Post lockdown shopping tips

2020 hasn’t really shaped up to what we would have expected has it?

Next week, the clothes shops are expected to open their doors once again, with many weeks having passed since closing them. I’m also not sure what to expect. Will you be rushing out to the shops?

For those of you who love the joy of shopping; perhaps a leisurely browse with a coffee stop, this is unlikely to be the case for some time. For those of you who despise shopping, then I’m sure you won’t have missed it in any event!


What to expect

There is the prospect of queuing, just like we do at the supermarket as shops limit the number of customers at any one time. Sanitise stations on entry and exit with one way systems likely to be in place. Of course, there will be no changing rooms either and strict social distancing in place too.

Contactless payments have already increased their limit to £45 in many stores and shunning cash payments, clothing retailers are likely to follow.


The new norm?

Without changing rooms, you’ll need to buy and try on at home. The benefit of this is the comfort of your own home with your own mirrors and lighting! Though, the added inconvenience if you need to return them.

One of the many benefits to understanding the colours, style and shape of clothes which work for you, can help to minimise this as you will shop better knowing what to buy and what suits you. 

If you do buy something, get it home and it’s not right for you, please don’t feel that you need to hold onto it! It’s only a waste and you’ll regret the purchase every time you see it hung up with the label on!

Statistics show that during this period, people have taken to online shopping and it will be interesting to see if the spending ratios tilt again.
Many people have been encouraged to ‘shop their wardrobe’ during this period and I’ve spent time with many clients helping them assess their wardrobes. Don’t discount what you might have lurking at the back of the wardrobe!

Is it really a bargain?

This period has also brought about more awareness to sustainability again with their clothes. Buying less items but spending more on quality is certainly a positive effect.

But, if you can’t resist a bargain – beware! I do predict that there could be huge sales emerge from some retailers who have been unable to sell their current range of spring and summer season stock. This can be both a positive and a negative.

Do you adopt the smash and grab approach in your local budget store: a pair of shorts for a fiver, a swimsuit reduced by 80% and those faux-leather sandals that you’ll ‘bed in’ on a buy one pair, get one free offer which you’ll save for your holiday next year?

Or, do you use this opportunity to invest in better quality items that will last for years to come? There may be an opportunity to look at retailers that have always been slightly out of your price point as they may offer discounts that you can afford to treat yourself to now.

The choice is yours!

My tip is always to go with a shopping list of items you need and fill what gaps you have. Remember, that something is only ever a bargain if you actually wear it. My £s per wear motto also means that the more you wear something, the more use you get out of it and the lower cost per wear. Compare spending £5 on something you wear once versus spending £25 on something you wear 10 times – the latter is better value. 

Before buying anything, ask yourself if the item concerned will go with at least three other things in your wardrobe. If you have to buy ‘around’ the item to make an outfit, chances are it isn’t really a bargain. It may be that there is a coveted item that you’re lacking in your wardrobe and which you’ve been searching for. That one item that transforms other items to create multiple outfits. This could be a good purchase. Have a look in your wardrobe and really look closely. And, if you’re trying to match up something then take it with you.


Spring/Summer update

I believe that everyone should feel good in what they wear.

Understanding what suits you and why can help you shop wisely and avoid making more wardrobe mistakes. If you need any help then please do get in touch as I have a range of services to offer.

If you’re keen to update your wardrobe without making more wardrobe mistakes, consider booking my seasonal style update. The session addresses the key colours and styles available in the shops and what will specifically work better for you. This isn’t always about what you should buy, but what you have and how you can update your wardrobe to work better for you and be more current. Sessions are available individually or as a group and a handy seasonal style guide is included.

You can purchase the handy seasonal guide separately. Please get in touch to get your copy.

One final point, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to test make-up at the cosmetics counter or experience a makeover. Don’t leave your purchases to chance. Let me help, guide and recommend the best shades of make-up to enhance your features. Plus, theres 10% off until 3 July. Visit the online shop to make your purchase and an additional 10% will be donated to NHS Charities together.

How to wear colour video series

Welcome to a series of videos on how to wear colour!

It is so easy to wear colour. Not only can it transform your overall look but it really can boost your mood too! Not knowing or understanding how to wear colour is something that many people tell me they struggle with. Sometimes you can’t put your finger on why something does or doesn’t suit you.

As an image consultant, my colour consultations are by far my most popular session. These are available Online; from the comfort of your own home for when we can’t meet in person as well as in person at the studio in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

If you don’t know what colours to choose, or how to wear them, then these videos give you some tips on how to do so and also why it can make such a difference.

Check them out here and if you have any questions, do get in touch.

How to wear yellow
How to wear purple
How to wear blue
How to wear green
How to wear red
How to wear pink
How to wear neutrals 
How to wear black

Guest blog – Thanks Suzanne – Coffee Pod Jewellery Collection

This is a guest blog written by Suzanne at Thanks Suzanne who we have worked with locally and offers a wonderful and unique collection of handmade jewellery.
You might think that in the UK, we are a nation of tea drinking addicts and as a true Yorkshire girl, you really can’t beat a cup of Yorkshire Tea. But, like the majority of brits, I have fallen in love with the café / coffee culture. Pre lockdown it had been fully adopted in the UK, with a surge of independent high street coffee shops and the more well known ones. The freedom to meet a friend, colleague or family member for a coffee, chat and maybe that sneaky piece of cake is something I’ve certainly missed throughout lockdown. Not necessarily the coffee itself, but the social aspect of the café culture, the ability to have a face to face conversation and engage with people rather than via social media.

Coffee obsession

In the UK, we now drink over 95 million cups of coffee per day. As a family, we have really embraced the café culture; not just for two tired parents to get their caffeine fix but it also plays an important role in our family social life. Weekends are normally consumed with walks, bike rides and activities, all of which end up in a café. 
Lockdown may have put an end to the café culture as we know it for the time being, but it is estimated that now over a third of the population owns a coffee machine, with single use coffee pods leading the way in popularity. The queue outside our local Costa Coffee Drive Thru last week reflects how us brits really do need our daily caffeine hit!

Recycling schemes

As a Nespresso Owner, I must admit that I do love the convenience of single use pods; a variety of flavours and barista style coffee all from the push of a button. In the UK, Nespresso have a recycling scheme for their pods and up to the launch of my business, as a family, we were regular users of it, finding it a convenient and easy way to recycle. However, after some research I was still shocked to discover that even with coffee pod companies offering recycling schemes, over 29,000 per year still end up in landfill. 

My inspiration

My daily morning Nespresso caffeine fix soon became my inspiration to build my business on. I launched Thanks Suzanne last year, as an online ladies boutique. I love shopping, clothes and accessories and as I was building the business, I began researching the impact of fast fashion on the environment. As a shopaholic, I knew that the market was already becoming saturated with amazing independent high street boutiques, so not wanting to re-invent the wheel and repeat what had already been done, I wanted to create my own individual brand. I knew I wanted my brand to be as sustainable, and eco friendly as possible and after many morning Nespresso fixes, I started looking at the pods, wondered what else they could be used for. 

Our Jewellery Collection

This year we launched our own Jewellery Collection out of the coffee pods, and in doing so we have put a great deal of effort into making sure that every aspect of the coffee pod gets re-used. 
The aluminium pod itself is the main component of our jewellery and provides the start of each piece of jewellery which we handmake. Obviously, we need to clear the pods out from the coffee, this is quite a lengthy and time-consuming process, which leaves me with a lot of coffee! The coffee goes straight into our compost heap or directly onto the garden as a fertiliser. Yes, coffee can be used as fertiliser! We also hope to begin to send you some coffee for your plants and gardens when you place an order and making our whole process even more sustainable. Watch this space!
Our collections are named after coffees; from Cappuccino to Mocha and we will also be launching an Expresso Martini Collection for those of you like me who love handbags, shoes and cocktails!
Whilst our daily Nespresso Fix has helped get us through lockdown and homeschooling, we are definitely looking forward to embracing the social aspect of the UK’s café culture once again in the near future.
If you own an independent Café or can recommend any throughout the UK then please get in touch as we are creating a directory on our website for independent coffee shops. Email:

Thanks Suzanne sustainable jewellery collection10% off

Thank you to Suzanne for her guest blog about the sustainable jewellery collection. We love the range of earrings and necklaces available with some lovely colours and patterns. For the entire month of June, she has agreed to offer a 10% discount against any orders when you use TLC10 at the checkout. Happy shopping and if you need any advice on colours or patterns, please do get in touch and I’d be happy to help.
Visit: or email Suzanne at

How to wear yellow

As an image consultant, the number one thing I hear from potential clients is “oh, I’d love to wear more colour, I just don’t know what suits me”.

There are many reasons why people feel this way:
– the fashion world is obsessed with black
– there’s actually more than one shade of a colour

However, everyone CAN wear colour and with a little knowledge, everyone can learn how to choose and wear the right shades which suit them. Even if you feel that you don’t have the confidence to wear colour, you can still introduce it and build up to what you’re comfortable with.

You’d be surprised at the difference that colour can have on your mood (see our previous blog here). I believe that everyone should feel good in what they wear.

How to wear colour

Let’s talk about the colour yellow.

It can be a really tricky colour to wear. Some people will suit it far more than others but, as with all colours, there is a shade for you.

For those of you who have previously had a colour analysis consultation, your colour swatch wallet is the best place to guide you and remind you of your best shades and the top tips on how to wear colours that would suit you best. Your colouring type will also be noted on the bottom of the card and fabric inserts. Get in touch if you need more help.

If you’ve never had your colours done, these celebrity examples demonstrate how different shades of yellow compliment their physical features the best.

Lights: Reece Witherspoon – Don’t overpower your colouring, wear with light or mid tone neutrals such as taupe and avoid too much contrast. Try Buttermilk.

Deeps: Michelle Obama – Wear with navy or charcoal to create as much contrast as possible. Avoid mixing two pale shades together. Try Daffodil.

Warms: Nicola Roberts – You’ll look amazing if you combine the shade such as mustard with either olive or golden brown.

Cools : Jamie Lee Curtis – Avoid any ‘warm’ tones. Any yellow is best worn away from the face. Mix with navy or any of your greys. Try Icy Lemon.

Clears: Zooey Deschanel – The brighter and clearer the better for you! Citron worn with either light, bright or dark shades.

Softs: Kate Winslet – A tonal combination can look so elegant on you. educe the contrast feel by teaming soft yellows like buttermilk with stone, pewter and grey.

Other colours will be covered in future blog posts, so be sure to check them out.

There is also a series of videos which you can watch here. 

If you’d like to learn what shades of colour suit you, book a colour analysis consultation. Both online (virtual) and face to face sessions are available. No appointments for face to face sessions are being taken until July at the earliest.

How do you dress for online video calls?

Working remotely is the new norm now after weeks of being in lockdown.

Many people, including myself have been doing it for weeks now, but some people will be more familiar with it than others.

With the advent of technology such as Zoom, WhatsApp and Skype, it means that we can connect easily with our work colleagues, friends and family. A common question I’ve actually heard is – how do you dress for online video calls?

And so, here are some pointers for you to be camera ready at all times:

1.     Now is not the time for ‘neutrals’ such as beige, taupe, camel and stone. These types of shades don’t fare well in front of the camera. Instead, try opting for a bold colour shade from your palette. Navy or charcoal grey would be better than black too.

2.     Busy patterns can be distracting, and stripes are a big no-no as they tend to strobe on screen. Go for block colours.

3.     If you can, try and sit in front of a plain background.

4.     Accessories can be annoying particularly layered bangles that jangle; keep them to a minimum! Dangly earrings can also be distracting so try opting for smaller studs and wearing one (quiet) necklace!

5.     Check your buttons and neckline before going ‘live’ to avoid an embarrassing faux pas.

6.     Make-up can look different online so it’s a good idea to view yourself via your computer screen beforehand. Shimmery eye shadows and highlighters can look just that… shimmery!  Opt for matte finishes instead.

7.     As tempting as it may be to wear loungewear all day, it would certainly be a boost to your confidence and your mood if you wore something smarter. There’s probably no requirement to wear full business dress but dressing up a little will definitely make you feel better about yourself.

Why not take a look and watch our video here.

Virtual wardrobe workshop – Saturday 23 May

Have you got a wardrobe bursting at the seams and yet have nothing to wear?  Fear not!
We are collaborating with A Tidy Mind West Yorkshire to bring you the ultimate virtual workshop to make your wardrobe work for you.
If you want your wardrobe to make you smile this is the workshop for you.
Join us at 2pm on Saturday 23 May from the comfort of your own home and we’ll inspire you with our super advice on decluttering, storage, colour and style. You’ll also receive ten top tips from us following the event too.
This is a ticketed event which must be purchased in advance of the session.
The price of your ticket is just £10 and get ready to feel fabulous in your clothes!
To obtain a ticket, please email:

The three prints that don’t date

One of the many challenges with prints is choosing something which you like and likes you equally! It’s something I’m asked frequently.

There are lots of patterns and prints and it’s ok to say that you don’t like it, even if it is ‘fashionable’ or ‘on trend’. Don’t worry about it, choose what you’re comfortable with as when you do, you’re more likely to wear it.

Here, I’m going to name three prints that won’t date so that if you are going to venture into the world of prints and patterns, you can feel confident that what you invest in, can be worn time and time again. That’s £s per wear.

The stripe

Boden top

Image courtesy of Boden

The most popular I’d say of all patterns and something which many clients bring into the studio.

The Breton stripe, is possibly the most well known style and fave amongst many. Officially speaking, to be a true Breton, it should have 21 stripes, each representing a Napoleon victory because sailors were wearing stripes way back in 1858 (apparently the distinctive print made it easier to spot wayward sailors who had fallen over-board – who knew?)

The Breton style of top is featured frequently by Boden as featured in this image.

Stripes can be used as a method of balancing out your figure. Triangles (pear shapes) can use stripes across their top half in order to visibly balance out so their shoulders look more in line with their hips. Check this garment by Boden, can you see how the shoulder area appears wider and at the same time, lifts the eye away from the hips?

Vertical stripes are excellent for lengthening the torso, so if you’re after a few extra inches without the heels, try this instead.

Polka dots and spots

Oasis polka dot dress

Image courtesy of Oasis

Another pattern which always seems to be ‘on trend’.

Do remember that a polka dot style doesn’t always need to be black and white or navy and white! Aim to use colour where you can as seen in dress from Oasis.

If you have a larger frame, be sure to choose larger prints – so opt for a super-sized polka dot instead.

For the petites, tiny little spots will work well for you.

This pattern can be surprisingly easy to mix with other prints if you’re feeling a little daring. Go for a preppy look by adding stripes or try a floral print of similar scale and colour for an interesting combination.



Animal Print

My own animal print brogues originally bought from Clarks

Not only for Bet Lynch!

Animal print remains a popular trend, but does get reinvented each season to switch it up and feel more current.

If it’s a little bold or too out-there for you, try to keep the pattern to just one item. Opt for a pair of shoes, scarf, coat or a bag if a top or dress feels too much.

Check out my brogues here. Bought many years ago from Clarks but still worn today. They were my first sample of animal print!

Last year a range of coloured animal print patterns emerged making it more versatile (and less Bet Lynch). Warmer skin tones will suit the more traditional brown leopard print styles, but if you’re cooler with rosy skin tone, try other colours as there’s many more versions available. If you purchased anything last year when the trend really peaked, be sure to dig it out this season!



So there you have my top three patterns to invest in which will feel more timeless. Go and check your wardrobe and see if you have them!

Beauty school tips

A top in the right shade of colour will help you to look younger, fresher and more vibrant, the wrong shade could make you look pale, sallow, grey and even unwell. But, choosing and wearing the right shades of colour applies to your makeup too. It really does matter what you put on your face.
Remember that even if you’re working from home, it doesn’t mean you have to go barefaced! With so many people working remotely and having online meetings, make sure you look your best even virtually.
Here’s my cosmetic tips using the Colour me Beautiful cruelty free range.


Having a good skincare regime is a must, even if you are staying safe. Good genes will only go so far, as will diet and exercise. Cleanse, tone and moisturise are the steps I’ve followed for many years. Revisit last year’s blog on self care and good skincare habits you can adopt here.

Colour me a Beautiful skincare range

Base and primers

If you suffer from foundation that creases or seems to sink into the skin, there’s a really easy fix. Try using a primer; it creates a smooth surface onto the skin (after your moisturiser or day cream), so your foundation glides on. Your pores and fine lines will be minimised and the effect will last all day. Keep it in the fridge for a refreshing application, especially in hot weather. It will help to close your pores after a hot shower too.
I like to use the Velvet Touch Foundation primer when I want a flawless finish and to limit any touch ups during the day. Just a small drop is all that is needed and you can shop the Velvet Foundation Primer here.
Velvet touch foundation primer
Foundation does a great job of evening out skin tone and gives much more coverage than a tinted moisturiser or BB cream, but sometimes it needs a little help. Introducing targeted concealers or coloured primers as they are designed to hide imperfections and are applied before your foundation.
Here is how you choose the correct colour:
Lavender – counteracts any yellow tones, brightens dull or sallow skin
Mauve – counteracts any brown tones, helps to brighten any dark or age spots and help diminish dullness.
Green – neutralises any redness, broken capillaries, rosacea and sunburn.
Yellow – counteracts any purple and dark circles under the eyes.
I couldn’t live without the yellow and the green coloured primers. On the occasions when I need some extra under eye coverage, I will mix together on the back of my hand the lavender and the yellow.
If you prefer a lighter texture which you can build up or just need one colour to solve a problem, then the liquid coloured skin primers are worth using. They have an in built applicator which you can apply to the skin and blend with your finger. Shop the skin primers here.
Undercover primers Colour corrector wheel
If you prefer a fuller coverage or you have more than one area you’d like to correct, the creamier colour corrector wheel contains four shades in one pot which you can apply with your finger or a brush for more precision. Shop the Colour Corrector Wheel here. 


Not only does foundation even out the skin tone, it also acts as a barrier against pollutions and toxins. Generally speaking, the most coverage is needed in the centre of the face, so try to apply here first and blend outwards. Contrary to what some say, blend downwards as it won’t clog the pores and will prevent fuzzy facial hair from lifting and spoiling the flawless look. I prefer to use a damp sponge to apply foundation, though you can equally use your fingers or a brush.
I always recommend choosing a shade of foundation which matches your skin tone. All too often I see ladies wearing a shade of foundation which is too dark for their natural skin tone. Often I’m told they feel too pale otherwise so they go darker but your colour is added with your bronzer and blusher and if it’s too dark, you’ll see a tell tale line under the chin looking very different to the neck!
Apply your chosen shade of foundation to your jaw line in natural daylight and when you check it in a mirror, it should completely blend in. If it doesn’t, I’d recommend choosing a lighter shade. There are six of shades of Morning Light foundation in the range I use with clients and many are surprised at how good the foundation blends and doesn’t feel heavy at all on their skin. The Morning light Foundation contains light-diffusing properties that deflects light from the surface of the skin, thereby minimising the visibility of fine lines. I use the lightest shade of Porcelain on my skin and then move up to the second lightest called Oyster when I have some colour in the summer. Shop the Morning Light Foundations here. 
Morning light foundation

The eyes

Did you know that black eye pencil and mascara can look really harsh on mature skin. It can also minimise the size of the eye making them appear smaller too.
If you’ve got particularly large eyes or really rich and dark colouring, black may not be such a bad thing, but for the majority of clients I see, black isn’t the most complimentary shade of eye makeup colour to wear.
So what can you wear? Fear not, there are far more flattering shades to choose from in your eye pencils and mascara. I’m often asked why bother with eye pencils. When you apply it on the lash line, it appears to thicken the look of the lashes and add definition. Mascara will colour the lashes and add volume and length, depending upon what you use.
When it comes to eye pencils, most people are surprised by the array of shades available. Teal is a colour that most people can wear and if black is your thing, try wearing granite next time you need to replace it.
A volumising mascara is something I can’t leave the house without (together with the yellow primer. Oh and a bit of colour to my lips). Everyone can wear black brown mascara and it’s readily available, but, there’s two shades I tend to favour with clients – Navy and Warm Brown. Most people look horrified at my suggestion, then they try them out and they are utterly flabbergasted at how great they look on. If you’ve got blue or grey eyes like me, I’d recommend the Navy volumising mascara and if you’ve got green or brown eyes, you’ve got to give the warm brown volumising mascara a try!
Shop the eye pencils and mascara range of shades here.
Eyeshadow can be used to add depth and dimension to your eyes, whether it’s a natural, dramatic or smokey look that you are after. It doesn’t have to be difficult to create a look that is right for you.
I meet a lot of women who’ve either been applying their makeup the same way for years, so it feels a little out-dated, or they’ve never really learnt how to apply eye makeup for good effect. During my makeup lessons and assessments I would generally use up to four different eye shadows; a neutral base, a deep shade to define the crease, a colour for the outer edges to add interest and a blender shade to soften any lines.
To achieve your best look, the colours that you choose to apply should also compliment your physical features; your eyes, hair and skin tone. I would advise against buying expensive, universal eye shadow compacts, as there will always be multiple shades that do not suit you or which you do not like. Any pre-made universals compacts are not personalised to you or bespoke to your characteristics.
During consultations and assessments, I recommend the shades of cosmetics which suit your physical characteristics as not everyone suits nor wants to apply a dark smokey eyed look! Using a refillable compact system enables you to build a bespoke palette of eye shadows (and more) that you use and love. And most importantly, there’s less waste too because when you finish using your favourite shade, it can simply be replaced. There’s room for any combination of eyeshadows, blusher, powder and lip gloss too making it perfect for personalisation.
There are over 25 different eyeshadow refill shades to choose from to suit you. You can use them on their own (keep the plastic lid on them), but I’d recommend using the magnetic refillable compact and building your box with the additional items you require. Shop the refillable compact range here.
Magnetic compact


There’s nothing better than giving your cheeks a rosy glow but finding the right shade can often be a challenge. The job of your blusher is to make the rest of your face look brighter and fresher, so choose a shade that compliments your skin tone rather than contrasts against it.
As a rule of thumb, pinky-pinks work well on cooler skin tones, whereas peachy-pinks are better on warmer skins. The depth of your blusher very much depends on your overall colouring. Apply to the apple (middle) of your cheeks and blend out towards the hairline. There are six shades of powder blush which are available as refills and fit inside the magnetic compact. If you prefer a cream to a powder, consider using the cream blush. There’s two shades available to suit warm or cool tones but as an added bonus, they double as a lip gloss too for a light colour. I have cooler skin and love the crushed berry shade which fits neatly inside my magnetic compact. Shop the powder refill range and the cream blush range here.
Cream blush for compact


As well as foundation, lipstick is another product which I am repeatedly told that finding the right shade of colour is a challenge. One look inside your own makeup bag and a rummage may find multiple shades of lipsticks, many of which you do not wear!
Lipstick can be impactful or tonal, the choice really is yours. Either way, it’s important to find the right shade. A bit of lippy can be as powerful as wearing the right colours in your clothes – so long as it’s the right shade for you of course! Plus, I was told a long time ago that as lipstick frames the mouth it makes people pay more attention to what you’re saying. Give it a whirl!
I’m not much of a believer of buying the ‘latest colour trend’ (be that clothes or makeup) and whilst two people with similar colouring may well be able to wear the same shade of lipstick, in my experience they will each wear it with a very different impact.
It is very rare to find a shade of lipstick which works for EVERYONE! But, you can find the perfect red, pink or other shade for you. You probably won’t look back either! If you need any recommendations, feel free to ask.
If you prefer a slick of lipgloss, there are shades for you – from nude to colour. Shop the range of lipsticks (sheer and cream) and lipgloss here.
There are lots of ways for you to experience the Colour me Beautiful makeup range. Most people have been introduced to the range by a Colour me Beautiful consultant like me, as it’s exclusively available through their U.K. and Europe consultants.
Obviously, face-to-face sessions are something for you to bookmark for the future, but in the meantime, you can get in touch for an online or virtual consultation from the comfort of your own home if you need advice.
Get in touch to discuss your requirements. 25% is available off the entire range until 16 April. Visit the online shop here.

Announcing NEW virtual colour assessments

Book Club cancelled? Pilates put on the back-burner? Take the time to invest in yourself.

New service

As a Colour me Beautiful consultant, I am delighted to announce a new online ‘introduction to colour’ service for April 2020.
In light of the extraordinary situation that the world is facing, I am still committed to helping people to feel good about themselves and what they wear through the joy of colour.
As social activities are cancelled across the world and work from home becomes mandatory, it’s the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself and more importantly, enjoy time at home.
Let’s not forget that for many now working from home, there’s Facetime, WhatsApp, Skype calls and Zoom to think about! You’ve still got to look the part – even if it’s on a computer screen!


The service

It’s a virtual one-to-one session where you will learn how colour can enhance your look and discover flattering shades and advice on how to combine colours for maximum impact. 

For more information about this service, please contact:

How to wear colour to boost your mood

Colour has been found to have a profound impact on our mood, as well as how we look.
For me, colour is the easiest way to update your image. It doesn’t require lots of money or time, just a little understanding. It’s also one of the most rewarding and favourite elements of my job as an image consultant.
This feels like a good time to share some tips on wearing colour so that you can feel good in spite of what’s actually going on.

Your appearance

You make a visual statement about how you view yourself in what you wear. It reinforces your self image as when you know you look good, it’s this confidence that shines through. When you don’t feel quite so good about yourself, this can be evidenced in exactly the same way.
At the current time of writing, there’s a global pandemic as a result of the Coronavirus and many people are either working from home or isolating themselves.
Just because you’re sat at home and not seeing anyone, it doesn’t mean that you can’t feel good in what you wear. Plus, thanks to technology, many people are having virtual meetings and as good as your PJs are, what impression does that give to your boss, colleague, business connection or client?
Be honest. When you sit there in your comfies, as lovely as you feel, it doesn’t exactly heighten your mood does it? I love comfy, but I just ensure that my loungewear are in colours which suit me so that I can look good as well as feel good!


The human eye requires balance and harmony. With your appearance, this is achieved between your physical features and what you wear.
When you wear the right shades of colour, they will flatter, enhance and brighten your appearance. Choosing the wrong shades of colour will cast shadows and age you and nobody wants that!
There’s only so many colours which exist – everyone can wear colour it’s simply identifying which shades work best for you and your physical characteristics.
Here’s a few popular colours and psychologically, the impact on not just yourself, but others too.


Psychologically, wearing red gives an air of confidence and being in control. Red is the colour of energy so it’s a great colour to wear if you feel like you need some energy to approach your day. Perhaps even a bit of red lippy 💋
Be careful though as it is also the most assertive, aggressive and attention grabbing of colours. Think of the colour of the stop light at the traffic lights.
Getting the undertone right when wearing red is crucial as if you’re cooler with no warmth in your hair or skin tone then you’ll need a blue based red. If you have these warmer tones, then you’ll be much better suited to a yellow based red.


Seen as safe, peaceful and logical and it’s known to convey trustworthiness as our law and order officials have navy blue uniforms. Equally blues can be seen as cold, unemotional and unfriendly so they may not make the best impression with a new client.


The colour of nature and is worn by the armed forces for camouflage purposes. It’s also seen as a calm and reassuring colour and wearing it can also demonstrate creativity and imagination so why not give it a whirl?


Have you ever found that you just feel a bit down when you wear black? A mood-hooverer and who needs that right now?!
Whilst you may find it easy and safe to wear, it’s not the most suitable for everyone. I often find that people wear it as they aren’t sure what else to wear. They lack the imagination, time or know how and get trapped in black!
It’s a rather authoritative colour and appears not very approachable too, so in a business sense, could this be to your detriment?
If you find that this isn’t the most complimentary colour to wear, try introducing a coloured shirt, blouse, top or scarf.


The one colour which truly reflects light making it the ideal colour to wear in hot climates. Given that the majority of travel is currently at a standstill, perhaps best staying in the wardrobe for now?
This purity makes it hard to wear for most people though as in its purist form, it’s too harsh. Wearing an off white is usually more flattering.
It is clean and hygienic too!


Often seen as a feminine colour though it can suggest empathy, gentleness and compassion. Guys who wear pink demonstrate that they are comfortable with their masculinity. Something which could be really helpful in the current climate.


As a colour, it can indicate sensitivity and be spiritual. Some people have found it helps in meditation and can promote a sense of relaxation which I’m sure is something we would welcome.


I often find that many people have lost confidence in what to wear or just don’t know what suits them which isn’t great for our self esteem. If you do find yourself with a bit of time on your hands, you might be tempted to do a bit of shopping from the comfort of your own home. If you already feel like you’ve got nothing to wear, shopping without any guidance or direction is likely to mean that you’ll end up with the same type of clothes that you’ve already got, or that they don’t work with other items you have in your wardrobe. You might also feel that they don’t suit you, or that you don’t feel like ‘you’ in them.
Don’t despair. This time will pass. But, try not to be tempted to buy what’s fashionable or simply because it’s there. Learn what what works for you and why, then all these bad purchases will be just that. Plus, they will no longer languish in the back of your wardrobe with the tags still on! You can finally stop wasting money on things you never wear!

Behind the scenes at Sassy ever after LIVE!

In January, I was invited to be one of the guest speakers at a female empowerment event. It sounded like a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon and start off 2020.

Sassy ever after LIVE!

I arrived in Sheffield early and was greeted by Kate Grosvenor, the founder who also offers 1-1 coaching sessions. She showed me around the venue which was lovely, including their own lifestyle brand of clothing, candles and more.

Kate Grosvenor

After a glass of bubbles, Kate opened up the event and spoke of ways to change habits and ways to introduce new routines. Informative and useful tips but there was one specific point she made which stuck in my mind. She asked the room full of women; how do you celebrate your successes? I’m not saying you could hear a pin drop but….we were all a bit quiet. Kate said that it was important to celebrate your wins, however small and straight away. Don’t wait until you see a friend, or until you next see your partner or the moment has passed. It did get me thinking, how about you? Try saying well done out loud, tap your own back or even a little clap of the hands could be enough to reward yourself! Visit Kate’s website here.

Deepika Venkatachalam

Deepika is a blogger from India. I listened to her story with such admiration and found her incredibly inspiring! Coming from India to study at Sheffield university with a whole host of achievements under her belt for such a young age, she is definitely one to watch and follow here.

Sarah Tattersfield

The afternoon was not only my turn, but Sarah who is a nutritionalist and the owner of Rotherham’s first and the only members only weight loss and nutritionalist club. Another inspiring and very fit lady! What stuck in my mind from Sarah’s presentation was that they operate a healthy and positive change to your diet, health and fitness. Yes you can have a packet of low fat fat crisps for 90 calories, but is that the best way to eat those 90 calories? Diets are unsustainable and habits need to be changed to create long term healthy lifestyles which is really what your body needs. See more here.

New year, new you

When it was my turn, I was a tad nervous as these ladies were amazing and inspiring but I shared a bit about my background; how I came to become an image consultant and also what the start of a new year meant to me.
It may seem silly to talk of new year, new you now given that we’re in March, but really, you can press reset or pause on life whenever you want. You don’t have to wait until January!
Changing something that you’re not happy about can be hard. Especially if it feels big. Remember; you can’t eat an elephant whole so I always try and think about what the small things are that I can do and build on them, as it’s these small changes that can make the biggest difference. I don’t believe I would be where I am and doing what I love today without breaking it down and taking the steps I did to get here.


For instance, I started a bit of a declutter mission before Christmas. I once heard someone say that your home is your anchor and everything has a home when you declutter. Without meaning to, we can all hoard things can’t we? Even if we don’t mean to, those weeks turn into months and then before we know it, it’s over two years since you moved and that room you meant to sort out after you moved in still hasn’t been emptied…(just me?).
Given the fact that I’m an image consultant, you might expect my wardrobe to be organised and it generally is. I regularly declutter, but my declutter mission extended to each room, drawer, under the stairs and even the garage! During the declutter mission, myself and my husband both agreed we felt not only a sense of achievement, but we felt genuinely calmer knowing things were cleaned, tidy and organised. More on my clothes declutter and organisation another time.
I get a lot of women who get in touch because they feel like they’ve got nothing to wear and they are fed up of feeling like it! I help them understand what suits them and why, so they can get confident in what they wear.
When you understand what suits you and why, you can avoid having those what to wear days. You can save time in the morning and stop wasting money on things you never wear.
But, it doesn’t happen overnight. You can press reset or pause and simply try and change one thing that you’re not happy with but you don’t have to do it on your own either. Making little changes all add up to big changes, especially in how you look and feel. You know that when you feel good in what you wear – this confidence shines through and people notice. Who doesn’t want to feel good in what they wear?
All in all, an amazing afternoon spent with some amazing women. Plus, I bought a wax melt burner with the Sassy wax melts called ‘Be Flawsome’. I am trying.

What’s the difference between Oil and Serum?

Choosing the right skincare can be a nightmare. There’s so many products and solutions that you don’t often know what’s worth spending money on, or when you do, it’s not good for your skin and it sits languishing in the drawer or cupboard and you need to find another option.
We began using the Colour me Beautiful skincare range personally, before using with clients and have a loyal fan base building. But, there are two products which seem quite similar and so we set about identifying the differences between the illuminating grapefruit and orange facial serum and the age defying lavender and frankincense facial oil.

Lavender & Frankincense Facial Oil

This natural blend of ingredients deeply nourish and hydrate the skin. Lavender oil not only boasts potent anti-inflammatory properties, but is also soothing for the skin. Frankincense (liquid gold) used cosmetically, helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin imperfections such as discolouration. It also stimulates the growth of new cells.
The surge of moisture increases elasticity and ensures that moisture levels are retained. The most effective time to use this product is at night because this is when cell regeneration speeds up. It is possible to use this during the day, but due to the oiliness, you may prefer using it when foundation or tinted moisturiser is not being worn. Suitable to all skin types.
This is what our clients had to say:

I use this product most evenings. When my skin feels particularly dry as a result of the cold weather, I really notice the difference to my skin the following morning. It feels much silkier, smooth and rehydrated.
I had the age defying facial oil for Christmas and absolutely love the smell and the feel on my skin! It feels amazing and like I’ve had a facial!

Grapefruit & Orange Facial Serum

This actually has a totally different effect on the skin. The citrus infusions with avocado and strawberry illuminate and brighten the complexion whilst helping to even out the skin tone. It deeply penetrates and restores vitality to the skin plus its rich in collagen restoring vitamin A and C and beta-carotene.
Deeply cleansing and regulating the pore activity to unclog residue and prevent unsightly blemishes. Increasing skin luminosity and brightening with fruit enzymes. Papain, the enzyme found in papaya, promotes skin regrowth and lightening activities creating softer, more even skin.
It can be used during the day or evening but because it’s not oily, it’s ideal to wear before your application of moisturiser or day cream and wear without impact under your makeup. Ideal for all skin types.
Here’s what our clients had to say:

I was really impressed with the illuminating facial serum as it really felt like it soaked into my skin creating a glow from within. Thank you so much Toni for the recommendations, I’m so impressed!
Love, love these products. Especially the illuminating facial serum – the smell is amazing!

Both products are available from the Colour me Beautiful range which is organic, vegan and cruelty free. The products come in recycled packaging and airless pumps and are made in the U.K.
The Facial Serum is priced at £25.80 and the Facial Oil is £25. Both products are available to buy online here. To try a sample or to order from the studio, please contact Toni:

Mini Colour workshop – Saturday 27 June

Let me introduce you to the world of Colour me Beautiful! I’ll explain how we assess your colouring and how you can begin to wear colour with confidence.
During this mini colour session, you’ll learn which of our six main colour types you fall into based upon an assessment of your physical characteristics. Everyone can wear colour, it’s simply about finding the right shade which compliments you the best.
You’ll take away your own colour card handout which includes eight of the shades from your palette allowing you to get started straight away on your new colourful journey.


Saturday 27 June
10am – 12:30


TLC Style & Colour HQ, Wakefield


£25 per person including colour card handout and refreshments.*


* There are limited places available at the event and pre-payment is required to secure your place which is non refundable.
To book your place, simply contact Payment in advance is required and places are limited.

Makeup prescription and assessment workshop – Saturday 23 May – POSTPONED

Want to know the makeup shades that actually suit you and enhance your features the best?
Back by popular demand! During this workshop, I’ll prescribe and recommend the shades of cosmetics most suited to your physical features. You’ll be able to try them out during the session and you’ll learn how to personalise your own magnetic, refillable compact. Just one handy box which you can fill with shades personal to you for your eyes, cheeks and lips.
All cosmetics used are cruelty free, lead free and paraben free. Some of the range is vegan friendly too.
You’ll take away a list of what shades you can wear and receive a £10 voucher to spend.


Saturday 23 May
10am – 12:30


TLC Style & Colour HQ, Wakefield


£20 per person which includes a £10 voucher to spend and refreshments*


* There are limited places available at the event and pre-payment is required to secure your place which is non refundable.
Book your place now!

Mini Shape and style workshop – Saturday 18th April

Back for 2020 by popular demand! This mini workshop focuses on shape and style.

Dressing for your body shape needn’t be difficult. Size does not matter, but shape does. Come along and learn the basics at this session.

Are you a Lady Gaga or Kylie Minogue? Your individual style influences the way you shop and how you combine your outfits together. Knowing who you are and how to identify this will save you time in the future.

This session, looks at how to dress confidently for your body shape and getting to know your ‘style personality’. Handouts with tips are included as part of the session.



Saturday 18 April

10am – 12:30


TLC Style & Colour HQ, Wakefield



£20 per person including handouts and refreshments.


Places must be booked and paid for in advance.

To book your place, please email or contact Toni on 07958657032.

Mini Shape and style workshop – Saturday 18th April – POSTPONED

Back for 2020 by popular demand! This mini workshop focuses on shape and style.
Dressing for your body shape needn’t be difficult. Size does not matter, but shape does. Come along and learn the basics at this session.
Are you a Lady Gaga or Kylie Minogue? Your individual style influences the way you shop and how you combine your outfits together. Knowing who you are and how to identify this will save you time in the future.
This session, looks at how to dress confidently for your body shape and getting to know your ‘style personality’. Handouts with tips are included as part of the session.


Saturday 18 April
10am – 12:30


TLC Style & Colour HQ, Wakefield


£20 per person including handouts and refreshments.
Places must be booked and paid for in advance.
To book your place, please email or contact Toni on 07958657032.

Who can wear what? Spring/summer 2020 event – Saturday 28 March

Learn ‘who can wear what’ this coming season by attending our brand new and exclusive event for 2020.

This session will last around 2.5 hours with a Spring/Summer 2020 style presentation. This includes the current trends, what to shop for and key makeup shades for the season, all personalised and reflecting the Colour me Beautiful colouring types and style personalities.

You will learn:

  • Your basic colouring type (if you don’t already know it).
  • Six shades of colour for you to buy in the shops this season.
  • Your style personality (as this influences how you shop).
  • What trends you should look for to buy in the shops.
  • Spring/summer makeup for eyes, cheeks and lips; all personalised to you.

You’ll take away a goody bag with the following items (worth over £40):

  • A handy Style Update Guide which includes your six shades of colour and a reminder of the key seasonal trends.
  • A lipstick personalised to your colouring type.
  • A blusher personalised to your colouring type (refillable).
  • Two eyeshadows personalised to your colouring type (refillable).


The event will be held at the TLC Style & Colour HQ in Wakefield


Saturday 28th March

10am until 12:30 pm


£49 per person which includes a goody bag (worth over £40) and refreshments.*

To reserve your place, contact Toni on 07958 657032 or email


* There are limited places available at the event and pre-payment is required to secure your place which is non refundable.

If the cosmetics recommended aren’t available for you to take away, we will place an order which will be delivered the following week.

Who can wear what? Spring/summer 2020 event – Saturday 28 March – POSTPONED

Learn ‘who can wear what’ this coming season by attending our brand new and exclusive event for 2020.
This session will last around 2.5 hours with a Spring/Summer 2020 style presentation. This includes the current trends, what to shop for and key makeup shades for the season, all personalised and reflecting the Colour me Beautiful colouring types and style personalities.
You will learn:

  • Your basic colouring type (if you don’t already know it).
  • Six shades of colour for you to buy in the shops this season.
  • Your style personality (as this influences how you shop).
  • What trends you should look for to buy in the shops.
  • Spring/summer makeup for eyes, cheeks and lips; all personalised to you.

You’ll take away a goody bag with the following items (worth over £40):

  • A handy Style Update Guide which includes your six shades of colour and a reminder of the key seasonal trends.
  • A lipgloss personalised to your colouring type.
  • A blusher personalised to your colouring type (refillable).
  • Two eyeshadows personalised to your colouring type (refillable).


The event will be held at the TLC Style & Colour HQ in Wakefield


Saturday 28th March
10am until 12:30 pm


£49 per person which includes a goody bag (worth over £40) and refreshments.*

To reserve your place, contact Toni on 07958 657032 or email

* There are limited places available at the event and pre-payment is required to secure your place which is non refundable.
If the cosmetics recommended aren’t available for you to take away, we will place an order which will be delivered the following week.

Pantone Color of the year 2020


We wear colour as a way of making ourselves feel good, look good and to boost our confidence. The Colour of the year has been around since 2000 and is now in it’s 20th year. In December last year, Pantone made their announcement!

Pantone’s colour for 2020

Industries across the world will be dipping into their blue dye pots following the announcement. For the new decade, it’s.. classic blue. A shade that sits between Colour me Beautiful’s own true blue and royal blue.

Pantone say: Instilling calm, confidence, and connection, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.

It’s a shade that works especially well on our Deeps, Cools and Clears, but as with all colours, there’s a blue for everyone. The trick is to find the shade that is perfect for you (which is where your colour swatch wallet comes in) or how to wear it.

So, how can you wear it?

With her natural blonde hair, porcelain skin and light eyes, Cate Blanchett is a LIGHT. She looks fabulous in cornflower blue. Classic blue is slightly deeper and stronger so would be best worn with soft white or mint to keep it fresh and light.

On the otherhand, Michelle Obama with her strong, dramatic look is a DEEP. She can wear classic blue very well indeed. Wearing the colour alongside other rich shades such as black or charcoal will look simply amazing.

Poldark’s Emma Tomlinson is a fabulous redhead and her aim should be to balance this with warm, golden tones. As a WARM, her blues will always look best when worn with yellow-based colours such as apricot or primrose.

Of course Judi Dench is a COOL and can totally own classic blue. If she wants to team it with another colour, some contrast is always better than wearing shades tonally. Icy blue, soft white or baby pink would be just perfect.

Megan Fox has huge contrast between her bright eyes, skin tone and dark hair. She’s a CLEAR and will always look best in strong, vibrant colours such as this year’s classic blue. A contrast of light and dark suits her the best when wearing two or more shades.

Finally, Kate Winslet has a much more blended look; there is little contrast between her hair, eyes and skin. She’s a SOFT and as classic blue is quite a vibrant colour, would be better worn with a softer tonal shade such as light periwinkle or shell.

If you can’t tell from these celebrity examples which one you’re most similar to, you can always book a colour consultation.

If you’re interested in attending a group session, register your interest in our next round of events. Click here.


Fashion vs style and sustainability

“Don’t be a slave to trends, find your own style and you’ll always be the height of chic! Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.” Lauren Hutton

I always say to people that dressing well is not about buying expensive clothes, or about being at the cutting edge of fashion. It’s simply, knowing what suits you and why so that you can dress with confidence, every day.

80/20 rule

We can all have those days when we feel like we have nothing to wear. You’ve probably seen the statistic that says that we typically only wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time and with the ladies I meet, the majority all nod their heads in agreement.

It’s not exactly true though is it? We often do have things to wear but we don’t like them / they don’t fit / they don’t suit you / they don’t make you feel good / it doesn’t go with anything. Sound familiar?

If this is you; don’t beat yourself up! But you can change it.


Your first port of call is to review and declutter your wardrobe. It can be as simple as this:

  1. Get rid of any items that no longer fit
  2. Anything that’s really worn, damaged and not repairable
  3. Anything you don’t like or hate yourself in.

Now, this might not help but you’d be surprised. Especially if you take the emotion out of it! If everything left it still good enough to wear, ask yourself why you aren’t wearing it.

If you’re serious about cleansing those wardrobes, then try following these simple steps:

  1. Check if it’s the right colour for you; if it doesn’t lighten and brighten your features then get rid
  2. Does it fit? Is it comfortable? Have you worn it in the last 12 months? If the answers are no; get rid
  3. What’s the condition like? Does it need a minor repair and are you prepared to do it? If not; get rid.

Use my free guide to help you declutter in five simple steps. Download your copy here.

Old favourites

Often, it’s not that you’ve actually got nothing to wear, it’s just that you’ve either lost your way or you don’t know what suits you. Instead you end up reaching for the same few favourites or buying another pair of black jeans / trousers / jacket / top that happens to be identical to the other six you have.

When you know what suits you and why; you’ll have a wardrobe full of clothes that are in the right colours which suit you, in the styles which suit your personality and lifestyle, in the right shape and fit for your body. But, it won’t happen overnight and if you need help, that’s where I come in as I have a range of services to support your journey which you can find here.

Fashion shouldn’t cost the earth

Textile waste is becoming a major problem. According to a government report published in February 2019 – 300,000 tonnes of textile waste end up at landfill from households. If you’re decluttering, please consider alternative ways of disposing your items. Try giving to charities, selling on, restyling or swapping.

Swapping events are becoming more popular. They give you the opportunity to exchange your items (providing they are in good condition) for others. They may not be new, but they’re still new to you. If this appeals, you may be interested in a Style Swap event which is being held in Leeds on 23 January. Tickets can be bought from here. The organiser has also asked me to attend the event and do a talk so why not book your ticket and come along? More details of the event can be found on my events page.

Take the 30 day challenge

Another trick is to turn all your hangers so they are facing the same way. Then, every time you wear something and it goes back in, turn the hanger the opposite way. This way, it’s more visible about what you are and aren’t wearing. I tried this last year for 30 days and you’d be surprised what difference it makes. Revisit the blog here and give it a go.

£s per wear

If you’re a regular reader, then you’ll be familiar with my motto. It’s not how much you’ve spent on something, but how many times you’re going to wear it. Before I buy anything, I always ask myself: what do I have that I can wear it with?  Ideally, if you can make three different outfits with it then it’s a good buy in my book. But, it’s got to be the right colour for me (soft, cool and deep), right shape and style (natural/classic neat hourglass) too. Get something in the sale for £10 which you wear once and it’s £10 per wear. Spend £50 on something which you wear 10 times and it’s £5 per wear. I’ve got things in my wardrobe that must be pennies per wear but I regularly declutter too.


If you’d like some help sorting through your wardrobe or simply understanding what works for you and why, then get in touch. Most people start with a colour consultation because it’s the easiest way to update your look, but have a browse and contact me.

Sassy Ever After LIVE! Sheffield – 25 January

Toni has been asked to be one of the guest speakers at this event.

If you would love a few hours off from the rest of the world then why not join us for an afternoon of bubbles, giggles, gift bags, girlie time and more…sit back, unwind, and listen to the speakers motivate, empower and support you!

Sassy Ever After LIVE! is a high energy event that will make you believe in yourself and give you a sense of confidence and self faith.

Event details:

Date: Saturday 25 January

Time: 12pm – 4pm

Venue: Sassy HQ, 8 Leeds Road, Sheffield, S9 3TY

  • A welcome glass of bubbles
  • A Sassy Gift Bag lovingly filled with beuatiful treats
  • 4 hours of motivaiton, inspiration, giggles, and more…

If you enter the code: NEWYEARNEWYOU you’ll receive £7 off the ticket price. Click here to buy your ticket.

Mission Christmas – cash for kids

Every year, the Radio Aire Cash for Kids charity have their annual Mission Christmas appeal to make sure every child has a present to open on Christmas morning.

To help support the charity, I decided to take a stall at their Christmas Fayre on 28 November.

Joining lots of others on the night, I offered mini colour and makeup assessments for £10 and I donated all the money to the charity.

Here’s a peak at my stall.

Cash for kids event

You can also support the charity by buying gifts too. There are thousands of children in need of a gift this Christmas from new born babies up to 18 years of age.

Mission Christmas

You can send any gifts directly to them (or drop them off):

Mission Christmas

The Store Room



LS11 8EG

The deadline is 17th December.

If you’d like to know more about the charity please visit:

In full colour event – Sheffield Hallam University students and John Lewis

I was honoured to be invited to speak at the ‘In full colour’ fashion event on 20 November. It was organised by Sheffield Hallam University students with John Lewis & Partners.


The fashion students set up five areas around the room to showcase the colour trends of the season.

Sheffield Hallam uni event

Image courtesy of Sheffield Hallam University as part of the event 1. Deep shores (greens and blues). 2. Spiced pumpkin (oranges). 3. Raspberry (purple and pinks). 4. New neutrals (browns, greys). 5. Fiery red (reds and rich oranges).

Colour Analysis presentation

At 7pm I was invited to deliver my presentation about colour analysis. If you’re on Instagram, you can catch some of the highlights and recordings from the grids. Here’s the profile links: @tlcstyleandcolour, @shu_fmc, @johnlewisincolour

I explained what’s involved in a colour analysis consultation and what to expect using some examples. Everyone can wear colour, it’s merely identifying the shade of colour which is best for you. During a consultation, you learn which work for you. This means you save time and money in the long run. When you wear the right shades of colour in your clothes and makeup, it will lighten and brighten your appearance making you look and feel good in what you wear.

If you’ve previously had a consultation and was analysed as a spring, summer, autumn or winter, things have changed. If you’re finding that some colours aren’t working for you anymore or your hair colour has drastically changed; it could be worth booking a review.

The current system is more advanced. At Colour me Beautiful, we assess a person’s physical characteristics – their hair, skin and eyes, to identify the shades of colour and how to wear them.

Using clothing from John Lewis, I demonstrated a few of the current trends to the audience. It included how clothes and styles can suit different body shapes. Size doesn’t matter but shape does, so if something doesn’t fit right, your shape will play a part.

It’s tempting to buy what’s in fashion, but when you learn what works for your colouring, shape and personality, you don’t need to.

The students worked so hard and the fashion show showcase was excellent. I truly wish them all the success and thank them for the invite.

Contact me to book a session.

Special offers to complete your look

Knowing what to wear doesn’t just mean the clothes you wear. For the ladies, it also means your makeup.

Makeup doesn’t have to take hours, change the colour of your face or learning how to contour, though if that’s your thing go for it!

But, whatever you do choose to apply to your face, just like your clothes, your makeup should enhance your features. This is as simple as choosing the right shades of colour in your cosmetics.

Colour me Beautiful offer a range of cosmetics to help you achieve this and as a Colour me Beautiful Consultant, I’m delighted to be able to offer these to you. They’ve been created with our colouring types in mind so you know you’ll always be able to get the shades which suit you from me.

The range is also cruelty free, with no lead or parabens (the nasty stuff) being applied to your skin and the majority of the range is now made in the U.K. As they are only available through Colour me Beautiful consultants, I’ve also committed that when I receive a special offer or discount, I pass it on.

If you’re following me on social media or you’ve seen me recently then you’ll have seen the amazing options available until 31 December.

All can be ordered online through my store and delivered to your home address. Spend over £45 and delivery is free.

Plus, if you’re local, you can collect from the studio in Wakefield too – just drop me a line to place your order (payment in advance is required).

The special offers make it an ideal time to stock up for yourself or treat a loved one with the savings you can make.

Here’s a summary of what’s available:

Eye defining duo

Eye defining duo offer

Choose a volumising mascara and any eye pencil for just £20. I’d recommend navy mascara for anyone with blue eyes. The black/brown shade works for everyone as does the teal eye pencil.

Time to sparkle

Time to sparkle offer
The perfect time of year to add some sparkle! Two highlighters in one handy compact (and you can customise by adding eyeshadows, blushers, lip gloss and powders in the same box too). Dust over the cheekbones, highlight the brows or above the lip. Or, they make great eyeshadows too all for just £20.85.

Getting lippy

Getting lippy offer

Have you Ever struggled to find the right shade of lipstick which suits you? With over 50 combinations available, fear not! Sorted via dominant colouring type online but includes a lipstick, lip gloss and lip pencil all for just £31 to create that perfect pout. Drop me a line, send me a pic or pop into the studio to find out yours.

Defining moment

Defining moments offer
Define those lips and eyes with four soft pencils; two for eyes and two for lips. Line the lips first and my tip is to fill in for a subtle all over, matt colour. Use the eye pencils to help define the shape of the eyes, but be careful not to wrap the eye completely which can minimise the appearance. Four for £31.

Dazzling duo

Dazzling duo offer

Create the perfect base using the velvet perfection primer and your perfect shade of morning light foundation. This month, buy both for just £31.50. Remember when choosing foundation to test it first on your jawline. It should blend in and disappear if it’s the perfect shade. I always receive such positive comments about how the foundation feels on your skin – not clogging or heavy, good coverage but light.

Going undercover

Going undercover offer

The mint primer neutralises any redness (including spots, patches and rosacea). The neutral primer gets rid of those pesky dark circles! The concealer then conceals them all. Get all three for £33.

New Facial Oil – BOGOF

Liquid gold offer

What better time of year to introduce the newest skincare product to the range which includes GOLD!

All the skincare is made in the U.K., in recycled packaging and is organic and vegan and filled with essential oils.

Buy one, get one free (one for you, one for a friend?) for £37.50 or buy one for £25.

Pic n mix compact

Pic n mix compact offer
If you were a pic n mix fan in Woolworths like I was when I was younger, you’ll love this! Choosing eight refills for the compact will be tough though. Includes eyeshadows, blushers, lip glosses and highlighters but excludes the pressed powder and bronzer). All eight included in the compact for just £55.

Winter skin savers

Winter skin offer

This makes the perfect gift this winter. All three (full size) products in a purple cosmetic bag. Includes the new lavender and frankincense facial oil, replenishing jasmine and chamomile night cream and your choice of either the geranium moisture boost day cream or rose q10 anti ageing day cream. All three for just £59.

If you need any help choosing the right shades, just ask and I’ll be happy to offer advice.

Purchase online or contact me to buy and collect from the studio in Wakefield.

Guest blog – What should I wear to our family photo shoot?

I believe that everyone can dress with confidence which is something which resonated with Clare from Austhorpe Photography at a recent event I attended.

We were chatting and she asked if I wrote guest blogs. Yes I said, and I asked her what she gets asked most often. The first thing people ask when they book their photo shoot is ‘what should we wear?!’. So I agreed to cover this in a blog for her website.

You can read my guest blog here


Scarf tying ideas: pashmina styles

For those who love wearing scarves, it’s easy to get stuck wearing them the same way isn’t it?

So, if you’re looking for some new ways to tie a scarf, or perhaps you’re just in need of some inspiration, look no further.

Here, I am demonstrating a number of different ways to tie a scarf in this video. It was first featured on Facebook.

I’ve used the purple super soft scarf produced for Colour me beautiful. They measure 188 cm x 68 cm including the fringing and come in a range of six shades. Available from the studio or online.

Super soft scarves

Watch the video here.