transitional pieces), can help with any capsule wardrobe goals you have. This will likely mean wearing them with other items in the cooler months. So, a pair of tights with a summer dress. Throw on a fine knit jumper or cardigan over it instead. I prefer to think of these as staple items because you can wear them all year round. For me, these are t-shirts (both long and short sleeved) and vests as I’ll wear these in the warmer months but layer them underneath dresses or jumpers in the cooler months.

Fine, thin layers are always better than thick layers if you want to avoid feeling like the Michelin man. Revisit this: The secret to layering your clothes and still look stylish (without adding bulk)

The ability to layer items of clothing also means that you restyle them and wear them in a different way too.

Do you have the latest trend?

Trends do tend to repeat themselves and you might already have that new cardigan that everyone’s raving about tucked in the back of the wardrobe. Burgundy is the colour of the season, but I already know I have my colour version of burgundy hanging in my wardrobe to wear in the coming months because I’ve bought well over the years and I know what suits me! For reference, it’s claret or damson for me. If you’ve had a colour analysis, check your swatches for your version.

If you’ve spotted something in a magazine, online or in the shops and you’re thinking how much you’d like to add it to your wardrobe, just check whether you’ve already got something similar. You may have and I can give you some ideas to restyle what you already have for the new season at my next seasonal update workshop. It takes place online at 12pm on Saturday 5th October and tickets are available here.

My seasonal updates aren’t about making you fashionable, but I will be sharing what the new colours and trends are for autumn and winter. This year, my aim is to try and avoid the fast-fashion stores as much as I can with the examples I share in the workshop, Recorded Masterclass and the Shop The Look guides.

This coming season, see if you can make better, more informed decisions about what to buy and wear. If you need some inspiration, my autumn/winter guides will be available from 1 October. Join the wait list and you’ll receive discounted access to the guides five days earlier. (Select ‘seasonal updates’ and register here).

Be specific

I know it sounds a bit boring, but making a list concentrates the mind. Specifically focus on what items of clothing you actually need. What are you missing in your wardrobe? What has been worn so much that it’s fallen apart and beyond repair? The more specific you are, the more refined your searches will be. That’s why I always say to start with your wardrobe. After all, if you don’t know what you’ve got (and you can’t see it), how do you know what you need? Don’t discount accessories – these can be a cost effective way to update any outfit.

My wardrobe charts will help you work out where the gaps are in your wardrobe. Download the FREE Wardrobe charts.

Being able to identify the specifics like the colour, the style, shape, fit, fabric and how you want it to make you feel will all help to narrow your search. Clothes in the right colour and style for you that fit and flatter your shape, will always make better choices in the long run. Book a consultation if you need any help.

Watch: 4 wardrobe tasks to do this autumn to help you be more mindful and sustainable this September on YouTube:

NEW Recorded On-demand Seasonal Masterclass – Autumn / Winter 2023 update

The latest masterclass is now available!

This is a pre-recorded video which you can watch at your leisure to discover the Autumn and Winter 2023 colour and style trends plus how to wear them.

It’s perfect for you if you would prefer to watch it in your own time.

You’ll follow the presentation which has been prepared highlighting what’s available this season with Toni’s help and guidance.

The recorded video lasts 38 minutes. Get inspired with what to wear this autumn with tips on how to wear the new trends whilst checking what’s hung up in your wardrobe!

During this recorded video masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • The key colours for each dominant colouring type (light, deep, warm, cool, clear, soft) this season
  • Where to find the key colours this season
  • The latest styles and trends and how to wear them
  • Where to find the new trends 

Purchase it here:

These recorded seasonal masterclasses are recorded twice a year to coincide with Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter. They are part of a range of seasonal updates available to support you.

Each video lasts around 30 minutes which mans you can watch it as many time as you like! You’ll receive a link to video once your order has been processed.

The next seasonal update for Spring/Summer 2024 will be available from 1 April 2024.

Register your interest in ‘seasonal updates’ and join the wait list to receive a 5 day exclusive pre-launch offer on 27 March. Register here.

What to buy this Autumn/Winter

Money doesn’t buy style, knowledge does.

When you know what suits you, shopping becomes easier and your wardrobe becomes more cohesive and coordinated.

Shopping doesn’t have the same joy for everyone. So if you find it overwhelming and confusing about what to buy, or make too many shopping mistakes you often regret, listen up.

I’ve done the hard work to save you time scouring the internet and the high street. I’ve gathered the colours and trends, where to get them and how to wear them with my seasonal updates.

A new season doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune on new clothes to stay relevant and feel good about yourself. A simple change of accessories or a tweak to what you’ve got can make all the difference. Breathe new life into old pieces and bring you bang up to date.

Whether you’re a do-it-yourself kind, or you prefer a more guided approach, these seasonal updates are available all year round. Here’s what’s available


This summary guide is a handy, double-sided A5 sized guide. It can be popped in your handbag to guide you on any shopping trips.

There’s a list of colours for your clothes and makeup organised by dominant colouring type (which you learn during your colour analysis consultation. You’ll find a summary of the key trends with tips on wearing them on the reverse of the guide.

I’ve got eight colours for each of the six dominant colouring types so that you can focus on any specific colours from your colour swatches and palette (if you’ve had a tonal colour analysis). This makes it easy to update your wardrobe this autumn and winter, filling any gaps. For an autumn boost to your makeup, there’s some combinations and colours to try too.

If you’ve booked a Complete Colour Analysis Consultation between October until March, a copy is included.

Add yourself to the wait list and get a 5 day pre-launch exclusive access to the guide. Simply register yourself for seasonal updates to get your hands on it, or wait until 1 October when it goes on general sale. Once your order has been processed, it will be posted (UK only) via Royal Mail. A scanned copy can be emailed to anyone outside the UK.

There are a few copies left of the previous Spring / Summer 2023 colour and style guide. This is perfect if you’re shopping the sales or pre-loved. It’s currently reduced until 30 September but only whilst stocks last. Get it here.


For a more detailed guide on the autumn/winter colour and style trends, my pre-recorded masterclass can be watched as many times as you like!

You’ll receive a link to a presentation and video recording which you can watch. I’ll talk you through the latest trends, the colours and examples for each dominant colouring type. There’s some tips on dressing your shape too.

The recording this time is 38 minutes. Available from 1 October unless you’re on the wait list for my seasonal updates and you’ll get 5 days early access to the material at an exclusive price too! (Register your details, click ‘seasonal updates’ and hit the button to register).

The previous spring / summer 2023 on-demand masterclass is still available and on sale until 30 September. Get it here.


The next live workshop takes place via zoom on Saturday 7 October at 2pm and lasts around 90 minutes.

During this virtual workshop, I’ll guide you through what you’ll find in the shops this autumn/winter whilst assessing what you’ve already got in your wardrobe! I’ll talk you through my presentation and slides which I’ve put together illustrating the trends, styles, key colours for your colouring type and where to find them all with tips on wearing them too of course!

You’ll see items from my own wardrobe to demonstrate that trends really do come and go along with picks from the high street. Tickets cost £19.50 and are available to purchase here for the event on 7 October.


A complete guide of the colours and style trends this season to go through on your own.

The 19 page document includes:

  • A summary of the key trends, what to look for and tips on how to wear them
  • Tips on dressing your body shape
  • 8 key trending colours for each dominant colouring type (lights, deeps, warms, cools, clears, softs)
  • Makeup colours for each dominant colouring type
  • 15 London Fashion Week colour palette coded by dominant colouring type
  • Wardrobe checklist to help you review what you’ve already got and any gaps
  • An AW23 shopping checklist to help you identify what to shop for this season

This is a digital and practical guide delivered electronically and is available from 1 April. Join the wait list and you’ll get a 5 day pre-launch exclusive access (register for seasonal updates and watch out for the email on 26 September!)


New for Autumn is a shop the look guide for each colouring type. Each guide features links and notes from me about the items I’ve found and featured for your colouring.

This makes shopping the new looks a breeze.


Subscribing to a waiting list means I can make you an exclusive offer. The offers aren’t available outside of my email list (ie I don’t offer them anywhere else). So, if you’re not on the list then you don’t get this access. This seems fair to me as a reward and thank you for signing up to be rewarded.

The wait list means you’ll get 5 days exclusive access ahead of general sale at an exclusive price.

To qualify, you need to be subscribed, select ‘seasonal updates’ as an interest and still be opted in by the time the offer comes around. On 26 September, check your emails for your exclusive pre-launch offer. (You’ll also get access to the spring/summer updates on 27 March too).

Register your details here: wait list

What’s the Autumn ‘what to wear’ workshop?

Let me do the hard work for you this Autumn!

Here’s an update on the next seasonal workshop and what you can expect. This event occurs every April and October so this time round, it’s for Autumn and Winter colour and style trends.

There are two events to choose from; an in person event which takes place at TLC studio HQ and a virtual event which takes place online via zoom.

Both events take place on Saturday 1st October at 10am (in person) and 2pm (online).

In this video, I’m sharing details of the event but also how you can get your hands on the NEW colour and style update guide and what’s involved to qualify for the early bird bonus which is available (but only if you’re quick).


Here’s some highlights and links not to miss:

If you missed the Spring / Summer 2022 style update guide, this is now reduced and on sale on the website, but only whilst stocks last. Visit it here.

The ‘What to wear’ workshop – autumn/winter 2022 takes place on Saturday 1 October at 10am and 2pm. You’ll find full details on the event here.

IN PERSON tickets are available to purchase here:

ONLINE tickets are available to purchase here:

The Autumn / winter new Colour & Style Update guide are available to purchase online from 1 October UNLESS you opt in to my ‘seasonal update’ waitlist when you’ll get a 5 day pre-launch exclusive offer. Register your details here to receive your offers.


Any questions, do get in touch but I’d love to see you there!

Watch the video here:

How to prepare your wardrobe for autumn

Have you found that as the seasons change, your dressing habits change too?

As autumn comes, you begin adding layers and the debate rages about when you should wear your winter coat, put on the winter duvet and let’s not start on the heating!

If you keep peering inside your wardrobe crying out: “I have nothing to wear!” I’m guessing that’s not strictly true. There are no doubt clothes hung up ready to wear. What you’re most likely feeling is that you that have nothing appropriate to wear.

It’s a vicious circle. Especially when you think about the retailers and fashion and advertising. If your email is anything like mine, it’s been pinging away with ‘autumn trends’, ‘the transitional piece you need right now’, ‘top ten must have pieces’ and the like since August!

Whilst tempting, inspiring and seductive, encouraging you to open your purse and part with your hard-earned cash, it’s worth remembering that in a couple of months, some of those ‘on trend’ and ‘popular’ pieces will be on the sale racks. Because the fashion retailers haven’t sold them, and they need to make way for the next set of stock to burst through the doors.

Fast fashion allows everyday folk to buy the hot new trends at affordable prices. But, at what price? I don’t just mean the price tag but on the people involved in the journey from thread to your wardrobe.

People are more aware of the environmental and sustainable impact of the clothes being made. Campaigns like #secondhandseptember from Oxfam encourage people to not buy new and to shop second hand. I was delighted to be asked to get involved in a feature in The Yorkshire Post magazine supplement over the weekend (read it here or check out my Facebook post or Instagram for the article).

Yorkshire post article

Old versus new

When the seasons change, do you really need to buy something new? As a good old fashioned Yorkshire lass, I believe you can and should get your money’s worth from everything you buy! I call it £s per wear and it’s a simple concept. Buy less and wear more and learn how to re-style pieces you already have to remain current; it’s a simple concept and one that your wallet will thank you for.

What have you been wearing?

Have a look at what your most worn item of clothing, footwear and accessories have been over the last few months.

What is it that you loved about them? Work out the £s per wear (cost of item divided by the number of times it’s been worn) and consider if they have been a good investment. Anything under £10 per wear is pretty good but lower is much better!

Consider if you can keep wearing them when it cools down and it’s raining! It might mean wearing them a different way. A summer dress worn with tights or leggings? Maybe with a jumper over the top or underneath.

Have you got something similar?

It’s important to keep checking your wardrobe. Especially before any purchase you make. Otherwise, you run the risk of buying another <fill in the gap of an item you buy on repeat and still only wear one of the five you have> which you don’t actually need.

Fashion tends to repeat itself, so you may already have that must-have top/dress/pair of boots and might need to learn how to restyle it. Check the items you’ve not been able to wear that you got last year before heading out and buying another.

Make a list

I’m not trying to be a boring killjoy but identifying what you actually need is the best place to start. Identify the specifics: colour, style, shape, fit and you’ll make less impulse buys. This is really important if you’re one of those people that tend to buy a top / trousers / boots then realise you have nothing to wear them with when you get home. Should you need help, you can always download my wardrobe charts.

Seek assistance

Sometimes, you just need some guidance on what to buy and what suits you. Especially from someone who is impartial.

I’ll be sharing the colours, the trends and styles to look out for and how to make them work for you!

If you’re thoughtful before you buy, it can make all the difference to your pocket, wardrobe and the planet. It’s becoming more and more frequent that you’ll already have some of these ‘new trends’ in your wardrobe so let me inspire you to make them feel like new again.

Tickets are available at my autumn/winter what to wear workshop. It’s a group event which takes place on Saturday 1 October. There’s a morning session at the studio and a virtual session taking place in the afternoon. If you can’t make it, be sure to look out for my DIY support to be announced shortly.

Read more details here or buy your ticket here for Saturday 1 October.

What to wear workshop – Autumn/Winter 2022 – Saturday 1 October

It’s that time of the year again. When the weather threatens to change and suddenly your inbox is full with ‘what to buy for Autumn’!

To help reduce the overwhelm, I’m back again with my seasonal update to help you decipher what you’re going to buy (if anything) and how to work with what you’ve already got.

The Autumn/Winter What to wear workshop is back!

Looking for some guidance on what to wear so you don’t get sucked into making (more) shopping mistakes in the new season? My workshops are for you!

Just because it‘s in the shops, fashionable or on trend does not mean it will work for YOU – and that’s ok.

What’s involved?

You’ll hear all about what’s available in the shops and most importantly, what to look for so they suit you! It’s not always about buy, buy, buy, but understanding how can you be more sustainable with your choices and use what you may already have lurking in the back of your wardrobe to bring it up to date.

All this helps to guide you on making the right buying choices so you can feel good in what you wear!

The workshop with presentation will last around 90 minutes. You’ll learn about the current colour and style trends and a goody-bag following the session with further guidance.


These seasonal workshops run on the first Saturday of April and October. This Autumn/Winter workshop will be held on Saturday 1 October.

This time round, I’ll be offering an in-person session at TLC HQ in the morning at 10am and a virtual session in the afternoon at 2pm.

PLUS, there’s chance for those eager and early in their booking to bag an EARLY BIRD BONUS! The first THREE people to book for each event (so six in total) will be entered into a draw to win a 30-minute styling call with me.


The in person workshop costs £20 (including goody bag, refreshments and a chance to sample skincare and makeup). The virtual session takes place online via zoom and costs £17.50 (includes goody bag).

How to get tickets

Tickets are available to purchase in advance here.

Book now!

The event takes place on Saturday 1 October. Tickets are £17.50 for the virtual session or £20 for the in-person event. Purchase them via Eventbrite using the link above or click the button below.

How to stop impulse buying

It was great to do my What to wear workshop for Autumn at the weekend and share the new colour and style trends that you’ll find in the shops and online.

I find that everyone is different when it comes to shopping, but often there is a little common problem I hear time and time again. Impulse shopping!

Now, I’m not trying to take the fun out of life and be a party pooper! It’s a common problem I hear all the time but one which can be solved!

The scenario

You go shopping, hoping to buy something new. You find nothing that fits your proportions / in your colours / in your size / flatters your shape / makes you feel good / feels like you. So, you go home feeling deflated, fed up and totally uninspired. That’s not a great place to be!

Because, it all looks so tempting, inspiring and seductive with the adverts, emails and the rails promoting those ‘must-have’ pieces and outfits. Encouraging you to part with your hard-earned cash. After all, you want to look that good too right? Fashionable. Stylish. On trend.

Stop ✋

Shop with purpose

That’s why my advice is to always shop with purpose. You need a better plan and one your wardrobe, purse and self-esteem will thank you for!

New outfits and clothes don’t have to be new all the time. Sometimes you just need to feel inspired to try a different combination to create a new outfit. If you look hard enough, you’ll probably find ‘new’ things in your wardrobe. Those pieces you bought ages ago and actually forgot that you had. Or those items you bought but didn’t know what to wear it with.

You see, trends come and go and fashion isn’t quite so ‘new’. Yes, the styles may be ever so slightly different but only you know if you’ll get your money’s worth out of buying it.

My what to wear workshops occur every six months for Spring/summer and Autumn/Winter. It’s an opportunity to hear me share my tips on how to make the current seasonal styles work for you but also how to review what you’ve already got and style them up differently. On Saturday, not only did I showcase some of the new trends you’ll find on the high street, but I also picked out 16 items I already had in my own wardrobe which ticked off those same trends! That’s why it’s important to know what you’ve got in your wardrobe.

Shopping tips

These are questions I ask myself when I shop:

Is it the right colour for me?

Does the style work for me?

When would I wear it? (occasion/lifestyle appropriate)

Does it fit and flatter my body shape and proportions?

Is it comfortable to wear?

What else can I wear it with?

Final thoughts

As you can see, it’s all about understanding what works for you, your lifestyle as well as your budget. Even when you know your colours, choosing the right fabrics and styles is equally as important or you still won’t feel ‘right’. That’s where my style and image consultations come in.

Finally, don’t forget about accessories. These can be a great way to put some jazz into your existing clothes and do a nod to the new trends at the same time. Plus, they’re a much more cost effective way of adding something new to your wardrobe.

Remember; just because it’s in fashion, does not mean that it suits everyone. If it’s not ‘you’, don’t buy it! It’s about being authentic and true to yourself. Wearing something that doesn’t feel like you will only make you feel uncomfortable and unhappy and that doesn’t make for a confident feeling person.

My style and image consultations will identify your style, your shape, proportions and the cut and fabrics which suit you best. Contact me to book your session.

Four tips to perform an autumn audit

Fashions fade, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent

You don’t need to constantly add things to your wardrobe every year.

Yes, you might need some updates or tweaks to bring things up to date and items of course will need to be replaced. But, as a good old fashioned Yorkshire girl I believe you can and should get your money’s worth.

I call it £s per wear and it’s a simple concept.

Buy less and wear more and learn how to re-style pieces you already have to remain current; it’s a simple concept and one that your wallet will thank you for too.

In my latest video, I share four tips to help you perform an autumn audit. Watch it here.

What to wear – Autumn / Winter update – 9 October 2pm

A new season is approaching so do you know what you are going to wear??

Are you keen to keep your outfits up to date without spending a fortune? Or are you itching to buy something new and not sure what?

Introducing the Autumn/Winter What to wear workshop – Saturday 9 October at 2pm (virtual)

Now the shops are switching things up with new colours, new styles and new trends. But, don’t get sucked into making shopping mistakes by buying something just because it‘s in the shops. Some things just don’t work for you – and that’s ok.

Join from the comfort of your own home and hear from Toni as she shares with you the new trends and what to shop for this season. You’ll hear about what’s available and also how to review what you’ve already got so you can make the right choices in what you wear this Autumn and Winter.

During the session, you’ll learn:

✅ The colour trends this season

✅ Colours to suit your dominant colouring type

✅ New trends and styles 

✅ How to make these work for you

✅ Tips on reviewing what you already have in your wardrobe and how to style them up

Here’s what you’ll receive

✅ A style update card summarising the key colours and trends via post

✅ Wardrobe checklist and declutter guide (digital guide)

✅ Shopping list and checklist of the key items (digital guide)

✅ Discount voucher (to be redeemed through TLC Style & Colour.)

Book now!

The event takes place online at 2pm on Saturday 9 October. Tickets are £15 and available to purchase here.

Three items to buy now for Autumn

We are heading fast into Autumn, the kids are back at school and a sense of ‘normality’ can resume!

As the season changes, it’s often a time to look in our wardrobes and update with a few key pieces.

Here’s my top three items to buy now that will give your wardrobe an instant update.


The Print

Animal print is everywhere this season and in more colours which is nice to see. Try blue or pink if you have a cool undertone to your skin.

You don’t have to go all out if it’s not your thing; think a subtle belt, shoes or boots. If it is your thing; how about a statement coat?



The slouchy boot is here for the Autumn. Try tucking in skinny jeans or wear with a midi skirt for a bit more of an edge.



You will have heard me say that black is not everyone’s friend and this season is no different! Instead, I’m seeing two colours emerge – brown and green.



A great alternative to black and a versatile neutral shade too. With neutral colours, they mix very easily with fashion or accent shades which come and go with the seasons (think yellow and lavender in the spring earlier this year). Crucially, brown works particularly well if you fall into the Soft, Warm and Light categories.

As with any colour, it’s all about HOW you wear it.

If you have a cool undertone be sure to keep brown shades away from your face and break them up with some cooler tones on your top half.

Lights should opt for lighter shades of brown and could try combining it with pale blues and pinks. Keep a look out for Rose Brown too – a lighter, softer shade of brown. Warms and Softs can wear browns of a medium depth on their own or combine them with colours one or two shades lighter for a subtle contrast.

Deeps can mix it with rich reds, greens and damson and Clears will need to add some vibrancy and contrast with a colour pop.


Fifty shades of green!

There are so many different shades of green that if you are not a fan, I’m sure you’ll find one if you give it a go. If in doubt why not try teal? It’s certainly one of my favourites and a shade which tends to work for everyone.

Why not treat yourself to an eye pencil in the seasonal colours? I have a lovely coffee (lights, softs, warms), brown (deeps, warms), moss (warms, deeps) and teal (everyone!) available which are under a tenner and are lovely and soft so as not to drag on the delicate eye area.

If accessories are more your thing, how about a scarf? I’ve got atmosphere which is a lovely neutral beige colour in raw silk material for you warms, deeps, clears, softs and lights or teal which suits everyone. If you’re a light or a soft-warm then I have just one of the yellow-green pashminettas available in the studio.

Get in touch with me on 07958657032 or buy from my online shop (above). This month there’s half price postage.

Finally, if your interested in learning all about the new season trends and how you can wear them, reserve your place at my Autumn event – details to follow soon.