When we wear colour near our faces, the light reflects upwards which will either cast a flattering tone; brightening our features, or it will cast dark shadows under our chin and eyes.
When you try colours on, look at the overall effect – does it brighten your face or do you look ill?
Is it just the colour you’re wearing that is seen or is it you? You want to aim for the latter.
The colours that we wear should create harmony and balance with our characteristics so that when you wear colour, it compliments your whole look.
If you’ve experienced a colour analysis then you will have seen the impact that wearing the right shade of colour has already. For those of you who haven’t yet invested in one, here’s some examples of wearing wrong and right colours then a completed look after makeup application – can you see the difference?
If you do and would like to learn more, please share this and get in touch to book your session.
Individual sessions can be done or you can come along with a friend. To find out more about the Colour Consultations I offer, please click here.
- Wrong colours
- Right colours
- Right colours with makeup
- completed look
- Wrong colours
- right colours
- right colours with makeup
- completed look
- wrong colours
- Right colours
- right colours with makeup
- completed look
- wrong colours
- right colours
- Right colours with makeup
- Completed look
- Wrong colours
- Right colours
- right colours with makeup
- completed look
- wrong colours
- right colours
- Right colours with makeup
- completed look