Whether it’s wearing black because it feels ‘safe’ or choosing a trendy shade that doesn’t quite work, we’ve all made these colour mistakes! But the good news is, small changes can make a big difference! Here’s five of the most common colour mistakes people make, and easy swaps you can make to help you feel more confident in your outfits.

Mistake 1: Wearing Black Because It’s ‘Safe’

Black is a go-to for many, but being honest – it doesn’t suit everyone. If black drains your complexion, making you look tired, washed out, or in need of a blood transfusion, then it’s time to ditch it.

Try this: Swap black for navy or charcoal. Both are neutrals and will serve the same purpose that black does, but they aren’t as dark or heavy against your features. If you love black, my advice is to keep it away from your face if you’re in any doubt.

Mistake 2: Ignoring Accessories

If you’re unsure about wearing colour, you might find yourself avoiding them altogether. But, accessories are the easies way to introduce colour to your outfit, without going all-in.

Try this: Start with small pops of colour through scarves, jewellery, handbags, or shoes. A colourful necklace or scarf in a (flattering) colour can instantly elevate your entire outfit.

Mistake 3: Sticking to the Same Colour Palette for Years

Just because you’ve always worn certain colours doesn’t mean they’re still the best choices for you. Your skin tone, hair colour, and personal style can change over time. A simple tweak may be all that’s needed to bring your outfit up-to-date. Most people find that their colouring changes as they age.

Try this: Reassess your wardrobe with fresh eyes. Are your go-to colours still working for you? Have you found yourself reaching for a different lipstick colour or blusher to try and ‘balance’ or lift what you’re wearing? A colour analysis can help you discover what really suits you, especially if your hair colour has drastically changed over the years.

Mistake 4: Following Trends, regardless

It’s tempting to buy every seasonal colour trend that hits the shops or your inbox so you can feel that you’ve got something ‘new’ or ‘current. But, if that particular shade doesn’t complement your natural colouring, you’ll end up looking tired and washed out rather than current and stylish. Just because it’s in the shops, or someone on Instagram said you had to buy it, does not guarantee that it’s the right decision for you!

Try this: Start with the colours and shades that work for you, and then incorporate the trends. This way, you’ll be wearing something which flatters your features, instantly making you look brighter and healthier, then you can accommodate YOUR style and YOUR shape to bring your outfit up-to-date.

It’s the best way to have a wardrobe of clothes that flatter you which you’ll wear time and time again.

Mistake 5: Not Knowing Your Best Colours

If you struggle being able to identify what actually suits you, you might find yourself playing it too safe or making too many wardrobe mistakes.

Try this: A colour analysis consultation with a professional takes away that guesswork! By understanding your best shades, you can build a wardrobe that works for you, making shopping (and getting dressed) so much easier.

Pro-tip: Combine with a style and shape consultation, or opt for the full transformation package to completely transform your image!

Ready to stop second-guessing your colour choices?

Colour Analysis Consultations

Style & Shape Consultations