It’s important to feel comfortable during your time with me in the studio. Here’s some guidance on what to wear to your session.

Colour Analysis Consultations

During your appointment, you’ll wear a white draping cape. This will cover your clothes so you can wear what you like!

Please avoid wearing high necked tops as these are likely to show above the cape.

I’ll need to see your hair so hats and hair coverings need to be removed. Your hair plays an important part of your appearance, which is why it’s taken into account during my colour consultations. Should you have any religious or personal reasons for covering or removing, please get in touch:

It’s best to arrive makeup (and fake tan) free so I can assess your skin tone and the impact of colour.

If you’d like to know what happens during a colour analysis consultation, you can read more about what you can expect here:

Style & Shape Consultations

Wear something which you’d normally wear which you’ll be happy and comfortable in during the session.

There will be no need to strip you to your underwear either!

If you’d like to know what happens during a style and shape consultation, you can read more about what you can expect here:

Makeup Assessments and Tutorials

You’ll be wearing a white draping cape during your session which covers what you’ll be wearing.

Please do arrive makeup free though.

Online sessions

Whilst conducted in different ways, the principles are the same for both in person and virtual sessions.

Ready to book?

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

Email: to book your appointment.