I’m sure you’ve seen the new colours and styles in stores and online.

Take the drama out of shopping with my pointers on what suits you with my latest on-demand, recorded masterclass!

All the hard work is done for you with this 44 minute video. Learn the new colours and trends with examples all at your leisure with this masterclass.

It’s perfect for you if you already know your colouring type, prefer to browse in your own time, or you weren’t able to attend the workshop on 5 October.

Get inspired with what to wear this autumn. Here’s what you’ll find included in the recording:

  • – Seven key trending colours for each dominant colouring type (light, deep, warm, cool, clear, soft) this season
  • – A bonus colour if you know your secondary characteristic
  • – 15 London Fashion Week colours as predicted by Pantone® Color Institute and coded for each dominant colouring type
  • – Examples of where to find the key colours this season
  • – The styles and trends you’ll find and tips on how to wear them
  • – Examples of where to find these trends and what to search for in your wardrobe

Purchase it here:

These recorded seasonal masterclasses are part of a range of seasonal updates available to support you.

View the range of resources here: https://www.tlcstyleandcolour.co.uk/product-category/seasonal-updates/