All whites at Wimbledon, but who can wear pure white?

If you’re a tennis fan then you’ll have been glued to the TV this week and checking social media for the scores at Wimbledon 2019.

But, ever wondered why the players only dress in white?

Official dress code

Well, there’s an official dress code which you can visit on the Wimbledon 2019 website here. It’s rather strict and provides lots of rules, but in a nutshell, it states that players can only wear white. Not off white either, or cream. Just white.

That goes for their shoes too, including soles, all clothes and any accessories.

My research also shows that this dates back to the Victorian era as it was believed that the reason they wear white is that it showed less sweat. Despite times changing, the rules have certainly not relaxed and there are no signs of changing it either.

Flouting the rules comes at a cost too. It’s all white or no court action. Very strict.

If you’re not planning on heading to the Wimbledon courts, wearing white is a little more flexible thankfully.

Who can wear white?

You see, pure white doesn’t suit that many people. It’s notoriously a difficult colour to wear for most of us as it’s so pale that the majority of us just look totally washed out. The only people that should wear pure white are the Cool’s and Clear’s amongst us.

A nice off-white shade is much better for the majority of people. A much softer shade as it creates better harmony with our own physical characteristics so you’ll look healthier with a better looking skin tone.

Everyone can wear colour, it’s just finding the right shades of colour which bring out the best in you.

If you want to learn what colouring type you are and the shades which suit your characteristics the best, get in touch to book a colour analysis consultation. 


Your biggest concerns or challenges when it comes to dressing?

Recently, I’ve been asking for feedback about your biggest concerns or challenges when it comes to dressing.

Here are the top 3 concerns raised:

  1. Colour
  2. Cost
  3. Body confidence

I thought I’d look at each area of concern and offer a few tips.



Colour coordination came up a few times and specifically matching tops, bottoms or outfits together when dressing. I shouldn’t be surprised as colour consultations are by far my most popular service.

Wearing colour is also the simplest way to update your look. We can all get fed up wearing the same thing, day in, day out so perhaps it’s just a pop of colour you need? Try a scarf to switch up your look. Or how about a colourful necklace or a pair of earrings? A new pair of shoes or bag could work too.


Identify the ‘right’ colour

It’s worth noting that everyone can wear colour, it’s simply finding the right shade for you. How do you know if it’s the right colour? Simply hold the garment up under your chin in a well lit room. It should lighten and brighten your features but, if you see any dark shadows against your face, or the colour stands out more than you, it’s not the right shade.

Dressing all in one colour will give the appearance of height too, so if you’re on the petite side, this is a good tip to follow. If you’re on the taller side, try colour blocking; where a different top to bottoms, shoes or jackets.

If you’ve got dramatic or stand out features, then a contrast will work well for you. Wear a light and dark colour together. If you’ve got less stand out features, try a more blended look by choosing a colour and wearing shades which are one or two shades lighter or darker than each other.

During a colour consultation, I’ll go into more detail. Specifically looking at the colour of your hair, eyes and your skin tone in order to determine a palette of colours which work for you. Colour me Beautiful consultants like myself work from a tonal analysis system now rather than a seasonal approach. You’ll get to take away your own personal fabric swatch wallet with 42 shades which compliment you the best based upon your physical colouring. For more details, visit my colour analysis consultation page.



How do you shop for clothes which don’t break the bank?

There’s a strong movement in favour of recycling clothes. Think swish and swap parties, charity shops, re-loved sites and Ebay. Opportunities to buy nearly new or used but in excellent condition mean that you can buy new clothes at a fraction of their once higher price.

Another option is to shop wisely. If you have multiple items in the same style and colour, do you really need to buy another? Think about and go and have a look at what you’ve got and what you wear. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll have seen my 30 day challenge in April and I would highly recommend that you give this a go. It might also help if you feel like you’re in a bit of a style rut and bored of what you wear.



If you can wear garments with at least three other items in your wardrobe, then this really will transform it. The ability to wear an item multiple times which coordinates with other pieces means you are more likely to get your money’s worth as well as wear it. This all comes down to my £s per wear mantra. Spend £50 on an item you wear once and it’s £50 per wear, but spend £50 on an item you wear five times and it’s £10 per wear.

Don’t despair if you’ve got things that you barely wear or don’t go with anything. Think about what you could wear it with – what item don’t you have that will transform it into an outfit? I’ve found time and time again that once you nail this, your clothes will combine much more easily together.

A slight tangent, but worthy of thought. Does your wardrobe match your lifestyle? If the clothes in your wardrobe don’t match how you actually spend your time, then you’ve got clothes you probably won’t wear. Or, you’re missing key items to work for your lifestyle. I found this myself. When I left the corporate world, I had lots of suits, shirts, tailored dresses which just didn’t work for my colour, style and image business.


Body confidence

I was surprised to hear so many people talking so negatively about themselves. We are such harsh critics on ourselves. Concerns raised mainly surrounding people’s weight and how fat they say they felt or clothes not fitting. Even buying things which were just “fine” or “ok” – you deserve better than that!!

First things first – size doesn’t matter, but shape does. Diet and exercise can go a long way to making yourself feel as well as look good, but dressing for your body line is crucial as your skeleton and bone structure won’t change no matter how much weight you’ve put on or lost.

Think of a curvy vase. Have you ever tried wrapping a vase with thick wrapping paper? Not only does it look bad, but have you noticed that it alters the appearance? The curvy lines have been swamped with all that heavy paper, masking it’s shape but also making it look bigger. Fabric is the same. If you’ve got curves, choose fabric that drapes those curves as choosing heavy fabric which doesn’t compliment the curves means that you’ll look two sizes bigger than what you really are.

I often see people that want to hide their shape as they feel conscious. Again fabric is key here as just because you buy something bigger to avoid hugging those curves, it’s still too big making you look bigger than you actually are.

You don’t have to be a slave to fashion, I know I’m not but it’s also easier to keep your look current too. Glossy magazines and online sites are packed with image inspiration and tips on what is going to be ‘on trend’. Focus on the trends that appeal to you and then decide how you are going to incorporate them into your look in a way that is still ‘you’. You’ll feel better being you than trying to be someone else.

Buy what you love! If you put something on that you feel truly fabulous in, then go ahead and purchase it. When you wear something you feel amazing in you will exude confidence and this will guarantee you look amazing too!

If you need a little help decluttering your wardrobe, why not download my free guide which includes five steps to follow. Download it here. 

Does your personality affect the way you dress?

What we wear sends out a message to people we meet. Consciously or otherwise, we make a visual statement about how we feel in what we wear.


How much do our own preferences have towards others?

I recently took to Facebook to ask my friends their opinion. Which shoes did they think I should go with for an event I had the following day. I posted two pictures with my outfit laid out including necklace and a pair of shoes.

The dress was new and bought from Marks & Spencer. Both pairs of shoes I already had and had shopped from my existing wardrobe. (I do believe that you can combine outfits together from your existing wardrobe without having to buy everything new. If you want to learn more about this, get in touch to book a session).

The result

1 – 10 votes

2 – 13 votes

I already had a good idea about which shoes I thought I would wear before the votes came in but I was curious to see what people thought.

I chose shoes number one

Are you wondering why? It’s not because I don’t like the other shoes because in actual fact, they are one of my favourites. They are a pair that I have had for many years, been resoled and heeled and the £s per wear I’ve had must be almost pennies now. Getting your wear out of things is a must when buying certain items of clothing.

Instead, it was about the overall image I wanted to project and, make an impression wearing them. I guess it’s linked to confidence too and how I felt wearing them. I felt I needed an edge and these shoes gave me the edge I wanted. How many times do you choose something to wear because you’re happy or confident? This is a must I would say!

The comments I got from my friends and the votes made me reflect about how much our own personality impact on our view about what others wear. I’ve said it many times – image matters, whether we like it or not. How many times have you seen someone on TV or on social media and passed comment about what they are wearing? We all do it – good and bad.

There was also a distinct difference in styling and personality in each shoe. One pair was quite edgy and bold. The other a more classic pair. Also, from the pictures, it can be hard to judge can’t it? There were a few who saw black and red for shoes number one for example when in actual fact they were purple and red. Were people saying what they thought I would look good in, or were they actually saying what they thought they would wear themselves? I suspect there was an element of both.

In my personal and professional view, both shoes worked. If a client had posed the same question to me and asked for my opinion, I’d have asked them to think about where they were going, what impression they wanted to create and, how comfortable were they to wear. I think there’s nothing worse than being in a pair of shoes which are killing your feet!

Did I get any comments about my shoes at the event? Interestingly, no. But I did about the dress – the colour looked great on me I was told 😉.


Bringing it all together

This backs up why the colour clothes we wear have such an impact. It’s usually the first thing people see and it’s actually the easiest way to update your look too. Arguably, you can dress as a different personality and many people do – they have to dress a certain way for work and when out of work, they are the opposite. However, it’s your personality which dictates how you actually combine your outfits together, or not for some of you!

Either way, I would always recommend that you dress for your body shape and wear the shades of colour which suit your colouring the best near to your face as you can see I have.


Get in touch to learn more and to book your session.

If you’re interested in learning more and not ready to book yet, why not follow me on Facebook and say hi!


The 2019 Pantone Colour of the Year is…

2019 is nearly here!

Pantone, like every year have announced what their colour of the year is for 2019.

In 2018 it was ultra violet. It was one of my faves as I love purple and find it such a versatile colour to wear. There are lots of different shades of purple out there too meaning there’s a shade out there for everyone.

When the Pantone Color Institute make their annual announcements, designers around the globe take note and we see trends emerge in the shops. It’s not always restricted to clothing or fashion, but household appliances too have been known to follow the trend!

Announcing Colour of the Year – 2019

Living Coral!

Pantone say it’s “an animating and life affirming Coral hue with a golden undertone that energises and enlivens with a softer edge. Sociable and spirited, the engaging nature of Living Coral welcomes and encourages lighthearted activity. Symbolising our innate need for optimism and joyful pursuits, Living a Coral embodies our desire for playful expression”.

We wear colour as a way of expressing ourselves – in our clothes and makeup. Wearing colour makes you feel good, look good (when wearing the right shade) and also boosts our confidence.

If you’ve been for a colour consultation and had your colours done in the past, then choose to wear the most flattering orange shades from your palette – use your colour swatch wallet to guide you.

Should you fall into our Warm category and warmer versions of the Light or Clear colouring types, you’ll be delighted!

Unfortunately, Coral won’t be in your palette for the rest of you, but if you do want to be ‘on trend’, then how about a new kitchen appliance?!


Here’s my recommendations from our cruelty free, paraben free cosmetic range available in the studio or via my online shop.


Peach – available as a single eyeshadow pot or as a refillable for our magnetic compact. Suitable for everyone except Cools – go for your pinky shades such ballerina pink, cotton candy, champagne or opal.


The obvious choice is our Coral Lipstick suitable for you Lights, Warms and Clears.

If you’re a Deep, why not try the Sheer rum or Sheer nutmeg lipstick as an alternative?

For you Cools, give Strawberry lipstick a try and for you Softs, Spiced Peach or Sheer breeze would be ideal.

Our Mango Lip Gloss is the perfect shade to co-ordinate with this ‘on-trend’ colour too which is great for you Lights, Deeps, Warms and Clears. If you’re a soft try Warm Sand lipgloss and for you Cools, it’s back to the pinks and avoid the trend all together I’m afraid as it’s just not for you!

If you would like to know the shades of colour which suit you best, why not book a consultation here.

Fabulous reds this Christmas

Red is the colour most often seen at this festive time of year. The good news is that there is a shade to suit everyone!

Here are some options for you to try.

Soft & Romantic

Check out the back detail on this Reiss dress – this will no doubt appeal to those of you who have Romantic style personalities and the Geranium shade will work for those of you who fall into our Soft and Light colour categories.

Reiss dress

Why not complete your look with our Red Velvet or even Strawberry lipstick? Visit here to order online.

Deep & Dramatic

If you like to make a statement, why not do so in this Karen Millen sparkling number. You won’t need much accessorising as it is so stunning, so I’m sure it will appeal to those Dramatics out there.

If you fall into our Deep or Clear colour categories then this bold choice will work beautifully for you.

Karen millen

Why not complete your look with our Tomato or Ruby Lipstick? Buy it here.


Cool & Classic

Those of you with Cool colouring should be careful when it comes to wearing red and to avoid any with a yellow undertone which would make it warm. A Blue Red or purple/blue based shade, like this dress from Hobbs, will work best for you.

It’s a timeless and understated style which will appeal to those of you who have a Classic style personality – simply add your own accessories for a chic evening look.

Hobbs dress

Why not wear our Red Carpet or Sheer Fiesta Lipstick to finish off your look? Shop for it here.


Warm & Natural

If you fall into our Warm dominant colour category, most shades of red will work of you but remember to avoid the blue-reds.

Why not try this Reiss jumpsuit – it’s the ultimate in easy evening dressing so simple and so chic.

Those of you with Natural style personalities will love this simple look and you can also easily wear flats with it too.


Why not complete your look with Red Velvet or Tomato? Buy it here.


Step into 2019 in style

If you want to learn the season’s key trends, update your wardrobe, go shopping or learn what suits you then why not make an appointment for next year?

Contact me to book or visit my services page.

The Style Edit – shopping results

A few weeks ago, I held The Style Edit. It was great to see some new faces and some familiar ones too.

I know that some of you couldn’t make it but I thought I’d share some of the shopping purchases I showcased here.


The jumpsuit was an amazing shade of green, very bold to suit you deeps and clears. It does however come in other colours online. Greens are a very popular colour this season.

Also popular with two trends in one was the teal velvet top. It had a subtle animal print detail for a more relaxed look. Despite also being called teal, it was a much lighter shade than the jumpsuit and so would suit the softs and lights particularly well.

Continuing the animal print trend was this purple top. It was more like a lilac or periwinkle and a great shade for you softs. I loved the animal print scarf which came with it.

The ochre V neck jumper was thin, making layering a breeze and came in a vast array of shades. There’s certainly a shade to suit everyone if you like the style!



I am quite a fan of M&S latest must haves (have you seen those teal embellished stripe dresses trousers??). Perhaps it coincides with Holly joining.. I found a vast range of trousers, but these checked ones seemed to hit the heritage trend the best.



I found this bold striped top perhaps suiting those wanting a little more drama. I’ve now found it in the sale at Debenhams online.



This animal print dress epitomised the whole animal print trend this season. The colour was great for all you warms with amazing detailing and good fabric for the majority of body shapes. Also now found in the sale so if this is your thing, grab it now!

Incidentally, I found a great relaxed pair of trousers in the sale. Think athletic style, or more sporty look (stripes down the sides). They feel so comfy too rather than the straight tailored look and worth checking out as most shops seem to have a pair.


Dorothy Perkins

Seem to have upped their game in the colour charts as both these tops came in a range of colours. The pink blouse would be lovely for you cools and clears. The burgundy tshirt would be great for deeps and softs and could be layered with a vest as the material rather see through for most.


Hope you enjoyed this and of course, if you’d like to go on your own personal shopping trip, just get in touch.

Dressing for your Job Interview – Guest article

I was asked what advice I would give to someone on what they could wear to a new job interview. It was a friend of mine working in recruitment for the financial services industry.

We agreed to put pen to paper (metaphorically speaking) and co-wrote an article with hints and tips with our advice. It was featured on LinkedIn.

If you’ve got an interview coming up or want to improve your chances, have a read of the article here: Dressing for your job interview.


Guest blog on Mumbler – Three great ways you can update your wardrobe this Autumn!

In her guest blog, Toni Carver, Personal Stylist & Image Consultant shares her Top 3 items to buy this Autumn.

As the season changes, it’s often a time to look in our wardrobes and update with a few key pieces.

Here’s my top three items to buy now that will give your wardrobe an instant update.

Choosing a new coat for the winter months

The colder months are beginning to set in. So, if you’re on the look out for a new coat this season, then read on.

Here are three essential styles that will see you through any occasion.


The Cosy Quilted Parka

This the coat for all-weathers!

It might not be the most stylish coat you’ll own but it will be warm and cosy and suitable for school runs or walking the dog!

Check out this Mango Quilted Coat, £139.99.

The Elegant Cape

This season, statement sleeves and interesting cuffs feature heavily.

An elegant alternative to a jacket is a cape – it offers a little warmth for more formal occasions but without ruining the overall look of your outfit.

Try out this Coast Hendy Cape at John Lewis, £99

The Statement Shade

If you’re looking for a smart/casual coat which can elevate an everyday look, try choosing a more formal coat in a stand-out colour from your palette to really make you feel fabulous!

How about this New Look Bright Orange Single Breasted Formal Coat, £34.99

If you need any assistance, get in touch. I offer colour analysis consultations, style analysis sessions and personal shopping trips.

Three items to buy now for Autumn

We are heading fast into Autumn, the kids are back at school and a sense of ‘normality’ can resume!

As the season changes, it’s often a time to look in our wardrobes and update with a few key pieces.

Here’s my top three items to buy now that will give your wardrobe an instant update.


The Print

Animal print is everywhere this season and in more colours which is nice to see. Try blue or pink if you have a cool undertone to your skin.

You don’t have to go all out if it’s not your thing; think a subtle belt, shoes or boots. If it is your thing; how about a statement coat?



The slouchy boot is here for the Autumn. Try tucking in skinny jeans or wear with a midi skirt for a bit more of an edge.



You will have heard me say that black is not everyone’s friend and this season is no different! Instead, I’m seeing two colours emerge – brown and green.



A great alternative to black and a versatile neutral shade too. With neutral colours, they mix very easily with fashion or accent shades which come and go with the seasons (think yellow and lavender in the spring earlier this year). Crucially, brown works particularly well if you fall into the Soft, Warm and Light categories.

As with any colour, it’s all about HOW you wear it.

If you have a cool undertone be sure to keep brown shades away from your face and break them up with some cooler tones on your top half.

Lights should opt for lighter shades of brown and could try combining it with pale blues and pinks. Keep a look out for Rose Brown too – a lighter, softer shade of brown. Warms and Softs can wear browns of a medium depth on their own or combine them with colours one or two shades lighter for a subtle contrast.

Deeps can mix it with rich reds, greens and damson and Clears will need to add some vibrancy and contrast with a colour pop.


Fifty shades of green!

There are so many different shades of green that if you are not a fan, I’m sure you’ll find one if you give it a go. If in doubt why not try teal? It’s certainly one of my favourites and a shade which tends to work for everyone.

Why not treat yourself to an eye pencil in the seasonal colours? I have a lovely coffee (lights, softs, warms), brown (deeps, warms), moss (warms, deeps) and teal (everyone!) available which are under a tenner and are lovely and soft so as not to drag on the delicate eye area.

If accessories are more your thing, how about a scarf? I’ve got atmosphere which is a lovely neutral beige colour in raw silk material for you warms, deeps, clears, softs and lights or teal which suits everyone. If you’re a light or a soft-warm then I have just one of the yellow-green pashminettas available in the studio.

Get in touch with me on 07958657032 or buy from my online shop (above). This month there’s half price postage.

Finally, if your interested in learning all about the new season trends and how you can wear them, reserve your place at my Autumn event – details to follow soon.


Is there a perfect heel height on shoes?

There is nothing more frustrating than wearing a pair of shoes and finding that they are killing your feet when you’ve barely worn them!

What makes one pair of shoes comfortable to one woman, is also very different to another.

Flat shoes do not necessarily mean comfortable shoes, but they will be for some. Wearing uncomfortable or ill fitting shoes can also cause damage to your posture so here’s a few tips for you to consider.


Block versus stiletto heels

Typically, a heel with a block is likely to offer much more support and possibly comfort versus a narrow heel as it will be more supportive and provide a more even weight distribution.


Too small versus too big

If your heel slips out of the shoe when you walk then they are probably too big. It has been reported recently that Meghan Markle wears shoes too big for her to allow her feet room to breath on account of her being on her feet during Royal visits.

If the skin on your foot sits higher than the shoe, it’s likely they are too small. Try either another size or a wider fit. Many shops do half sizes which could make all the difference.

Should your weight fluctuate, be aware of the impact on the fit of your shoes. Weight gain may mean you require wider fitting shoes.

Wedges are a good alternative as you can gain height and support, though they tend to be more popular in the summer months !



It’s reported that there are methods of measuring your foot in order to find the perfect height for you.

1) measure your foot from the ball of your foot to your heel. The ball is the padded part of your sole between the arch in your foot and your toes. This measurement is deemed to be your ideal height of heel and the most comfortable.

2) measure the full length of your foot from the heel to the big toe. Make sure you measure it in centimetres (or convert it) then divide it by 7. This is your healthiest heel height.


Style tips

You should always wear shoes which are comfortable for you but here’s a few style tricks.

  • A pointed toe will lengthen the appearance of your legs.
  • The more of the foot that is shown, the greater the illusion of longer legs and narrower ankles.
  • If you are petite, avoid ankle straps as they will visibly shorten the appearance of your height.
  • Avoid shoes with straps which fasten around the ankles if your ankles are wide.
  • Shoes can date quickly. If you choose a shoe trend that’s in fashion now, be sure to wear them – don’t be tempted to keep them for best.
  • As we enter the autumn and you move from sandals towards boots, make sure that the top of the boot stops at the narrow point on your legs.

Finally, the Autumn/Winter season is fast approaching. Look out for the dates of my seasonal updates which I’ll be announcing in September to run from October. Reserve your interest early and contact me:


Dressing for the beach

The holiday season is upon us but, are you beach ready?

Fear not ladies, it’s remarkably easy to feel glam on holiday with a fabulous beach cover-up.


Here are my tips for dressing for the beach

Ideally, you want a beach cover up that can be easily taken off. A tight fitting tunic may look great, but add sun cream to the heat and it can be difficult to remove and getting stuck inside your kaftan is a look to avoid!

Next, be mindful of volume. If the fabric is opaque and you can’t see through it, be careful going too over-sized as if it’s too tent-like, then it won’t necessarily be very flattering. If it’s sheer, then your body shape will still be visible through the fabric which means you can go big.

Natural fibres such as cotton are best in the heat, but be warned as they also crease. Try a thin viscose or polyester mix is lighter and much more versatile and can be screwed up in your beach bag and it will still look great at the end of the day. Plus, being lighter it can be easily washed and dried and you won’t need to spend time ironing!



There are lots of different styles to choose from and for all budgets. Work out what your preferred style of cover up is:

  • tunic
  • dress
  • kaftan
  • t-shirt
  • long
  • short
  • patterned
  • plain

Ask yourself – which one do I reach for over and over again? What do I feel the most comfortable in?

Pick your style and then choose different colours (from your palette of course) so you’ll always look and feel fantastic.

One final point; Accessorise. Finish off your look with something as simple as a straw hat, a colourful beach bag or flip flops.

Enjoy and happy holidays !

Makeup – choose your colours wisely!

As with the clothes we choose, makeup is merely an extension of our look. There’s a vast array of cosmetics on display at makeup counters, but how do you know what to choose?

It can feel rather daunting at some of the brightly lit with un-natural light in some department stores. What seems to look good in the shop, may not suit you best when you get home. This can be both disappointing and costly.


Heres my three tips to avoid making those mistakes

First, understand and determine the needs of your skin. Adopt a good skincare routine together with a good, balanced, healthy diet. Oily skin requires different products to those with dry skin.

Secondly, your makeup look and choices will be determined by your style and lifestyle in much the same way as your clothing choices. If you don’t have the time or you prefer a more natural look, then you won’t want to spend an hour putting on a face! What’s more, if you did, you’re not likely to recognise the person staring back at you in the mirror either.

Third, choose your makeup colours wisely. Your makeup should flatter and enhance your features and can be used to hide and disguise any flaws too. Choosing shades suited to your colouring type will make you look radiant whilst others can make you look unhealthy or age you prematurely. You don’t need me to tell you to avoid this look!

What next?

When was the last time you checked the contents of your makeup bag? If you’ve got items lurking in the bottom that you’ve had for years, be warned. Makeup has a shelf life too. Bin anything which is more than two years old and if something doesn’t look or smell as you expect – bin that too.

Most packaging these days has a use by date which is indicated by an open pot sign with the number of months written inside. By way of an example, if the little pot says ’12’ then the shelf life is 12 months. Beyond this, it’s not at it’s best so be sure to throw it out to avoid infection and remain hygienic.


As a guide, keep the following life spans in mind from the time they are first opened:

  • Mascara – 3 to 6 months
  • Lipstick, Lip gloss, foundation, concealer – 12 months
  • Pencils, Cream Eyeshadows and blusters – 18 months
  • Powders, eyeshadows, blushers and bronzers – 24 months

Good hygiene is a must so wash your makeup brushes regularly. I use a brush cleanser and a ‘brush egg’ which allows me to give the brushes a proper clean between clients and they are very cheap to buy online too.

Throw away any disposable sponges once used or wash after each use. Any velour sponges should be washed weekly and replaced regularly.

Finally, give the bag a clean too!


If you’d like help reviewing your makeup bag then get in touch. I offer a free makeup assessment in which I prescribe the cosmetic shades which compliment your colouring type based upon the Colour me Beautiful tonal panel system.

Book before 1 August and receive a free Colour me Beautiful purple branded zip up pouch.

Learn your best makeup shades and book today. Call or text 07958 657032 or email me

How to shop

Last month’s blog looked at spring cleaning your wardrobe and I gave five tips on doing this. Now you’ve done you’re wardrobe, do you know what to shop for?

There’s something quite satisfying I think about detoxing though how you feel afterwards will be dependent upon what you’ve left yourself!

Assuming you do this task, it’s also best to do a quick review afterwards to identify what clothing gaps you have so you can go armed with a list when you hit the shops.


Value for money

Please remember that it’s only ever a bargain if you actually wear it. The more times you wear something, the more value for money it is. I refer to this as £s per wear.

If you’re following me on social media, you may have noticed a recent video from M&S which I commented on. It was a lady in one of their blue summer dresses. The dress could be worn in three ways and it cost less than £50. Using my £s per wear rationale means that if you wear it in their suggested three ways, then it’s just over £16 per wear. Compare this to the dress you bought in the sale for say £25 which you’ve only worn once (or not at all!) and you can see the difference that smart shopping makes.

Given it’s a new season and you may want to fill a few gaps – what do you shop for now?


This trend can be found in tops and dresses. Be wary of the depth of colour as if you’re lighter, avoid the dark denim look or it could wash you out. Equally, if you’ve got darker colouring, this will work for you but avoid the pale denim. Be carful of the weight of the fabric against your body lines too.


This trend continues in lots of styles and colours so there should be something out there to suit everyone.


For all you lights out there : shop now!!

This season brings pastel colours which are perfect for you. Pinks, blues, greens and lavender. Be sure to pick the right shade to suit you. On the subject of lavender – lots of this is out there! Take this colour trend right through to purple. Don’t forget ultra violet is the colour for 2018.



From trousers (the River Island ones I shared on social media did not seem popular with my viewers!) to jump suits and jackets. Be sure to choose both the colours and styles which suit you best. Stripes don’t have to be all over (especially if you have a smaller frame or aren’t looking for the attention). Try a discreet stripe too.



It’s mainly florals again this season on dresses, tips and trousers. The same rule applies as stripes; wear with care the larger patterns so that they don’t dwarf you.


Above all; have fun when you hit the shops!


If you would like to know more about what colour and styles suit you, then book a consultation with me.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in learning what the seasonal trends are for you, please get in touch to book your own personal style update or shop with me.


Is it time to detox those wardrobes?

Every so often, it’s worth opening those wardrobe doors and having a clear out!

This type of detox can be a time consuming task and one which usually fills people with dread! Make sure you give yourself enough time to do this!

Often clients ask if I can help them and of course I am more than happy to do so. In my experience, people find it easier if someone else helps as it can be quite an overwhelming task. Click here for more details.

If you’ve heard me at a talk or had a consultation with me then you may have heard me mention the 80/20 rule. This is that most women only wear 20% of the clothes in their wardrobe 80% of the time. Plus, I have found that there are many women who have more than one wardrobe full of clothes!!

The key thing here is about ensuring that what you have in your wardrobe is right for you. If you’ve got five identical items and nothing to wear them with, then they won’t get worn.

It’s the same with sale shopping. We all love a bargain! But it’s only ever a real bargain if you actually wear it!

If you have clothes languishing in the back of your wardrobe and *shock* still with labels on…then something has gone wrong!

Here’s some tips on detoxing those wardrobes:

  1. Is it in the right colour for you which compliments your features and characteristics such as your skin tone?
  2. Does it fit? And I mean properly!
  3. Is it in good condition? If a button has fallen off or the hem stitching has come undone, can it easily be repaired? If it can, make sure you do or you won’t wear it!
  4. How do you feel when you wear it? This is key as if you don’t feel good wearing something, you won’t even leave the house.
  5. Have you got at least three other items in your wardrobe that you can wear it with?

If the answer is no then I’m afraid it’s time to say good bye.

If you need some help, please get in touch with me and I come and help you to detox those wardrobes with pleasure!


Race day dressing announced by Royal Ascot

Planning a trip to the races this year? You may need a tape measure and to check the dress code given Royal Ascot’s announcement.

I listened to the radio with some mild humour and agreement today when I heard the strict dress code for those attending a Royal Ascot race day this June. If you’re planning a trip; read on.

For the men

Anyone planning to attend bearing their “mankles” (that’s men’s ankles) may be refused entry. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of this look or why a man wouldn’t wear socks. Admittedly though, it’s very popular with Jude Law, Tinie Tempah and Idris Elba carrying off the look with some style.

Formal dress code generally states that socks are a must for gentleman.

No cravats allowed. If you’re in the Royal enclosure, wear a black or grey morning dress suit which means a waistcoat, tie and the same coloured top-hat. Choose a shirt and tie combo in your colour palette.

For the ladies

There’s significantly more rules for the girls than boys so I’ve broken them down to assist you in your race day choices.



Off-the-shoulder necklines have been banned. An example would be a Bardot style made famous by Bridget Bardot herself. This neckline is complimentary for most body shapes, so it’s a shame it’s been banned.

Straps are required and should be one inch or more on dresses and tops. Strapless, halter and spaghetti have all been banned. Don’t think you can cheat with a jacket or pashmina ladies as what you wear underneath must still comply!



Fascinators are not allowed in the Royal Enclosure, only hats and headpieces. Your headpiece must have a solid base measuring a minimum of four inches in diameter!

When choosing a hat, try to compliment it to your face shape. Choose a colour from your palette and if you’ve not had a colour analysis, choose a shade which compliments you. Avoid any colour which casts a dark shadow!



The jumpsuit famously allowed last year stays, but needs to be ankle length now, so similar to the boys.

Skirt lengths and dresses should be “of modest length” falling just above the knee or longer. Avoid having your hemline finishing at any wide parts of your leg. Choose a narrow point instead which is the most flattering.

Trouser suits must be to the ankle of course. They should also be of matching material and colour. All over colour gives the appearance of height so is good news for any petite ladies. City chic and classic personality types will be the happiest with this matching rule!

Finally, it should go without saying but no midriffs on show!


I can help you shop and dress accordingly choosing the right race day outfit. Just get in touch to book any of my services.


New seasonal trends

Recently, I went to London to the Colour me Beautiful Image Consultant conference. We were a very colourful bunch of Ladies!

As well as the opportunity to catch up with old friends and colleagues (plus new ones), we spent time looking and assessing the new seasonal trends.


Spring/summer trends

Whilst it doesn’t feel like it, Spring is just around the corner. Why not use it as an opportunity to inject some freshness into your wardrobe?

Each new season brings about new trends which I’m sure you’ve begun to notice in the shops and online.

Yesterday, I was in a cafe in Wakefield having a cup of tea with my fiancé. I saw an elderly lady dressed in jeans, white trainers and a tailored jacket and I smiled as she looked comfortable and stylish. I often hear ladies over a certain age say that they don’t want to look old, or frumpy but we all have our own sense of style and uniqueness which we should embrace, whatever your age.

We’ve all got parts of our bodies which we want to hide but this is down to clever dressing. It’s not about being ‘fashionable’ and on trend, it’s knowing your style, what suits you and how to wear it.

Are you guilty of buying the same things time and time again? Many of us are! Why not try something new – you might surprise yourself.

I’d bet that you’ve already got some key pieces which will take you into the spring/summer season with ease too.

Want to learn what’s on trend and how to wear them? Come along to my next seasonal update to find out.

Click here for details:


Ultra Violet – the Pantone colour of the year 2018

Every year, Pantone announces a brand new colour of the year and 2018 is no exception. When the Pantone Color Institute make their announcements, designers around the globe take note and trends emerge.

It won’t just be clothing you’ll see in purple, but products too. Think hairdryers, bags, sofas and makeup!

Pantone is the world-renowned source of colour information. We wear colour extensively as a way of making ourselves feel good, look good and to boost our confidence. The Colour of the year has been around since 2000.

Colour of the year – 2018

Ultra Violet is a blue based purple and Purple is a universal shade meaning it looks great on all skin tones. Make sure the shade you wear is tweaked so it suits your specific colour characteristics.

If you’ve been for a colour consultation and had a colour analysis then it’s easy to choose and wear the most flattering purple shades. Simply use your colour swatch wallet to guide you.

Here are some clothing and eye makeup suggestions sorted into our dominant colour types. If you don’t know your colouring type, simply book an appointment with me.


Try wearing periwinkle as it’s a much lighter shade and more complimentary against your features. In terms of eye makeup shades, wear melon with purple or lavender bliss with heather eyeshadows and an amethyst eye pencil.


You are best wearing a richer colour of purple or try burgundy or damson. For eye makeup shades, wear steel with purple eyeshadow or heather and damson with an amethyst or aubergine eye pencil.


Purple is a great colour for you to wear. On your eyes, wear eyeshadows in pistachio and purple or heather and damson and try with amethyst eye pencil.


Ultra Violet has a blue undertone so works well for you, but a bright periwinkle shade from your palette is a great alternative. When it comes to eye makeup shades, wear lavender bliss with purple or try heather and damson eyeshadows with an amethyst eye pencil.



You need a brighter version such as a Violet colour or purple. On your eyes, apply eau de nil and purple eyeshadows or heather alongside an amethyst eye pencil.


With your colouring, soft Violet or a heather shade would look amazing and are much softer shades for you to carry off. For your eye makeup shades, try wearing peach with purple, lavender bliss with heather or damson eyeshadows and an amethyst or aubergine eye pencil.


Makeup is an easy way to have fun experimenting with different looks which will bring you bang up to date. Remember the Colour me Beautiful cosmetic range has been developed with the six dominant colour categories. The eyeshadows featured here are from the exclusive refillable range which fits neatly into your magnetic colour compact box.

Contact me to try any shades or buy online.

T’is the season to party!

December is here which means party season!

I don’t know about you but it’s pretty hectic and going fast too. Not only is Christmas getting closer, but I’m sure many of you have parties to attend.

I had my first Christmas party a couple of weeks ago and decided that I’d buy a new dress for the occasion when I was heading out to the shops a few weeks ago.

I’m always surprised and a little disappointed by the amount of black dresses on the rails at this time of year and it did make me a little bit sad too. What there is this year is lots of sparkles, sequins, lace and velvet so more of what you expect for a party!

Black doesn’t actually suit everyone (sorry ladies!) so if you’re looking for a new outfit then try something with colour! Admittedly it may take a little more effort to find, but it’s definitely worth it!

Here’s my tips for our colour types:



Try wearing silver, blue, teal or violet colours.



Try midnight blue, damson, navy or aubergine.



Try out Bronze, olive or gold.



Try midnight, fuchsia, purple, charcoal or silver.



Try wearing royal blue, scarlet or purple.



Try out pewter, charcoal or navy.


If you really can’t face wearing colour, or you’re struggling then try something in a softer looking fabric such as lace.

Head on over to my Facebook page to view a quick video on ‘feel good dresses for the party season’ which includes some shopping ideas. Please like and share whilst you’re there.

Wondering what colour I wore? Plum!

Happy shopping and partying and if you need any help, just get in touch.


T'is the season to party!

December is here which means party season!

I don’t know about you but it’s pretty hectic and going fast too. Not only is Christmas getting closer, but I’m sure many of you have parties to attend.

I had my first Christmas party a couple of weeks ago and decided that I’d buy a new dress for the occasion when I was heading out to the shops a few weeks ago.
I’m always surprised and a little disappointed by the amount of black dresses on the rails at this time of year and it did make me a little bit sad too. What there is this year is lots of sparkles, sequins, lace and velvet so more of what you expect for a party!
Black doesn’t actually suit everyone (sorry ladies!) so if you’re looking for a new outfit then try something with colour! Admittedly it may take a little more effort to find, but it’s definitely worth it!
Here’s my tips for our colour types:


Try wearing silver, blue, teal or violet colours.


Try midnight blue, damson, navy or aubergine.


Try out Bronze, olive or gold.


Try midnight, fuchsia, purple, charcoal or silver.


Try wearing royal blue, scarlet or purple.


Try out pewter, charcoal or navy.
If you really can’t face wearing colour, or you’re struggling then try something in a softer looking fabric such as lace.
Head on over to my Facebook page to view a quick video on ‘feel good dresses for the party season’ which includes some shopping ideas. Please like and share whilst you’re there.
Wondering what colour I wore? Plum!
Happy shopping and partying and if you need any help, just get in touch.

Makeup Assessments

A makeup assessment is the perfect opportunity for you to get to know Colour me Beautiful. You’ll learn about our colour types and the makeup shades which suit you.

Makeup is merely an extension of our look. Whether it’s a full made up face you prefer or a flick of mascara, a sweep of blusher or a bit of lippie. Make sure the shades you wear suit you and make you feel good about yourself.

These sessions work on the same Colour me Beautiful tonal system covered in a Colour Analysis but they specifically focus on our cosmetic range. You’ll be prescribed only the shades which compliment your colouring and enhance your features.

These FREE assessments are available on an individual basis, as a group or as a party or a get together! If you’re hosting a session then you’ll also receive a free gift.

The Colour me Beautiful cosmetic range is cruelty free, paraben free and prescribed specifically for YOU. It’s not available to buy on the high street. Both new and repeat orders can be purchased through me or via my online shop. 

So what are you waiting for?

Get in touch to book your assessment and learn your best makeup shades.

Party eyes – Black Friday special offer

So, today is the day – officially Black Friday!

All week, retailers have been offering deals to encourage you to spend. There are some good deals to be had, especially with Christmas just around the corner.

In colour world, black isn’t a ‘colour’ which works for everyone – some people suit it but others don’t. If you’re interested in knowing what colours work for you and if Black is one of them, then book yourself a colour consultation. You’ll take away a colour swatch wallet after your consultation. Visit my services page for more details and get in touch to book.

I’ve got my Black Friday open event tomorrow (Saturday 25) which you’re welcome to come along to between 2pm and 5pm and I have some great gifts available too.

The colourful bunch at Colour me Beautiful head office have been working on an offer too. It coincides with the launch of their NEW ‘intense’ eye shadow refills which are available for all dominant colour types and which fit neatly into the new magnetic compact.

There are five rich, high-pigmented eye shadow colours available:

  1. olive
  2. midnight
  3. damson
  4. storm
  5. espresso

As a Black Friday offer, purchase four eyeshadow refills when at least one of them is one of the above intense shades and you’ll receive a free eye pencil!

Heres some ideas:

You can place your order online (Via the shop link) or contact me. Offer ends 30 November.


Is it time for your ‘big coat’?

It struck me this week that the weather is turning! Gale force winds, odd coloured skies and a red sun – we’ve had it all this week. It must be approaching the time of year to reach for your ‘big coat’.
‘Big coat’ time is when the darker nights are drawing in, the clocks change and we want to wrap up warm.
I’m sure many of you own more than one winter coat; I know I do. But, are they fit for purpose? Do they still fit in a colour and style which suits you?
It can be tempting to go out and buy a new coat but first check your wardrobe to see what you’ve got to avoid buying another of the same. Ask yourself the questions above and if you answer no, then it could be time to get rid – sell it, donate it, or bin it.
There’s lots of coats out there so I’ve broken them down into just three categories below to help you shop.


It sounds boring, but this coat is for every day and every weather hence the label I give it. Think ‘duvet coats’ which can be great for walks, commuting to and from the office or donning for the school run. Make sure yours is in a colour which suits and compliments you, especially if it’s worn near to your face. Try either a neutral colour which can be accessorised with a colourful scarf or choose one of your many colours from your palette.

Smart/casual day

There may be times when you want to wear something a little smarter. Perhaps it’s shopping and lunch with friends – you’ll want to wear something which can keep you warm but not hot if running round the shops. Plus it needs to double as being smart enough for eating out.
A cocoon style coat is more versatile and can keep you warm. Less bulky and often available in a choice of colours.
Trench coats are a good option too and a staple item which remain popular this season. As they tend to come in lighter weight fabrics, they offer you greater ways to layer up whilst remaining stylish.


Heading out for dinner or drinks often requires a different coat. If you’ve dressed up for the occasion, you might not want the practicality of your duvet coat hiding your outfit! Try something smarter or dressier. A faux fur coat or one with a faux fur collar can add that extra wow factor.
Velvet is also a very popular trend this winter as are coats with jewelled, embellished or embroidered detailing.

I hope these help you shop for your next coat with more confidence, but if you need any help simply get in touch.

Is red the colour of the season?

It was predicted that red would be the colour of the Autumn/winter season and with the festive season fast approaching; it’s no surprise.

A quick wander round the shops confirms this and I’m sure the emails in your inbox do too!

Colour has been found to affect people’s mood and energy levels – how do you feel when you wear colour?


Red is the colour of energy making many people feel confident and in control and there’s a red to suit everyone.

The undertone (whether it has a yellow or blue base) matters a great deal with reds so be sure to choose the one best suited to you if you’re wearing it close to your face. If in doubt, revisit your colour swatch wallet or book a consultation.

Just remember, you don’t have to go top to toe in red! Embrace as much or as little as you like – here’s a few ideas.

Red trousers

Surprisingly versatile! Wear with a slogan top (also on trend), animal print or simple understated top.

Red jacket

Wear with denim jeans for an off-duty look or over a dress for work or dinner out. Invest in a winter coat or mac for a truly statement look.


Red boots have walked onto the scene this time and can make quite a statement if you prefer to let your feet do the talking. If you prefer a more understated look, there are plenty of trainers, loafers and ballet shoes to choose from too. Extra points for embellishments!


A simple way to update any look is with a statement item of jewellery such as a necklace, wrap around a new red scarf or invest in a new bag.

The red lip

It’s not always just about the clothes that you wear, your makeup finishes your whole look off.

An element of confidence is required to carry off a statement lip so make sure you choose the right shade for your skin tone. To keep it in place, use a lip base and a lip liner – both can be purchased from me.

The Colour me Beautiful range of cosmetics has been designed around our colour types and as with clothes, there’s a shade to suit everyone!

A few weeks ago (16 September), I posted a red lipstick colour to suit each of our dominant colour types on my Facebook page. Purchase a Lipstick for £14.50* from me or through my online shop.

Click here to view it.

Alternatively, why not try before you buy and make an appointment with me to have your makeup prescribed to your individual colouring. These sessions are free and can also be done as a group or party.

Get in touch to book.


*As at 27.9.17

How to wear pink

You may have noticed that pink has been really popular this season and there is a pink for everyone!

Check out these shades to take you from Summer and into the Autumn.


Try wearing dusty rose and if you like your lipstick to match, you should check out the Colour me Beautiful Dusty Rose lipstick. Wear it with the hot pink scarf to finish off your look.


Light colours aren’t always best for you, especially on their own, so try your Blush pink shade and for bright lips, try the Colour me Beautiful Sheer Fiesta lipstick (whilst stocks last). Or try the Berry burst lipgloss.


Pinks tend to have a cooler undertone to them which isn’t complimentary for you, so you’re best trying out the Coral colours in your palette. For your lips, try out the Colour me Beautiful Coral lipstick. For a brighter shade; try the Warm Pink lipstick.


You have lots to choose from in your palette! How about Hot pink if you’re daring! For your lips, try the Colour me Beautiful Soft Mauve or Sheer silk shades alongside the hot pink super soft scarf. Anyone preferring a more versatile cover up would love this fringed pashmina style.


You’ll need to create contrast with your shades so try Blush pink with something like Light teal. For the lips try out the Colour me Beautiful Strawberry lipstick.


Wear your pinks with some neutral shades such as pewter or taupe alongside blush pink. For the lips, try Colour me Beautiful Chiffon lipstick or Sheer Breeze along side the coral ;pink super soft scarf (if you’re warmer toned)


All Colour me Beautiful makeup and the scarf range is available online for Credit card payments or to order and collect from my studio in Wakefield. Simply get in touch to make arrangements or visit the shop here.


Updated 23.9.21

How to wear the midi skirt

The midi skirt has become rather popular. Spring/summer trends in the shops and online have seen a multitude of stores stock this item.

But how do you know which style to choose?

The style of the skirt is key to work with your proportions and body shape. See below for my suggestions including a video at the bottom too!


A full skirt will be the most flattering for your curves. Be sure to highlight your waist by using a belt or tucking your top in.


Try to keep your clothing lines simple. A panelled skirt style will work well for you. Remember to balance our your top half adding details such as pattern or jewellery.

Inverted triangle

Try a straight skirt or one with box pleats. To balance your proportions be sure to wear your detail on the bottom half of your body.

Lean column

Opt for an A-line skirt which will give the illusion of some curves.


Avoid too much detail around the waist.


Click to watch this short video illustrating these ideas. If you haven’t booked your style and image consultation, visit my page here and contact me to book. If you would prefer to join a style workshop then email me for more details at

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook!