Back for Autumn is my ‘what to wear’ workshop where I share tips on navigating the colour and style trends for the coming season.

Whilst my mantra remains the same: just because it‘s in the shops, fashionable or on trend does not mean it will work for YOU and that’s OK!

Instead, I’ve done the hard work for you by searching and sharing what you can expect with tips on how to wear them.

These seasonal updates have been running for years now. Get some inspiration and guidance on updating your wardrobe. A new season is the perfect opportunity to reignite it after all!


If you’re not familiar with this workshop, it takes place online every year on the first Saturday of October. It’s then repeated six months later for the spring and summer trends on the first Saturday of April. 

Whether you’ve had your colours or style analysed before or not, these workshops are an opportunity to find out what the latest colours and styles are.


There’s no travelling and you’ll join from the comfort of your own home! So, book your ticket, grab a brew and a notepad and log into the live event!

I’ll share what’s in the shops and most importantly, what to look for and if the colours and styles will suit you!

It’s not about buy, buy, buy! It’s encouraging you to understand how can you be more sustainable with your choices whilst also bringing what you already have up to date.

This virtual event lasts around 90 minutes. You’ll learn the key colours, styles and trends this autumn and winter with a presentation I’ve prepared. Don’t worry – it’s not death by powerpoint as I’ll also share some of my top picks from the high street too.

To inspire you to check your own wardrobe, I’ll also share items from my wardrobe which tick off the new ‘trends’ you’ll hear about.


The Autumn/Winter 2023 event is on Saturday 7 October at 2pm. For reference, the Spring/Summer workshop takes place on the first Saturday of April (6th April 2024). Advance tickets will be available as soon as this event ends!


Tickets are £19.50.

This includes a copy of my AW23 shopping list, AW23 wardrobe checklist and summary of the colours and styles. There are all digital guides which will be emailed to you after the event.


This event has SOLD OUT.