
I did a search online for colour/style consultants and looked at several locations near to where I live.Toni’s location was good, but I chose her particularly by the quality and range of information about her services.

Both the session and the follow up have been excellent and very informative without feeling patronising.

I have been buzzing re clothes and colours since my session and have definitely changed my shopping behaviours for the better. Thank you Toni!


I can’t tell you what a difference the session has made to me.

I’ve ordered lots of lovely new clothes and am really making the most of my curves!!! 🤣🤣

Thank you so much.


I sooo appreciated our session – and feel so much more confident!!
I have been singing your praises! I have used the make up every day – and love the extra bits you sent me in the post which I had ordered – thank you so much!
I have done a cull of items in my wardrobe and am gradually saving up to replace them. Thank you so much for the videos/emails you have been sending me too


Big thank you for today Toni

Really informative, you clearly know your subject and were really helpful


I really enjoyed Saturday’s session and really appreciated you bringing the book to life and for your feedback and thoughts!

I’ve already started re-reading the book and sorting out the colours in my wardrobe.


I have been waxing lyrical to all of the family and friends that I have seen since my colour and style session and how good the session was and how it has made me reset how I view colours, clothes and style for myself.

My first shopping trip, with colour swatches in hand, was quite daunting in so much as trying to be aware of “my colours” when looking at clothes in the shops I would normally shop in. The upshot being a trip without purchases. However, once I had looked at my wardrobe to understand what was in it and what, if any gaps, were in it, I had a much more successful shopping trip and only bought to fill the gaps that I had identified! A big win from what I would have done/bought previously.

Thank you for making the session relaxed and very constructive. I found it very enlightening and beneficial to my specific needs.


Thank you for today. It really has given me a lot to think about.

The swatches are great and I will use them with my wardrobe


My friend had her colours done some years ago and I always fancied having it done myself. I struggle with knowing what suits me and wasting money on buying things I never wear.

Toni provided a lovely environment and a friendly and professional service. She has a wealth of knowledge

I haven’t been shopping yet but I will be soon and I will be taking my swatches with me. I’m looking forward to it!


I thoroughly enjoyed our session and I’m excited to go through my wardrobe and go shopping!

I’m hoping to get some ‘Katy’ back rather than just ‘mummy’! I love colour, but always end up buying the neutral option to be ‘safe’.

It’s so helpful to have everything we discussed laid out in your email following the session too!


Just a quick note to say thanks!

The colour analysis surprised me but I can see now the colours I really need.

Armed with my swatches, I went shopping and tried on coats and trousers in colours that I never touched – they looked amazing.

I did treat myself to some knitwear that will look stunning on work calls and will work with the trousers I’m currently got.

Thanks again for all your help.


I find your emails really useful, especially as you are the same colouring as me!  I also follow you on instagram, facebook and sometimes youtube!
Keep up the good work!


I matched my scarves against my swatches and was surprised I have so many that are my colours (or very very nearly) and sent the rest to the charity shop.  I bought a dress last week that had 3 or 34 different blues in it (I don’t normally buy blue clothes) and was pleased when I got home that most colours matched the blues in my swatch.  I’m pleased that a couple of cardigans I have are soft white rather than pure white.  I’ve also started to notice clothes in colours in my swatches that I wouldn’t normally look at.
I’m looking forward to looking through my wardrobe and putting colours together that I wouldn’t have done before.  I’m also looking forward to being able to spend more time using my new make up.
I’m still a bit excited about having a colour consultation, so pleased I had it done.


Toni was recommended by a friend. I found the sessions to be excellent and Toni was very approachable


My friend had her colours done some years ago and I always fancied having it done myself. I struggle knowing what suits me and wasting money buying things I never wear. I looked Toni up and she wasn’t too far away. Toni provided a lovely environment and a friendly and professional service. She has a wealth of knowledge!


I feel happier now that I have had the sessions and need to put some time aside to sort out my clothes!


Many thanks for your help and support after my colour analysis. I’ve just watched your video (how to use my swatches) which was really good!


Since seeing you, I’ve been really rethinking about what to wear. It was great and thank you! I’ve been raving about you to everyone now I know how to differentiate with colours


Just wanted to follow up by saying thank you again for my colour analysis appointment – it’s really helping me more and more in my choices. I’ve also just posted a vlog on my experience with yourself – it’s all good!!


Thank you so much for highlighting the reds in my colour palette. I’d have never worn it before but now it’s my absolute favourite! I want to make everything in red now. I feel amazing in it. Definitely buying more red fabric now!


I enjoyed the session once I got over my nerves, but what an eye opener! I have removed all the unflattering colours from my wardrobe and with what’s left, am putting them together in ways I had never thought about – wow!

I’ve even cut up a linen skirt that never fitted right to make a waistcoat which will go with some trousers (made for a party last September and worn once) and a t-shirt.

Your point about jogging bottoms bulking my waistline was noted and I bought some M&S jeggings with a high waist which fit comfortably and look smooth across the waist – Thank-you!

I am enjoying making up my face as now I have more idea of how to do it, those eyebrows are wonderful, I look like me again. Overall, I feel like a teenager when I first learned to sew, trying and experimenting, probably going to make some mistakes yet having fun all the same and this is just the start!



I was at a bit of a loss colour-wise and I needed a boost as a big birthday was looming. I found Toni on a google search and decided to visit based on how professional she came across. Now I feel more confident and positive about what to wear.


It was perfect! If I’d had the money, I would have done all the colour and style options available. It’s been extremely valuable and well worth the investment.


I very much enjoyed my session and have been impressed with the information sent since.


I had my colours done with Toni and it was a great experience. I am in the process of de-stashing my fabric for that reason. Toni is fantastic!


It was fun to have the analysis done and I’ve had quite a few emails from Toni since the analysis with further advice about colours. My daughter is really embracing her warm colours, she’s ditched the black and acquired quite a few items in her recommended colours which really suit her!


I can’t recommend Toni and her colour analysis consultations enough!


I had an express colour service by the fabulous Toni and it was so interesting. I learnt a lot about myself and Toni was very personable and knowledgeable.

If I was to pick the colours I like the best, the ones that suit me are the ones I would go for!


I just wanted to say a huge thank you. 

The session far exceeded my expectations! I can’t quite believe that I have a whole different group of colours now! 

Feeling a mixture of excitement and being slightly overwhelmed so it was helpful to receive your email follow up.


As someone who is registered blind, I have to have colours described to me and can get quite confused.

Toni’s explanation of colour was the best I’ve had and she helped clarify a lot of things for me. She was great at answering all my questions and gave me some great advice regarding clothes and make-up. She has a very warm and friendly personality.

Loved my session and hope to book in some more sessions with Toni soon.


I was at a bit of a loss colour-wise once my hair changed colour and I needed a boost as a big birthday was looming.

After my colour analysis, I feel more confident and positive about what to wear.