
I really enjoyed  the colour consultation  last week and found it very helpful. It was really useful being guided to see and appreciate  the subtle  differences  in tone between  the different  colour groups;  something  I hadn’t  always  found easy.

The follow-up video this week is great and is giving me lots of ideas for combining the colours I have.

I’ve been looking  through  my wardrobe and the charity bag now has a few more things in!

I wasn’t  sure about some of the colours I had, but as they’re  in my swatch I’m looking at new ways to combine and  accessorise them. I manged to find a way to make the apricot top I brought with me work….I added a short dark brown  beaded necklace and it looked a lot better.

So thanks again for all the help and insight you gave me.


Thank you so much for today.

It was lovely to meet you and to gain your experience and knowledge on everything about colour, body shape and style personality.

Thank you for updating my colour swatches, as part of the colour review. It was really interesting to see the change after all these years since having ‘my colours done’ previously.

As soon as I got back home, I lifted clothes out of my wardrobe that no longer fit the new dominant warm and have put these to one side to pass on to someone else, who will suit them better or will fit with their style personality.

The information about body shape and style personality is great and I am sure once I’ve read the book, I’ll have tons more questions about this too.


Thanks so much for today I loved the colour analysis session. I really wanted to head straight for the shops! I love the make up too 🙂

Looking forward to a new me this year with all of your great help.


I absolutely can’t wait to see what colour combinations I can come I with following your help. It’s one of the things I struggle with putting my different colours together and getting wonderful combinations.

Am finding your emails very informative too!


I can’t thank you enough for the colour analysis and the follow up shopping session. It’s been so so helpful, and I’m going to order a couple of things today. You’ve made me totally reconsider what I’m choosing and actually make me more conscious when I’m shopping.


Thank you for the lovely follow up email with lots of information which I appreciate as there is so much information to take in during a consultation. I have my swatches which I have been using and am getting used to this now – I love the lipstick too and the foundation, thank you.

I have used your style suggestions and I know what to look for now which is marvellous.


Thank you so much for a very enjoyable colour analysis today.

I now understand much better what to look for in colours that work well for me.

I’m happy to accept with your knowledge and easy way of explaining things that I am finally “Cool”!!  I have lots of really nice colours to try out.


I really enjoyed meeting you and having a great colour analysis session.

It was the perfect lift and I felt enthusiastic to go shopping and consider my colour palette!

The make up is great. I will be ordering more!


Thank you so much for the day, I really enjoyed it and learnt so much. It has really changed my shopping habits.

I’ve had a clear out of make-up (long overdue) and feel much more confident with my makeup style now.

In terms of clothes, I have colours I would normally have walked right past and comments when I have worn new clothes have been amazing.

Thank you so much, it was a great experience.


I had a colour consultation with Toni and she was amazing. She helped me understand the best colours for me and got me out of wearing black! Highly recommended.


Really enjoyed the consultation and thinking different about the colours. Getting used to the new makeup routine and seriously considering coming back for a style session.


If you want to feel good in what you wear and want to feel confident wearing something other than black talk to Toni for your own dose of TLC.


Having had my online colour consultation I can highly recommend Toni and TLC Style and Colour. I hadn’t realised quite how much intricacy there is in selecting the right colour. It isn’t just about knowing to wear purple but it is about so many other facets of the colour and Toni really knows her stuff. She helped me to discover the best colours and shades for me and what to do with the clothes I already have that aren’t my colours.


Toni’s support and advice with colour and style have completely turned my wardrobe around. It is now fully functioning with outfits for all occasions without me having to spend a fortune. Now that I know the right colours and style, I find that I no longer impulse buy and, because everything works so well together, i have more outfits to wear with less clothes than I had before! Toni has definitely helped boost my confidence and my bank balance!


Just spent a fascinating time with Toni this afternoon finding out which colours I should be wearing to enhance my natural features. Absolutely brilliant, loved every minute – great fun and Toni really knows her stuff. Great value, don’t hesitate, just book a consultation, I’ve learned loads!



A really enjoyable session and learnt a lot about what colours would suit me, it was a bit of a surprise about what I could wear. It has given me the confidence to look differently at clothes and the colour when shopping.


Thank you so much!! I’m so excited for receiving my wallet and experimenting with my clothes and accessories a bit more!


I had a great time learning about colours. Thank you.

Mags & Kathryn

Many thanks for a wonderful morning. We both thoroughly enjoyed your company and the experience. I am so pleased to be able to tell you that Kathryn is very enthusiastic about what she learnt and we have been texting each other all over the weekend!


The session went so quickly and I learned so much. My colour analysis was a total surprise (as was the fact that my trusty black clothes are not really my friend at all). Worth every penny and will return for my style analysis soon.


Thanks so much for this afternoon- it was great to hear which colours work best for me and to hear your thoughts. I will dress with more confidence now!


I couldn’t have felt more at ease with Toni. She is brilliantly professional, without being stand-offish!


I’m now introducing new colours into my wardrobe. Bye to bright reds and pinks and hello wine and mustard (never worn it in my life) but I feel more comfortable in my own skin. It’s work in progress and I’ll be back again soon.



I’ve bought a few things since my colour consultation with you and have slowly been going through my wardrobe and purging things I don’t wear and that are in the wrong colour.


Just back from shopping. The girls were brave getting greens and even some pinks (and no more black!) Thanks again for your help with their new colour palettes. The girls had a great time.


I wore both a top in my new colours, plus my makeup in the colours you suggested and I have to say, I looked liked a completely improved version of myself!


Thanks Toni, the girls enjoyed their time with you very much and found it really informative


Thank you for the colour analysis, your support and your very wise words.


You were exactly right about shopping Toni. Having my colours really does mean that I can walk into a shop and decide pretty quickly that there’s nothing in there for me!


We all had a great time last week when we came to have our colours done. Still getting my head around mine, but I love the (colour swatch) wallet!